Rob Lucci x Y/N "Jealousy"

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This is a request from : Sleepy_Chronos

Thanks for this request!! I'm sorry it took so long I just finished my exams and still have lots of unfinished work to complete

It's stressful but hey at least I'm back! Even for just a short while

So I hope y'all enjoy this one fellow readers~!!



Okay Okay! First day...this is the first day of my promotion to move to the secret agent

The CP9..

Don't get all frisky Y/N! Everything is gonna be just fine

You'll be fine you'll be alright! Stay optimistic and you'll survive just make sure that your ears and tail—




Gah!- why does this always happened whenever I'm nervous or excited?!

This clearly doesn't help AT. ALL.
Come on ears and tail go back! Or like-

Just dissapear already!!!

"Oi newbie what do you think you're doing?"

I turned around and saw one of the high ranked in the CP9 organization
Rob Lucci...

Damn it and on the first day too?? Jeez the gods must really love to embarrass me right now...

I really should just ....I dunno...bury myself to the ground or something..

On the first day! Really Y/N?? Seriously??

"Hey, are you even listening Newbie?"

"Y-Yes! I'am! Aha...haha...what were you saying again?" I sheepishly asked, Lucci clicking his tongue and sighed

"I said, hurry up and get cleaned Spandam called us for a meeting this afternoon one thirty Pm dont be late."

And that's all he said...

He just straight up acts like a robot or worst yet a butler that has no heart

dont get me wrong I like butlers their respectful and always responsible but...

If THIS GUY is the new Butler I'm outta here—

"Y-Yes sir! I'll be there any moment!" I answered and saluted

Okay literally looks like as if I' a tree........

Just great...

I sighed and rubbed my forehead and continued on walking just then I noticed how I have no tail or ears anymore

Silently I celebrated for a short while before running back towards my respective room

I changed and freshen up before brushing my hair and placed my jacket on before walking out from my room

Just when my day couldn't get any worst I bumped into ANOTHER member

"Oi! Watch where your going next time!"

"I'am terribly sorry sir!—"

I deeply apologized and bowed down my head repeatedly before looking up to a tall guy who reminds me of Master Shifu from kung fu panda due to his long mustache

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