Kidd x Y/N "Remember The Time"

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This is a request from : Yourmomismyhoe299

Sooo yeah! This is how Y/N and Kidd met for the first time ever!

I hope y'all enjoy the little first meeting and enjoy the "Enemies to Lovers trope"!

Enjoy reading fellow readers~!!



"Hey!! I'm heading out aren't you guys going to see me off??"

I peeked from the kitchen to see everyone silent and very VERY quiet
even Lucky Roo is quietly eating his food

Usually he is very loud and joyful along with Yasopp but ...

Why are they all so quiet?? Don't they want to see me off??

My smile slowly turned to a frown and asked them what's wrong

"..... see uhh...Y/N-"

Yasopp was cut off by my Dad suddenly bursting into tears which made everyone on his ship awkwardly look away

"M-My sweet baby Angel is Leavviiinnggggg!"

"Calm down Shanks, Y/N is already 17 years old she is old enough to go on am adventure on her own"

Benn sighed and gave Shanks more tissues while he cried on the corner

"Dad aren't you gonna see me off??-"

"No!- don't look at me right now I'm not looking at You! Right now, if I see you I'll burst out more-"

I've never really seen him cry like this....not ever since my sister Uta was left on that island for her own safety ..

Father must be very worried that someday I'll end up like he was very protective of me ten times more ever since My sister's incident happened..

I sighed and chuckled slowly walking towards my father and hugged him from behind

He flinched and stopped sobbing and moving, I breathed in and out patting his head

"Father...I'll be fine I promise, I've grown stronger so I'll be able to defend myself if ever Im attacked and! I promise I'll come visit you someday"

I gave him my cheerful smile, slowly he turned around to face me like a little kid who was about to be left behind by a parent to go to work

I know those eyes.....

"Dad don't give me those puppy eyes you know their not going to work this time" I smirked and crossed my arms raising an eye brow

Everybody laughed at My father's attempt to woo me with those puppy eyes to stay but ohhh no not this time

"You really think you can make her stay with those lame puppy eyes Boss??" Lucky Roo cackled and Yasopp agreed patting Shanks back aggressively

"Come on Dude! Y/N is a big girl let her live her dreams and be free from your puppy eyes"

Shanks sighed and laughed along with everyone else as he stood up and dusts out the dirt from his shorts

He looked at me with serious eyes, yet in those eyes....I can see....

A proud, amazing, strong and brave eyes of the man who took care of me and my sister

The first man I have ever loved..My father..Shanks stood up both as a mother and a father to both me and Uta when we have no one to trust..he saved us

Those serious eyes turned soft the moment Dad locked eyes with me

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