Shanks x Y/N "I like Red"

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This is a request from : Local-anime-simp

Thanks a bunch I enjoyed writing this one as well!! It was so wholesome and adorable of them!

Enjoy reading fellow readers~!! 💓💓


As a member of Rogers crew I must not lack energy and strength, without it I'll be useless...

I need to be stronger in order to protect my crewmates

so I train hard day and night non stop for months of times as well as doing chores around the ship and help those who needed assistance

this had been my daily routine ever since I arrived on Captain Rogers ship eight years ago, I was five years old at the time captain took me in

I haven't been able to speak way too much as I have always been the quiet kid

But that all changed earlier today...


"Catch me If ya can Buggy!!"

"Hah?!? What did ya say?! I have a red nose?!?!"

I can hear both their voices all the way from the other side of the ship

those two boys kept running and fooling around until they both got scolded by Rayleigh

"Enough with your shenanigans! get back to work you lads just leaving Y/N all by themself to do the work!"

The two looked down and silently frowned, I chuckled and went back to work ignoring the three

sooner enough the two lend me a helping hand

"Hey you don't need to force yourself to do the chores I can handle it" I protested but Shanks shooked his head and grinned

"Nah either way we will still get scolded by Rayleigh so we'll just try and help out" Buggy nodded and grumbled

"Yeah...what he said...I don't wanna get bunked in the head at the moment" he looked away avoiding our gaze but continued on his work, eventually Shanks and I did so as well.

We continued on our daily chores in a peaceful and quiet manner surprisingly the two worked together so well if only buggy were to stop being Tsundere

"Has any of to seen Captain??" Shanks broke the silence and finally spoke up asking where our Captain Roger went off to, honestly now that he mentioned it....

He's right...Captain was no where to be seen at all

"He is inside his head quarters don't disturb him you rascals" Rayleigh patted our heads before leaving off to give orders to the other crew members

After we finished our chores I resigned to our shared room and cleaned up, changed clothes and sat down on my bed grabbing my book and started to read

It wasn't long after when Shanks entered in after knocking and started to change his outfit too

"I'm worried about feel the same too right Y/N??..."

I was taken by surprise at his sudden question but nonetheless I answered as honestly as I can say

"At first...I wasn't all too worried but the more you guys mention about this cough of his never recovering from it...My concerns too has grown"

Shanks sighed in defeat sitting down leaning his back to the wall and ruffling his hair

"He always shows off a goofy and happy smile but...I know deep inside he struggles in many things too"

I nodded and went to sit beside him on the wall too leaning in closer to him

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