Robin x Y/N "Robin has a Girlfriend?!"

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This is a request from : _Onionnnnnn

Thank you for this lovely request!! I hope you enjoy reading it and I can't wait to see your comments!! Also sorry for the long wait!

Enjoy reading fellow readers~!!!


3rd Person POV

Robin was enjoying the peaceful silence while it lasted since it will only take a few more minutes before the chaos once their captain awakens

So she grabbed her cup of coffee from the kitchen and few books to read and sat on her chair placing her coffee and other books to the table

Although it was quite strange for Robin that the silence was peaceful..way too peaceful in her opinion

At first she ignored it but the longer the peace and quiet was the more worried she becomes

"Hmm...strange..usual Luffy and the others would start getting loud and chaotic" she thought

Feeling a bit uneasy she went to find Nami inside her room after cleaning up her empty coffee

Once she left the balcony closing the door Luffy, Usopp, Chopper, Franky and Brook all came out from their hiding spots

It was quite a surprise how Luffy was so sneakingly quiet for the passing forty minutes

So after Robin left the five of them quickly gathered around the corner

"Don't you think Robin has been a bit more vocal and talkative for the passing weeks??" Said Usopp whilst Franky and Chopper agreed

"Yeah! Robin was more cheerful too she tends to smile more wider! Even Sanji noticed!" Chopper retorted

"Could it be??...." Franky muttered under his breath the others asked what he meant as Brook laughed

"Yohohoho~!! There is a possibility that Robin-san is in love~" he remarked while drinking his tea

Everyone was shocked at the thought of it, Robin? Having a lover??

Bah! No way right?? She can't be in love! She has no time for that

Or does she?



It's a nice day today, maybe I'll go to the crow nest and train together with Zoro

I stretched my arms up high as I got myself ready grabbing my weapon and went up to where Zoro usually goes to train

And there he was indeed early in the morning training to his hearts content with those massive insanely heavy dumbells

He noticed my arrival and greeted me good morning

"Yo, mornin your gonna train today too?" He asked continuing on lifting the heavy dumbells

I nodded and went to the opposite side of him

"Yup thought I could use some little bit of training it's been a while after all" I responded

Zoro hummed in acknowledgement and nodded keeping steady of the dumbells

"Thats good, if you wanna get stronger you gotta keep on training" he remarked

And so for a couple of hours we both kept on training and once in a while we spar using wooden sticks

Mind you he is still stronger compare to me but nonetheless I am thankful that he complimented how much I have improved since last time we spared.

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