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I got Irelia's and Ezreal's names in the game, League of Legends. But I don't play LOL.

I first thought about the plot of this story when I heard the songs, Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson and Long Live by Taylor Swift.

The surname, Lombard, was taken after the name of Diana Lombard on the animated cartoon tv series, Martin Mysteré. This is my childhood fave show after Totally Spies! How I miss the old disney days.

The surname, Morgernstern, was taken after the name of Jace Wayland from the movie, The Mortal Instruments, City of Bones. But I just added the 'r' for the surname to be unique.

The surname, Schreive, was from Prince Maxon Schreave from The Selection Series.

This story was inspired by my fave royals in UK. Prince William, Prince Harry and Duchess of Cambridge, Catherine Middleton. The Royal Trio.

Lavine was supposed to end up with Rylie. But I changed it halfway.

I'm planning to write 2 side stories. I already mentioned their names on my stories. Take a guess, perhaps?

I made this story to satisfy my second lead syndrome. Rylie was the first lead and Trey is the 2nd lead. So that's why, Lavine ended up with him.

Ivan will have his own story. It will be in my upcoming works especially the side stories or special chaps after I edit Lavine's story, he'll be on the sideline. :)

A Mere PercentTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon