Ace x Modern Y/N "Saving Fire Fist" part 4

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Ace chuckled bitterly after I answered his question about Whitebeards plans

Yes.... unfortunately I had to tell them...tell HIM that his father is coming to the Marineford to start a war just for his sake.

Whitebeard loves his family way too much to just leave them alone and not avenge them

He already lost Thatch....losing Ace or anyone else would really cause him to destroy this world with nothing left of it.

He truly is a dangerous man....I can't imagine myself pissing him off

for sure if I ever did that I would have died already-

"We need to double time and hurry to level one if we want to get out of here alive" Jinbei retorted so we all hurried up and finally reached level two to find two particularly funny comedic people

Buggy and Mr. 3 are both here, I remembered it all too well since whenever mom and I watched this episode she would laugh at their comedic and idiotic tactics

reaching this level after fighting off those other demon guards sure are tougher in person

"Huh?! Who the hell is this Lady?? I've never seen you in prison before"

Buggy was the first one who noticed me and quickly went straight up to my face, awkwardly I backed away chuckling to myself avoiding his gaze

"Uhh- Hi? Your Buggy the Clown I assume?" Calling out these Characters names will be easier since I can make up an excuse that I saw their all wanted posters or something just in case they'll find me suspicious.

once buggy heard what I said his face completely went flushed and his ego grew higher

"Ohh so you know me huh?? Guess I don't blame ya! Iam popular after all"

all the other prisoners he and Mr. 3 rescued all cheered for him and say he is their savior

Oh please- If it wasn't for Mr. 3 you guys would have still been inside your cells

I sighed to myself and chuckled walking towards the silent Ace
asking him what's wrong

he just shrugged and looked at the distance "Just...I guess I'm a little worried...Pops is very stubborn himself after all"

I patted his shoulders "everything is gonna be alright Ace, I know you'll be able to talk things out with Mr. Whitebeard your family after all"

Ace nodded his head and forced a smile on his face awkwardly rubbing the back of his head

"Thanks Y/N that means a lot to me"

"Any time Fire Fist" I winked and went back to talk to Jinbei about the next plan


D-Did she just winked at me??- Hah?-
Okay okay calm down Ace I'm sure it was just your imagination...

Right??.... RIGHT??

I slapped the blush away from my cheeks and shooked my head going back to reality

"Hey Ace you've been staring at Y/N-chan for a long time now what's going on? Is there something on her face?" Luffy poked my cheeks utterly confused at the situation at the moment

I awkwardly chuckled and rubbed the back of my neck telling and insisting him that I'm perfectly fine, for a moment he looks suspicious but only a few minutes later he shifted his attention towards his companions

I sighed in relief and went to the opposite way not wanting to ruin his fun with his friends.

It would be for the best if we just-

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