Killer & Kidd x Y/N "I'll Help In Any Way I Can"

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Our Killer boy is such an underrated adorable cinnamon roll he deserves all the love all around the world 💕

So hey why not write something about him! And so that's what I did today

Note : this timeline takes place during the first few episodes of Wano just after the Wholecake island arc :)

So if you're still not there yet please be warned for spoilers (kinda? Lol) I'm gonna change a few things here just to fit the idea I got for this one shot

Anyways! Enjoy reading fellow readers~!!!



Oh great..Just great! I'm lost..
Not lost like Zoro no I didn't wander off on my own

At some point me and Luffy were both seperated from the gang and now I ended up somewhere on shore

Standing up from the beach sand I groaned as I wiped off all of the dusts from my clothes while looking around my surroundings and upon observing there wasn't anything interesting here and there were no people walking around.

It most likely have been abandoned, there are no foods no clean water..who would want to live in such a horrible place

I decided to roam around more to search if there is something or someone that I can find.

Just then I heard a few noises from the bushes behind me, slowly turning around making no sudden movements; I grabbed my two Katana's as I manipulated my blood as it slowly covered up my blade

I have to make sure my poison is intacts and is active on my blade before attacking.

"I know someone is there, show yourself!" I demanded keeping an eye on the bushes

Steadying my position I patiently waited for whoever is behind those bushes and when they showed themselves i saw a red hair guy with a grumpy face his face was filled with blood and looks like he was beaten up

Wait somehow this guy seems very familiar...I have a feeling I know this guy somewhere

But where?? Hmmm

Oh! Right!

"Eustass Captain Kidd right?? I kinda forgot what you looked like it's been two years" I pointed at Kidd while muttering

"Tch....yeah so you do know me, we met at Sabaody Archipelago two years ago; are you that forgetful like your captain?" He snickered

I sighed and rolled my eyes placing back my two Katana's back to my side

"What are you doing here? have buissness with Kaido and his men or somethin?"

"Yeah and unfortunately I got separated from My crew because of those bastards" Kid answered

I nodded and just as I was about to open my mouth once more  about how he got himself beaten up I heard a bunch of loud cries

"There they are!! Eustass Captain Kidd and beside him is Blood Huntress Y/N!!"

"Urrgh they already know my location great" I groaned, Kidd snickered as both of us started to run

"Blood Huntress?? You know Blood Sucker suits you more"

I kicked his legs so he would stumble down he grabbed my collar and abruptly yelled at me


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