112. Peerless

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Yun's attack had scattered the white thorny chains to smitherings, and destroyed the entire landscape around.

Yin Long's shield shattered, and the floor beneath the Clan Leaders collapsed into the abyss. They all struggled to find their footing, and were hopping from one boulder to the next, trying to avoid getting crushed by the rocks and debris.

"Hmph." Yun was suddenly in their midst, amid the large rocky rubble. "Humans never know their place." He appeared right before Kong Zihao, then he swivelled and kicked him, right in his middle.

Kong Zihao had tried to block with his sword, but Yun had been too fast for any of their eyes to follow, and his kick had sent Kong Zihao flying towards the hard and jagged wall of the newly exposed abyss.

Kong Zihao had instantly spat out a ton of blood, before going completely unconscious. Luckily, Wei Zhu Qing had controlled one of the fallen boulders with her staff. The boulder had flown towards Kong Zihao and it caught him at an angle from beneath, just before he hit the jagged cliff wall.

But this only exposed she herself to danger, as Yun appeared behind her. He swung his fan toward her neck, but Wong Fu Heng had sent one of his crescent blades flying, to hit Yun's hand, which slightly threw his aim off. The fan hit Wei Zhu Qing's hair accessory away, leaving her long grey hair to fall and splay about.

She hastily moved away from Yun, leaping to another boulder, while trying to haul the boulder with the unconscious Kong Zihao. Yun followed her, but just before he could slash at her again, a qi shield appeared to block him, and she got away successfully.

"Sorry we're late!" One of the other prominent Clan Leaders had appeared on the boulder with Kong Zihao.

He was a greying old man, who was also from the Northern Region, and though he looked the worse for wear, with one eye completely blackened, and a stab wound on his side, he still beamed at Wei Zhu Qing.

"Lady Wei! I'm tempted to let this young one die here, and use the opportunity to become the ruling clan, but with your hair flying about like this, I'm reminded of how fearsome you can be!"

"If you can joke, use that energy to carry him someplace safe!" Wei Zhu Qing yelled at him.

"Hmph." He smirked, then leaned down and carried Kong Zihao.

Shuǐ ChangSheng and Ming Shen Zhu had engaged Yun in a fight, and the two remaining prominent clan Leaders of the alliance joined them, while the rest struggled to reach the top of the now severely widened abyss.

But Yun smirked, as he caught Shuǐ ChangSheng's and Ming Shen Zhu's swords at the same time. "I was playing around, so you must have assumed I was being serious with you miserable lot."

Before any of them could blink, Yun had moved, and had attacked every single one of them in a swift move.

A few had fallen unconscious, and were free falling to the bottom of the deep abyss. Wei Zhu Qing, who had managed to block the worst of the attack, weakly caught Kong Zihao and the greying Clan leader who had carried him earlier.

Then she collapsed onto a rough ledge with both of them.

Along with her, Shuǐ ChangSheng and Ming Shen Zhu had managed to block the worst of the attack as well, since they had Seen it coming.

Shuǐ ChangSheng managed to catch Wong Fu Heng and one of the two Clan Leaders, while Ming Shen Zhu caught the last one.

"Ho? You are more resilient than I thought." Yun moved towards them again, and they all assumed they had met their ends...

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