Female Law x Y/N "I'm way too gay for this-"

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Again this is from my drafts, I'm taking a little bit of break for a bit before my second semester starts TwT

This will also have some minor spoiler alert! So be warned‼️

It's about the latest preview of the next episode showing next week, though it doesn't follow the manga but still be warned if ya don't want some minor spoilers lol

I ain't letting Law and his crew to be disbanded in this one shot because I can. 😤 There will be no angst in this chapter!

Soo anyways enjoy reading fellow readers~!!



As we embarked on another journey after the battle in Wano Captain was yet again having another competition between Strawhat and Eustass Kidd

"Hah! You guys are going to the safe port huh? Those are for weak and wimps type of people!"

Oh no...here we go again...

I sighed pinching my forehead knowing that our captains are actually taking Kidd's bait

Bepo, Shachi and Penguin were trying their best to stop Law but unfortunately no one can do nothing about it, and it goes the same with the StrawHat captain.

"Y/N! Why aren't you helping us stop captain?!" Shachi panicked

I shrugged and sighed

"No point Shachi he got caught in Kidd's little trap, now go find something to grab on to"

And so everyone was holding on to something before we went down to the waterfall


It took a bit of time before we got out from the stormy weather and crashing giant blue waves of the ocean but now it's all calm and quiet

We're not gonna let our guards down though...something can happened at any moment so—

"Ahh...this is nice...a calm and peaceful weather—"

Veins popping out from my head I smacked Shachi and Penguin's head

"Can you two please stop being so laid back?? Don't lower your guard not one bit and let's get back to cleaning!"

"Oww....okay okay fine we're sorry"

Penguin hissed in pain and Shachi rubbed his head as they both grabbed their cleaning tools while Bepo was laying on the ground sunbathing

Law suddenly opened the door from the inside to check up on us here

"Anything suspicious??" He asked

I shake my head repeatedly saying no, it was quiet and calm around here

"This is way too suspicious truth be told ...no ocean in the new world is ever call and peaceful" I muttered

Law gave me a sinister smirk and his face darkens as he was looking out to the horizon that was filled with dark fog, seems like a huge storm

"You're right Y/N-ya. No ocean is ever calm in the new world...which is why we have to be cautious at all times, prepare yourselves."

We all looked at a huge ship seeing a dark figure at the top, Shachi, Penguin and Bepo went behind me hiding

Sweat started to form on my head as I gulped down my saliva feeling chills in my spine

It was Blackbeard and his crew.

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