Garp x Y/N "First Meeting"

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This is a request from : *Anonymous*

Thank you for this wonderful request! Sorry for the long wait! This is the first time I have ever written about Garp x Reader so sorry if it's not that good 😅

I'll do better the next time if ever! Since I do enjoy writing down your requests everyone!

And as always Enjoy reading fellow readers~!!



"Commander Y/N Good morning!"

"Hey They are called Vice-Admiral now remember? They got promoted!"

A bunch of newly recruited Navy soldiers saluted and greeted me with a smile as I nodded back

"And a wonderful morning to you lads as well, good job at working hard boys keep it up!"

As I patted their shoulders and head and walked away I can hear them sigh and fanboy from afar

"Wahh Comma- I mean! Vice-Admiral Y/N is so cool!!"

"I'm jealous! A bunch of rookies got Vice-Admiral Y/N's attention!"

Chuckling to myself I kept on walking towards Sengoku-san's Office

'what a bunch of fanboys, i hope they don't get in trouble with the more strict higher ranked captains and Vice Admirals

It wasn't long until I reached his office and knocked three times to signal him it was me

Once I heard him commanding me to come in I slowly opened the door

And upon entering I saw an older man eating ships on Sengoku-san's sofa beside him was a small little white goat and on the opposite couch was none other than Rosinante

The adopted son of Sengoku and also a member of the Navy, he is a silent type of guy and we rarely speak but he is a good man with pure intentions so I feel safe around his presence


This old man on the opposite side is quite intimidating to say the least..even with him laid back and eating his chips I can tell this man isn't screwing around

"Ah Commander...or should I say...Vice-Admiral Y/N please do come in, congratulations on a job well done"

Sengoku-san reached out for my hand and shaked it I smiled and nodded thanking him for promoting me, even Rosinante stood up and shaked my hand giving me an encouraging smile as his own way to greet me congratulations

I heard the man behind me stood up and laughed showing me his white teeth and big mouth grinning that his lips already reached his ears

He grabbed my hand and shooked me aggressively

This old man doesn't even know his own strength....

"Congrats rookie! You've been promoted as a Vice-Admiral!! That's a huge step keep it up"

"Garp please mind your strength, your making them uncomfortable"

Sengoku-san sighed and pinched his nose while the old man just laughed and patted my back

"Y/N this right here as you may have known is the Navy's Hero Garp you will be working with him from now on hence why I called you over earlier"

Sengoku-san whispered and patted my shoulder "also don't hesitate to punch or kick him he can be an idiotic reckless brute sometimes"

"Hey! I heard that Sengoku!" Garp-san pouted and pointed at Sengoku-san accusingly whilst I secretly chuckled to myself

looks like these two seem to be really close reminds me of me and my own sibling as well

"Anyways you two run along now I have tons of work today, Garp behave yourself or else" Sengoku-san glared towards Garp-san and grabbed his ships eating them all up

"Oh come on Sengoku! That was my chips you jerk!-"

He was grabbed by Sengoku-san by the collar and threw him out from the window much to mine and Rosinante's shock looking at each other then to Sengoku-san then to Garp-san who is now outside the broken window

"There, that will be your first task for today Y/N if you bring him back here before dinner I will increase your salary does that sound good?"

I muffled my chuckles and it seems like Rosinante's attempting to do so as well

"Not a problem at all Sengoku-san"

I saluted and nodded giving him my best shot grin trying not to laugh I quickly jumped down from the broken window only to find a sleeping Garp on top of a broken wagon snoring

It's no wonder why Sengoku-san wasn't all that worried about you...

This man doesn't seem to feel any pain not one bit, guessing the real challenge here is dragging him back to his quarters

Damn bloody hell- this old man is heavy-

No matter how much I pull or kick or even punch him he never wakes up at. all.

Tapping my boots and walked back and forth until I decided to buy him his favorite chips and got him to smell it while snoring

He immediately woke up and it popped the giant bubble that forming from his nose earlier

He snapped and was quick to grab the chips but unfortunately for him I'm much faster

"Hey Rookie gimme that chips! Those are my favorites!"

"Well that doesn't mean that their yours Mr. I can-do-whatever-I-want!"

I quickly sprinted but that only caused him to smirk and readied his stance

"You better expect to face the consequences for challenging me Rookie!"

Oh shit- I shouldn't have done that-

A second has passed and Garp-san was now in front of me grabbing my waist and tossed me over his shoulders as he was about to take the chips

I bit it with my teeth and kicked his head using my Armament Haki

It knocked him to his feet but not unconsciously but I was given enough time to run away

"Your a strong lad aren't you little Rookie?" He chuckled as he was rubbing the back of his head grinning like a monkey would do

I can feel Garp-san's dark grin and with veins all over his head and body
As he was ready to launch and attack me

"You may be a young tough rookie, but I'am way pass and stronger than You brat!" Keeping his grin he punched me in the face causing me to fly away

Everybody froze in fear, some were curios why we were fighting

"No it's okay everyone! This is just a simple training as all" I chuckled calming down the crowd

I slowly stood up and dusted off my coat walking towards Garp-san

"Your a formidable and a very strong Haki fighter, your very interesting Rookie"

"You won't be able to call me that anymore once I become one of the strongest!" I grinned and wiped off the blood from my lips

Garp grinned and prepared his stand cracking his knuckles ready to blow towards my direction

Just as we were both Bout to attack each other Sengoku-san smacked our asses for well...these mess

"You two will not have any dinner until you learn your mistakes!"

Sengoku-san furiously walked away leaving me and Garp to cackle mad laughed it off

"Well wasn't that an interesting introduction for both of us" I chuckled as Garp catched up with his breath and grinned looking towards me

"Hey let's go train again soon!" He suggested with a smile on his face
I chuckled once more and nodding

"Sure thing Garp-san"

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