Ace x Modern Y/N "Saving Fire Fist" part 3

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"A miracle??" Ace asked more questions and got confused

Chuckling to myself I replied

"I'm from another world"

That's it ...there ..I said it! Crap..

It was silent for a moment before I heard Ace softly chuckling

"So ...You mean to tell me you are a time traveler??" I nodded and replied "Yeah I'am kind of"

He hummed in amusement as did Jinbei leaving me confused

"Wait I thought you guys are gonna pin me as a suspect or something"

I tilted my head in confusion before Ace replied he cackled

"Don't get me wrong Miss I DO find you suspicious especially since you just popped out of no where rescuing us, but then again you did mention that you came from another world" Ace shrugged

"We have a bigger problem right now so we will have to deal with you later, right now Straw Hat Luffy is already near this level we must hurry" Jinbei warned as we kept on running upwards from the stairs

Ace nodded in agreement and hurried before me and the Fishman, determined to reach his brother on time

"Hang on Luffy I'm coming you idiot!!" Ace cried out hoping Luffy could hear him

chuckling to myself Jinbei and I continued to  followed behind him, a moment later the three of us arrived at level 5.5 in the snow and blaze

Damn it lucky for Ace he is too ho- I mean he can make his body turn on the heat and reduce the cold

I shivered and hugged myself tighter huffing and blows on my palm

"It seems your not used to the cold Miss?" Ace smirkes and chuckled I glared towards him and scoffed playfully

"No I'am completely fine- Atchoo!-"

Once he heard my sneeze he snickerd and wiggled his eye brow turning his head towards me, we didn't even noticed Jinbei walking away from the two of us

"What's so funny fire fist?" I raised my eye brow and never letting my death glare dissapear as Ace looked away whistling

"Nothing~" he playfully replied, I scoffed playfully and sighed catching up to Jinbei where he found few logs.

An Idea popped out from my head and grabbed a log and asked for Ace's dagger he tilted his head and asked what for I replied "I'll try and function my brain for a moment and start making my idea so pleaseee?"

He chuckled and handed me his dagger without another second thought and kept on observing me as I started to do my work

"What are you making little Missy?" Jinbei asked also observing at what I'm doing.

I started carving out something from the wood and made exactly the same sizes our hands, mine just so happens to be the smallest ones unfortunately.

once all three was done I handed them to Ace and Jinbei

"Ohhh I get it, you were making a torch weren't you?" Ace has an awe struck face shocked as Jinbei hummed and smiled like a proud father and patted my head

"Well done little Missy that was very clever of you" I grinned and replied back "why thank you good sir"

Soon after Ace lit up all three of our torches and we started to travel through the snow blizzard

It may not look like much in outter screen but my sweet christ it's way more difficult in the anime!-

"That was a smart move Miss bit the torch and you beating the shit out of those bastards, if you didn't show up I would have probably been taken to the Marineford by now so..."

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