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"Penny for your thoughts?"

Now that their sexually over-charged reunion was concluded, he noticed something was amiss with Kgomotso. She was withdrawn and acting how she usually did when something unpleasant was on her mind. At first he thought it was attributed to her highly unpredictable hormones but it was more than that, he saw it in the way her brows snapped together, how she tucked her bottom lip between her teeth and the random humming she never seemed to realise was happening.

She looked up from her plate and smiled weakly. "Was I humming again?"

"What's wrong?" he asked.


No, he didn't buy that. It was obvious she was hiding something and he couldn't handle being kept in the dark. It would be better to know and help her find a solution if she'd let him assist.

"Kgomotso?" He tried to sound stern, hoping it would prompt her to open up.

There was a glint of defiance in her eyes and for a moment he was worried she wouldn't talk. She put the fork down and ate her chips with her hands instead, she gave up on the steak after two bites because the chef took the liberty of cooking it medium rare. She helped herself to his gourmet burger and finished it, leaving the steak for him minus the chips.

Anesu knew all her tricks when it came to avoidance and that was a classic example from Kgomotso's textbook, he also knew not to push her too hard because she would likely break. He brought her hand close to his lips and kissed her fingers until she blushed.

"I could get used to this, enjoying stolen moments any day of the week like we don't have responsibilities waiting for us outside that door." Her words carried a hint of melancholy.

"We can come back whenever you want."

It was tempting but no matter how many times they did this it still wouldn't change the scary reality she could possibly face, the thought of that lump tormented her to no end.

"I love you, Anesu. I love you so much I'm frightened by the thought of losing you."

"Hey." He caressed her cheek, his eyes not moving from her gaze. "I'm not going anywhere and I apologise for making you feel neglected, baby, because you are and will always be a priority to me."

Kgomotso shook her head, blinking her tears away. "I know, I was in my feelings yesterday I shouldn't have said any of that."

"You should never hide how you feel from me."

"I wish it were that easy to express my feelings all the time."

"Give it a try," he said.

She sighed, unable to hide the sadness lurking in her eyes. "In life things can happen that are beyond our control."

That was something he didn't need to be reminded of, but he said nothing waiting for her to finish.

"Would you still stay if I got sick, like terminally sick?"

He frowned, tilting his head. It wasn't in his nature to entertain hypothetical situations he figured it was a waste of time but this felt different somehow like she was trying to tell him something without saying much.

"Is everything alright with you and the baby?" he asked.

"Yes, as far as I know."

That was not an encouraging answer.

He got up from his chair and pulled her into his arms. "You are getting me worried asking that kind of question." He tightened his hold around her waist, soon enough her stomach will be big and keep them from sharing such moments.

"I want to know because this could happen and I'd like to be prepared when it does."

"What are you not telling me? And, please, don't insult my intelligence by saying it's nothing. I deserve to know."

He was right and she couldn't dispute that because she wouldn't want him to stay out of pity or some sense of duty if it turned out that her numbers were numbered.

Kgomotso cast her eyes at her feet and she couldn't help but notice the pink nail polish was bold against her pale toes. She filled her head with random thoughts to chase out the fear spinning in her head.

"I think we should sit down."

Anesu's stomach turned cold in an instant and he sank onto the nearest couch as fear weakened his legs, and Kgomotso held onto his hand, needing an anchor to keep her from going under the tide of emotions.

She took a deep breath, focusing her blurry gaze anywhere else but him. "I have a lump in my breast and I didn't know how to tell you because I might be making a big deal out of nothing."

He heard nothing else after she mentioned lump, everything stopped and so did his heart.

"Cancer?" He whispered because saying it out loud would make it true and he didn't want that.


"Maybe? It hasn't been confirmed by a doctor yet?"

"No, I still have to get the necessary tests done."

Talking to Anesu about this made it feel more real and it didn't help imagining that it was happening to someone else.

"I'm coming with you," he said without hesitation.

"I've already asked Hazel to accompany me."

"Cha, Kgomotso, cha. I will go with you." He sounded calm but the frantic look in his eyes betrayed him.

She wasn't surprised by his willingness to step up, Anesu would swim across the seven seas for her.

"Thank you." She smiled through her tears.

He brought her hand up to his lips. "I'll be with you every step of the way and this will not change anything between us. I love you, Kgomotso, and I believe in what we are building together."

"What if I don't make it?" She echoed his thoughts.

He didn't want to think about that at least not at this moment, losing her would break him to the point of no return.

"Let's not think about that right now."

"What do you reckon we do then?" she asked. She'd try anything to help her keep the lump business in the deepest and darkest part of her mind because it was messing with her.

"I say we enjoy the rest of our day, we still have a few hours left and maybe you can get a massage."

"I'm not in the mood for that."

"Okay, that's fine we can do something else."

"I wish I didn't have to go back home. I just want to stay here in your arms until this whole nightmare is over."

"I feel the same way." He sighed, kissing her temple.

Her father would show up with a whole squad of law enforcement to take her back to Sharpeville.

"Can we order more food? I feel like having some chocolate cake," she said, ignoring her ringing phone.

"Aren't you going to answer that?" he asked.

"No, they'll leave a message if it's important."

He picked up the phone, called room service and ordered another burger with extra chips for her as well as the cake.

"I think we should hold off on buying the Westcliff house."

She wasn't excited about making plans for the future when it seemed so uncertain.

"Why? You don't want the house anymore?" He was torn because he was excited about the house and them starting their new life together in it.

"I do but there's just so many things to consider now and I'm not sure we should continue with those plans."

"I'll talk to Michelle and see if she'll be able to work something out."

He knew all too well how she was feeling because he was once in her shoes afraid that his life would be cut short, but he wasn't going to leave like Jessica did. It wasn't going to be easy, that he knew, but he was ready to hold her hand through the storm.

"But you really loved that house," she said.

"I do." He nodded. "But I'm sure we'll find one better than it when you're ready."

Kgomotso took a deep breath but even that couldn't stop her racing thoughts, they overwhelmed her with sorrow but she still had a glimmer of hope that the lump will be benign and her life will go back to being a fairy tale.

"No, I've changed my mind don't call Michelle, I don't think it's wise to make this decision out of fear. Whatever happens I will fight because you are worth it, Anesu, you've proven your love for me more than once and I know I'll get through this with you by my side." She fought back her tears, her hormones were definitely turning her into a cry baby.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yes, and I don't want to talk about this anymore. You were right we should try to enjoy the rest of our day."

Right on cue there was a knock at the door.

"That must be our food." He got up from the couch and sauntered to the door, giving her an incredible view of his firm backside.


The server walked in, pushing a trolley and set up their food after clearing the dirty plates, it was the same one from earlier and he was extra friendly after the generous tip Anesu gave him. He was young and worked at the hotel because he struggled to find employment in his field of expertise after graduation.

Anesu ate his burger with enthusiasm as if he was eating for the first time in days and she felt bad for depriving him of a decent meal earlier even though he didn't complain. Her cake was topped with chocolate ganache, giving it a sweet and intense chocolate flavour that had her licking her spoon to savour it for longer.

"My mother is hosting a gala dinner in a couple of weeks and I'd like for you to be my date."

"I thought you'd never ask," she said, taking another bite.

He poured a glass of water and took a sip. "You already knew?"

"Yeah, Jabu told me."

Kgomotso was right about them becoming fast friends, they had quite a lot in common and Jabu didn't hesitate to recommend M&D to some of her friends who happened to have deep pockets.

"Hai, she's too forward." He chuckled. "So do you think you'll be up for it?"

"Will the whole Luthuli clan be there?" It was days like these when she yearned for a glass of sweet Rosé because meeting the whole family as the pregnant girlfriend was something she wasn't prepared for.

"Are you nervous?" He smirked.

"Just a little bit."

"Don't be mam'khulu will deal with anyone who gives you a hard time."

"And where will you be?" she asked.

"I'll be expected to mingle with the guests since the gala is in honour of my father."

It didn't look like he was too happy about that so there was no use giving him a hard time about it.

"That's fine. Jabu will also be there so I will manage without you for a while."

He finished his burger and wiped his hands clean with a napkin. "We'll leave whenever you're ready."

"Okay. Will you call Vincent for me, I'll need his help to find the right dress to fit your precious cargo."

He smiled, warmly at the mention of their baby, praying that no harm came to her or Kgomotso. "Yes, I will cause I also have to get a tux."

As long as it wasn't matching colours because she wasn't into that.

"Thank you. Is there anything else I need to know to better prepare myself before meeting the rest of your family?"

"No, just be yourself, baby, you'll win them over with your charisma."

"Did it work on you?" she asked, biting her bottom lip

He traced his thumb along the corner of her lips to get the smudged chocolate.
"Of course it did, it's the reason why I can't get enough of you. I love you." He brought his lips closer and kissed her.

She did the right thing by telling him because his ability to keep a level head prevented her from having a complete breakdown.

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