June 1, 2015 posted. ^_^
Percent 44 - Promises Made
"It's time to face the truth, I will never be with you." I said coldly to Ezreal. He came to my room. I'm so shocked when I woke up and I saw him inside my room, sitting at the end of my bed. I don't know how and why was he here or got inside my room without permission.
"Can we start over? Be strangers again? Let me introduce myself again? We can laugh or talk, and relearn what we already know and come up with new inside jokes and create new memories and give each other a second chance.." He said, holding my hand. I'm trying my best to get my hand from his tight grasp but he didn't let me get it. I stayed silent and tried not to look in his eyes.
"Answer me, Lavine. What happened to us? I tried very hard to contact you but you didn't even answered any of those messages and calls. I'm asking you why did you did all of that?! Tell me!" He said, desperately.
"I'm not the 'Lavine' you used to know, Ezreal.. I'm Irelia now. I changed. My feelings changed. I don't love you anymore." There I said it. But I know it's a lie.
"Bullshit! Is that really your answer? Seriously Lavine or Irelia? What happened to you?!" This was the first time I saw him this raving mad. I'm not afraid of him. I know what I'm saying to him was all a lie.. I can't help it, I'm feeling numb and completely blank.
"I know you do care. You care so much that it's eating you away. You hate the fact that you care so much but it's the only thing you know how to do but you constantly lie to yourself just so you can get through all the day long. I know you very well, Lavine or whatever your name is now.. You can't lie to me." He said with matter-of-fact tone.
What can I do? He really can see through me. No wonder, I got the feeling that he's my Mr. Right. My heart really belongs to him completely. One look at and the memories all came back in a flash. All my moving on process were all in vain.
I don't know what to do. Why is it so damn complicated?! All I'm thinking about now was we just can't violate the freaking law. Bullcrap. Dammit. Tss.
"Call me Irelia from now on, Ezreal. Because the 'Lavine' you once knew was only an alias.. So, do you have any ideas about what do we do now? I know we can't possibly break the Law.. It's really hard." I said looking down. I'm starting to cry again.
"It hurts me to think that you've ever cried for us. You gave me faith 'cause you believed in me. I'm everything I am now, because you love me." He sighed and wiped my tears. "Now I know what to do."
"What is it?"
"I'll talk to my parents."
"What?! What are you going to tell them? That you'll break your engagement to Krystalle? That's impossible, Ezreal. You can't!" I said to him. I'm afraid of our family's wrath. It will be a scandalous event. It can destroy and put our families in disgrace and shame. Flouting the law was too much of a risk for the both of us.
"I need to tell them. We have to fight and take risks, Lavine." He said with finality in his tone. I know he's right. But I just can't do it. It's our own family we're talking about and against with.
"You don't need to do that. You don't just leave your family. Sticking together... it's the only way to survive." I said convincing him. This will be a difficult obstacle to overcome. I don't know if we can do it or not.
"We have to do it against all costs, Irelia. We can do it. I'll talk to my parents about it. Don't worry." He kissed me in my forehead first. And that was the last thing he told me before he got out of my room. He's off to his parents.. I know this will be hard, but I hope King Drexel and Queen Elyza will approve.

A Mere Percent
Chick-LitLovely Heiresses Trilogy #1 Lavine Irelia Lombard story. "Even though I promised myself I wouldn't risk the chance of getting hurt again, for some reason, when I'm with you, it all seems worth it." We all believed that the world is filled with fairy...