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General POV
After some time at Aunt May's, Riley and Peter headed home. Tony had phoned Peter after not being able to find him and Riley so the duo decided it would be best to return to the compound. Riley and Peter loved travelling in a way they called web travel. It was swinging. They found it to be fast and easy as nothing much got in their way and they could have fun with it too. They both arrived at the compound with wide smiles on their face.

Peter and Riley still had their suits on but had taken off their masks. They swung into the main room through the open window and landed on the floor. Peter did his iconic pose as Riley called it and Riley just did a roll before standing up (A/N like a parkour roll sort of thing)

Riley burst out laughing. "Peter why do you do that pose thing. I will admit it looks cool but there isn't anyone to impress like the news people. I prefer practicality over looks. So my landing was better" Riley felt so comfortable around Peter, he just made her worries and doubts shatter and the shards disappear. It was how Riley felt with Wanda too. They made her forget everything that was going on and just live in the moment.

"Well mine looked cooler. Besides my swing was better than yours it was all wonky and wiggly" Peter exclaimed.

"No, Pete. That was your swing. I'm sorry to break it to you" Riley said, pretending to be sincere and remorseful. The duo both began to laugh at each other.

What Riley and Peter had failed to realise was that they weren't the only ones in the room. Wanda, Tony, Steve, Clint and Yelena smiled at the interaction. They had really missed seeing Riley so calm and relaxed.

Yelena had moved and accidentally knocked the table, causing Steves mug to fall onto the floor. The crash caused Riley to dart around and shoot multiple webs in the direction of the noise. Many hit Yelena in the face. Riley froze realising it was just her friends.

"Oh shit. Sorry Yelena" Riley muttered quietly, yet still loud enough for Yelena to hear.

"It's fine, but can you get it off me?" Yelena asked.

"I'll do it, I have the melting solution to Riley's webs. I did make sure to make it" Peter responded before quickly running off to get it.

Wanda walked over to Riley, and gently took her hands, the couple smiled at each other and Riley gently kissed Wanda after hesitating slightly. She was still unsure of what she could do but pushed the doubts Hydra gave her aside. One of Riley's hands made its way around Wanda's waist and the other cupped Wanda's cheek, as she tilted her head up and kissed her girlfriend once more both of them again, forgetting others were in the room.

"Oh my God! get a room" Tony complained. Steve just laughed at his friends.

"You Hypocrite Mr Stark, you and Pepper kiss in the compound" Peter said running back in, Natasha trailed in behind him.

"He does a lot more than that kid" Nat muttered.

"Ahhhhhhh, I didn't need to hear that" Yelena muttered while Peter said "I don't get it, what is more than just kissing? Making out?" Peters eyes widened at the realisation of what Nat was implying "Ugh. No. Why? Im a child" Peter said, dramatically laying on the floor. Riley chuckles at her friend.

"I can see again" Yelena says smiling, Peter had successfully removed the web from her face.

After a few hours of relaxing and chilling in the main room everyone headed to their own rooms to sleep or for some, lay awake. One of the people laying awake was Riley. She just stared at the ceiling lost in her thoughts. She hadn't bothered to change out of the clothes she had put on after taking her suit off. She was in a black tank top with a black sports bra underneath and some black shorts on. They were the first things she grabbed.

She wished she could just lay with Wanda and relax as Wanda always managed to calm her anxiety, and make her feel safe. She needed her lover. She needed her warm touch and her loving embrace, but Riley didn't want to disturb her. So Riley lay in her bed, awake and unable to sleep.

Eventually Riley gave up any hopes of sleeping and grabbed her headphones, phones and a hoodie. She put her headphones on and her hoodie, her pressed play on her playlist before putting her phones in her pocked and leaving her room.

Riley had decided upon walking around the compound. She had been sitting there departing it for an hour not wanting to get in trouble for not being allowed to leave her room. After some time and many reminders to herself that she was no longer in a cell in Hydra did Riley leave the room. There was some hesitation upon finally opening the door and stepping out of the room but eventually Riley took the step.

Riley walked around the compound for some time just listening to her music and occasionally humming the tune, sometimes she would mumble the lyrics gently and carefully not wanting to wake anyone.

Riley's head you red quickly after hearing tapping on the widow. She ran to the side with her eyes closed and her breathing quicker than it should be. Hydra. She knew they would come back, she wanted to run but also didn't want to allow her friends to be put in danger so she stayed, ready to shoot her webs.

The tapping on the window stopped and Riley head gentle footsteps on the floor so she fired he web and turned to face the Hydra agent. Riley's eyes widened.

It was just a pigeon. "Just a bird, just a bird. Not Hydra" Riley muttered to herself. She hit her head against the wall not hard enough to do any damage but enough to hurt.

She knew the fear of Hydra would haunt her forever. Riley fell down the wall, the though of being captured by Hydra had brought some memories of what had happened last time. Flashbacks swarmed her along with a panic attack. Her eyes stare into the wall, looking but not seeing it. She was frozen as one flashback stood out and consumed her completely.

Riley's POV
I had finished her strength training. Hydra wanted to keep me strong so had forced me to train with weights and some crappy old gym equipment. I was tired and aching yet I was still wanted to do more.

"You will kill these, you know I don't even know why I have to explain it to you. Your stupid ass should be able to know what to do know, anyone would" My 'father' explained.

I got ready, my firsts raised and my body prepared for a fight.

It was a long fight and there was more people that ever before. One of them had managed to hut me hard on the head with a metal bat, so my visor was slightly blurry and my head throbbed. I knew the drill, I had to check the bodies and make sure every single one of them was dead, if it turned out even one of them was till alive when I left the room I would be punished, severely.

I got closer to one of the last men. He was alive. They person must have noticed my presence so he had opened his eyes. He stared at me, with a blank expression. That turned to a desperate one when he realised what I was going to do. "No please. Please, don't kill me. I need to get back to my son, and my husband. Please. My son would only have one of his dad's and he has no other family than that. I need to protect my son. Please don't kill me, please, please, please. Hydra has tore my life apart, Let me live so I can start over. I didn't sign up for this. I was ripped from my car one night when I was driving home. I just wanted to get home to my boy. Why do you work for them? How could you do this?" He begs for his life. I hesitate.

"HURRY UP! What is taking so long! Kill him!" Before doing as I am told I whisper to him.

"I'm sorry, but Hydra owns me. I will hate myself as much as you hate me for this, probably much more, and I hate Hydra as much as you. I'm really sorry" I whisper gently before quickly snapping his neck trying to get his suffering over quickly.

Hydra has ruined my life and so many other. All of the people I have killed, their family's. I want my freedom back. I want my life back. I should have fought harder for my life then I could be free. It's all my fault, the death and pain.

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