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Kissing Anesu was a mistake, she got caught up in her distorted emotions and acted on impulse.

Did she regret it? No.

Would she do it again? Yes.

Would she? Kgomotso narrowed her eyes as she carefully considered that question.


A faint smile shaped her lips, she would do it again just to see the look of pure dismay on Xola’s face. That kiss was brief but very memorable there was no doubt about that. It was a prelude to the pleasure he was capable of giving and she wanted to experience the full might of it. Kgomotso shuddered at the thought and poured herself some of the Franschhoek wine and took a steady sip.

A glimpse of her flushed face arrested Kgomotso’s attention in the mirror. Her perky eyes dimmed the dark rings underneath. Desire deepened her natural blush, as she played the kiss in her brain. Trembling fingers brushed past her tingling lips, a beast was awakened from its slumber and Anesu was the only one to tame it. 

 Anesu. Anesu. Anesu. Even his name sounded desirable and it was good to finally put a name to that handsome face.   

She shook her head as a bewildered giggle made it past her lips, this was not normal. Was she losing her mind? She shook her head again, hoping sense would prevail this time because it surely felt like she was losing her mind.

A knock on the door startled Kgomotso from her wandering thoughts and she refilled her glass before going to open it.

“Ma?!” she failed to hide the disappointment in her tone. She’d hoped to find Anesu standing on the other side of the door. “What are you doing here?”

Her eyes narrowed at Kgomotso’s question and she crossed her arms over her chest, in her current mood Caroline wasn’t looking for a fight. “Can I come in?”

Kgomotso stepped aside, allowing her mother to enter. There goes her plans with her vibrator. “What are you doing here?” she asked again with a little less force this time.  

“I thought you were on a diet,” said her mother after seeing the opened box of chocolate, ignoring her question.

“I was… Eish, I am. That doesn’t matter, why you are in my room?”

“You didn’t need to go on a diet in the first place.” She gently pinched Kgomotso’s cheek.


Caroline sighed before sitting on the bed and glanced around the room, still in disbelief that they were surrounded by such luxury. As a doctor’s wife she lived a comfortable life but the Buthelezi’s were the true definition of the soft life she aspired to.  

“I couldn’t sleep because your father is a terrible snorer especially after a few glasses of whiskey and I told him to watch his intake.”

On any other day she would’ve pointed out that Sello was Kamo’s father and not hers like she always did when someone assumed he was her biological father, but doing that would cause a fight and ruin her euphoric high from that mind numbing kiss. 

“Did he sound like a tractor?” Kgomotso asked, holding back a smile.

Caroline chuckled, throwing her head back like she was at a Trevor Noah show. “He was worse. I need my beauty sleep, I don’t want to show up looking anything less than perfect tomorrow. I’ve dreamed of this day for as long as I can remember,” she said after a content sigh.

“As long as you remember that you’re not the bride.”

“Hawu, Kgomotso.” She frowned. “Can’t I be happy that my daughter is marrying into such a prominent family? And Lwazi is such a good man, I have no doubt he’ll make your sister happy.”

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