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There were no windows in here only the flickering light, which seemed to be mocking her and the stale air suspended in time because of the lack of ventilation. She was left in the interrogation room to stew after being escorted from the police van with handcuffs, Detective Zondi was more than happy to make an example of her.

She wasn't expecting a medal for what she did but being paraded in front of the entire hospital in handcuffs was a stretch after saving Nolitha from her deranged husband. She didn't die by some miracle and her condition remained critical but stable, whatever that meant.

She was a law abiding citizen, had never been in trouble and didn't even have a speeding ticket to her name but that all changed today, but she'd start panicking once her fingerprints got in the system there'd be no going back from that. Her father was going to have a heart attack and die when he found out. Time was a lost concept in here thus a mere 30mins felt like 2 hours and she was getting tired of staring at the walls when no one even offered her water, how did they expect her to survive in this heat?

"Miss Modise."

Finally! She almost jumped out of the chair because she was ready to get out of here but all hope left her once Detective Zondi's hefty frame came into full view, he was followed by a short woman, light in complexion with long braids she tied into a ponytail. She was plain with no make-up or earrings but her black pantsuit was stylish and she smelled better than Detective Zondi.

"You remember my colleague, Detective Gege?"

Kgomotso nodded. She was still trying to figure out if having both of them here was a good or bad thing.

"Good, then we can get started," he said.

Detective Gege sat down but he remained standing to assert his lame dominance. Kgomotso really didn't like him and it was worse this time cause Anesu wasn't around to save her.

"Wait, before we start I have some grievances I'd like to get out."

His chuckle erupted loosely from his lips and it was unsettling. "You don't seem to realise how much trouble you're in, Miss Modise, and you can't lie your way out of it this time."

"Trouble?" Kgomotso frowned. "He was going to kill her if I hadn't hit him and I've never lied to you about anything."

"So, you weren't working with Mr Walaza to kill his wife because you were tired of being the other woman?"

"No, that's not true and how many times do I have to tell you that I was not having an affair with him?"

"Okay, I think we should all calm down," said Detective Gege, giving her partner a reprimanding look.

"No." Kgomotso shook her head. "I won't calm down, not when I'm being accused of nonsense. I want a lawyer and I'm not answering anymore questions until I'm allowed to call one."

"Hiding behind a lawyer will only make things worse all you need to do is tell us the truth and end this madness once and for all," he said, glaring at her.

Clearly he wasn't as good as he claimed to be, it was his job to prove whatever story Xola fed them because this circus was fast becoming boring.

"I'm simply exercising my right as a citizen of this country. I don't owe you anything, surely you understand that, so can I make that call or not?"

He placed his hands on the table and leaned in closer, invading her personal space. "You're going to regret this, I promise."

"Are you threatening me, Detective Zondi?" Kgomotso titled her head and stared as hard as him instead of backing down like he would have expected.

PULL MY HEARTSTRINGS (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now