Platonic Sanji x Y/N "Friends to Siblings"

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This is a request by : @-angel_devil-

Thanks so much for requesting this one!

It's refreshing to write about Sanji where he doesn't treat a girl like a romantic partner but more like a sister (hence why it's called Platonic Lmao)

Anyways~~ enjoy reading fellow readers!


[8 years ago]

"But I really need to?" I looked up to my Uncle Rome nervous and fidgeting my hands

"Don't worry You won't get hurt I promise" He patted my head and led me to a big giant mansion.

I was at awe and jaw dropped the moment I entered in, it was bigger and way more colorful than in the outside

upon entering in Uncle and I were both greeted by a big tall blonde hair man along with a young girl and four boys

the girl had a pink hair smiling and waving at me

the blue and red haired boy were both smirking as if they are planning something sinister

the green haired boy was drooling all over the place

and the other blonde and the most smallest one out of all of them is just there looking down, I also noticed how he has a lot of bandages and bruises

I was about to ask what happened to him but Uncle Rome looked at me and shooked his head signaling to not ask so I kept my mouth shut for the time being and let Uncle do all of the chit chat

"Ah welcome to my palace dear cousin" the tall man gave uncle Rome a pat on the back as uncle just smiled and nodded

"Yes it has truly been a while hasn't it Judge"

Uncle doesn't look very happy to see him....wonder why

While the two men were discussing about something I was told to wait outside the room and I was left behind with Judges I assume are his children

"Hi I'm Reiju it's a pleasure to meet you" the pink hair girl waved and shaked hands at me

"I'm Y/N the pleasure is all mine Reiju"

Thank god this girl is nice but I'm no so sure about her brothers... especially the three lunatics here..

Ss expected the three brothers ARE lunatics and idiots bullying the younger one like that

"Hey aren't you gonna stop them?? their bullying your youngest brother"

I frowned and looked at Reiju whom was just staring motionless looking at her three brothers beating the hell out of their youngest

Once it got all physical I decided that was enough

"Your reaching the limits buddy that's enough" I grabbed the Blue hair's hand before it hit the poor boys face again

"Tch....listen here girly you may be Uncle Rome's neice but dont you dare test our limits you might get hurt"

He smirked as I remained unfazed and remained my grip on his hand

"Your a fiesty one huh" the Red haired guy snickered along with the green hair

soon enough the Blue haired guy's smirk turned into confusion and then

All his siblings got confused on what's happening to him getting down on one knee

"Wh-What the?!-" he yelped and cried out in pain causing his siblings to get cautios and alert

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