Bon Clay x Y/N "A Queer In Love"

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And yet again Haven't really seen any One Piece One shots where Bon Clay A.K.A Mr. 2 is in it

So hey Why the fck not? I have le ability to write some cringe shit so Here Iam Lol

Bon Clay is one of my favorite characters ya ain't telling me they ugly or Imma kick some asses XD

They are sweet and lovable only true One Piece fans knows this fact!

Anyways Enjoy reading fellow readers~!! ❤️❤️❤️

POV scenario : This occurred after Luffy and Y/N helped everyone escape from Impeldown : D


Being part of a secret organization isnt really my thing here but ...

Got no choice really, someone just happened to force me to enter in this messed up shit

Secrets means curiosity, curiosity means discovery, discovery means danger

And danger?? Obviously means death and I ain't planning on it any time soon, I still have a goal to accomplish before Death Reaper comes to my doorstep

So by any means possible I tried to stay away from any suspicious people as possible and whenever someone tries to approach me I tend to back away immediately

Trusting no one means safety secured so that's good and I don't think I'll ever trust anyone in this shitty world

Or so I thought....

Meeting this person changed my life forever apparently..

And to be honest I don't think I'll ever regret that I did

It's all thanks to them that I have grown stronger and braver than ever before

"Oii~!! Love-Chan~!!"

I can hear their voice even by just imagining that they are here

"Love-Chan~!! Can you hear me??"

How can they just be so perfect like that every single day-

"Oi! Love-Chan! Yo-hoo~"

Suddenly I snapped from day dreaming and shooked my head

To see Bon Clay waving their hand at me with a concerned expression

"You okay?? You've been like this for a few couple of minutes I thought I'm gonna have to need Ivankov's help!"

"N-No! no no! Its okay I'm not gonna need one either way! Haha...ha..I'm one hundred percent Okay!"

I panicked for a little while the moment they mentioned asking IvanKov for help

Now I know Ivan-chan is a good person but ....their injections are a bitch-

*Coughs* anyways

Speaking of the Devil Ivan-chan was suddenly beside me and Bon-chan not to while ago when we heard his giggles

"I see you two are having the times of your sweet lives~"

"Ivankov-san, Love- I mean! Y/N-Chan and I were just uhh- talking!"

I can hear Bon Clay's heartbeat go faster every minute passing by and their face was turning into a tomato

flustered he was avoiding Ivan-chan and especially my eyes as well

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