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General POV
Wanda had woken suddenly and found herself unable to get to sleep. She eventually decided to see Riley and said to herself that she would leave if Riley was asleep as to not disturb her. Opening the door Wanda walked into her girlfriends room only to find it empty. Panicked she look around the room, scanning it, Wanda realised that there was no sign of any struggle and came to the conclusion that Riley had just left the room. Many Avengers were still on edge, they didn't know if Hydra was still after Riley and would attempt to take her again.

Wanda roamed the compound just as her girlfriend had earlier.

Eventually Wanda found Riley curled up in a ball leaning against the wall, just staring. Wanda also spotted a bird trapped under a web. Confused she walked over to Riley, she saw the tears slowly falling from her eyes and down her cheeks. She noticed her quick breathing and panicked state. Wanda slowly approached Riley. She didn't want to make her even more stressed out. "Riley, love. It's me Wanda. You are safe in The Avengers Compound. I promise, you are safe" Wanda whispered to her girlfriend. Riley's head lifted slightly, her thoughts still fuzzy and her vision blurred slightly.

Riley knew that voice anywhere, it belonged to the girl she loves.

"Wanda?" She questioned. Still unsure, she was still breathing quickly and was doubting what was real after the flashback.

"It's me love, can you count to ten with me? Try to follow my breathing, is that okay?" Wanda asked. Riley nodded slightly and Wanda began to count.

"1, 2, keep breathing with me Riley. It's fine, 3, 4 ...." Wanda said gently, when they got to ten Riley's breathing was lots slower and she was now completely aware of her surroundings and reality.

"What happened. You don't have to tell me but if you want to, I am here" Wanda offered

"I heard a tapping. God i was so stupid. I panicked and then I heard footsteps and shot my web but when I looked it was just a bird. I spiralled into a panic attack and had a flashback. Wanda I think I killed again. All because of my stupid mind. I just took another life" Riley said, tears pooling in her eyes again. Wanda slowly and carefully wrapped an arm around Riley and brought her in for a side hug.

"Riley, its okay. you have been though so much, your response was understandable and fair, don't beat yourself up for it. I'll check and see if the bird is okay" Wanda offered, Riley nodded gently, so Wanda got up and removed the web with her powers. The bird flapped its wings and flew out of the same window it entered through.

Riley smiled a teary smile, relieved she hadn't taken anyones else's life. Wanda sat next to her girlfriend again. "Thank you angel, I love you. I am so glad you are in my life" Riley whispered, Wanda smiled and kissed Riley slowly, their lips brushed together gently and carefully. Both girls were unsure, yet had the same wish. To kiss the girl they loved.

Slowly the kiss developed into something more passionate, the nerves passed, as the kiss ended. Wanda's hands where around Riley's neck and Riley's were around Wanda's waist. They gently kissed each other once again, and once more after that.

After making out, the girls knew they were never going to get to sleep so they headed to the main room.

"Can we put on a movie?" Riley asked softy not wanting to be left with her thoughts.

"Sure, we could watch Kung fu panda. You did say I should watch it on our most recents date. Even if that was a while ago but its no ones fault" Wanda offered, a cheeky grin on her face.

A soft smile made its way onto Riley's face, as the day came along with it "You remembered that? I didn't think you would"

"I can remember every moment with you, they aren't anything I would like to forget" Riley smiled at Wanda's comment.

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