Zoro x Y/N "All is Fair in Love and War"

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"Zoro! Where are you?? that stupid moss head"

I sighed in irritation as I keep on searching for my idiotic Swordsman lover

This wasnt the first time he got lost yet it still irritates me how can he not get such a simple guide where you just have to walk STRAIGHT to get to the Inn!

Nami earlier on mentioned of having low on supplies and berries so we decided to drop by the next close island and exchange out our treasure   for berries and get some other supplies we need for the next journey

Sanji will take care of the foods as usual, Chopper and Robin for the medical supplies and books, Usopp and Franky will go and collect more tools to fix up Sunny

Luffy being Luffy goes around town looking for meat, while Brook and Jinbei will take on gaurd duty on watching the Sunny Ship

Meanwhile Zoro and I decided to roam around town as well, Luffy did ask me to go with him in search for more meat but unfortunately I cannot just leave this Mosshead behind all alone

Luffy understood what I meant and left me to babysit Zoro for today

"But now I'm almost regretting taking Zoro to town, even a five year old kid would understand what 'walk straight' means when shown the  directions!"

I groaned and facepalmed keeping on looking for the idiotic Swordsman, but to no avail Zoro was never found and I bumped into Nami on the way back to Sunny

"Oh hey Nami I see your done with your shopping?" I offered to carry few of her bags and she mumbled a thanks while we walked back to the ship

"Yes this is about all that I need, how about you Y/N? found anything interesting?"

Sighing and bitterly chuckling I shooked my head

"Nah I was busy searching for Zoro all day"

She deadpanned and frowned sighing and scoffed "honestly that dumbbells really giving you stress instead of relaxation"

I laughed and snickered "yeah tell me about it"

"Ignore him then, come on I'll take you to some few shops I saw around this corner, we can go back to Sunny later!"

Nami pulled me by my arm and showed me different types of stores showing me bunch of stuffs to make me forget about the stress Zoro has been inflicting on me

And to be honest it's working, sometimes Nami can be an angel if she wasn't in her "obsessed money" mode

Zoro POV

Where the hell am I??...I'm pretty sure I already went down this road..

Huh?...this rock seems familiar...didnt I just pass by here a while ago??

Damn it....where the hell am I?!
They couldn't have gotten that far right? tch ...damn those idiots know nothing but trouble always losing their way

grumbling to myself I kept on walking and walking but at some point the same rocks same tress and hell even the same houses I walked by are all the same

Could I have been walking in a loop??...nah must be my imagination
alright back to searching for them

Y/N where the hell did you go??..I swear to Satan you were just there by my side a minute ago and when I looked back you weren't there anymore!

For a moment I noticed something move from the bushes so I steadied myself and grabbed my katana

but upon realizing it was no threat I retreated them back and I was greeted by an old lady whom needed my assistants to go back to the village I passed by

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