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The faint sound of her ringtone pulled Kgomotso from her slumber and it took a moment for her to adjust to the glorious sunshine flooding through the open windows. She searched her unfamiliar surroundings still disorientated from the rude wakening.
“What the f…”
Oh, yes, she was at Anesu’s house and alone in his massive bed which felt like she was floating on a cloud, where was he anyway? She didn’t hear running water in the bathroom and his pillow was cold, meaning he’d been awake for a while and that disappointed her somehow.

When her ringtone stopped she noticed a tall glass of freshly squeezed orange juice on the bedside table and she wasted no time welcoming a generous sip to quench her undeniable thirst after last night’s acrobatics, thinking about last night invited a healthy blush to her face and my oh, my, she never knew sex could be so…hot. She was still sore but it was nothing a soak in the bathtub wouldn’t cure.
This bedroom was vastly different from the one at his Cape Town bachelor pad, she loved the cream coloured palette because it was more inviting unlike the nautical blue in Fresnaye, which she found cold and moody. But it could still use a woman’s touch, her touch to be specific.   
Her cell phone rang again just as she finished her juice, forcing her to get out of bed and search for it.
“Hello,” she answered, breathless after her frantic search.
“Manana, dumela.”
She quickly covered her nakedness with a sheet, feeling like she was caught doing something she wasn’t supposed to do.
“Ausi Daphne?” Why was she calling because according to Kgomotso’s watch she was supposed to be at church, like she did every Sunday without fail?”
“Is this a bad time?”
“No, it’s fine.”
“Alright. I’m calling to let you know that your father was admitted in hospital.”
“Bathong! Ausi Daphne, what happened?” She got on her feet with lighting speed, ignoring the slight pain from her limbs and other parts she didn’t want mentioned at that moment.
“Is he going to be okay?”
“He’s going to be fine, Manana, don’t panic.” She soothed, sounding too calm for Kgomotso’s liking.
“What happened?” she asked again, almost shouting.
“He fell getting out of the bathtub and broke his wrist so they had to operate, he’s in the OR right now.”
“How did he fall? I don’t understand.”
Daphne sighed, searching for a packet of Grand-Pa in her handbag, she knew the steady throb would fast turn into a blinding pain and trigger a severe nosebleed.     
“I guess the floor was wet and he slipped.”
Kgomotso got up from the bed and looked for her dress and shoes in the closet where she found her purse. “Okay. I’m on my way, are you at Mediclinic?”
“Damn it,” she mumbled when she found no Grand-Pa in her bag, she was left with no choice but to go to the pharmacy before the simmering lava spilt her head in two.
“Ausi Daphne?”
“No, Manana, you don’t have to come. I’ll call you back when he’s conscious.”
“Are you sure, I can be there in an hour and I’m sure traffic won’t be a problem.”
“Yes, I am. You know your father doesn’t like it when we fuss over him, he didn’t even want me to call you because according to him a broken wrist isn’t a serious injury. And on top of that I had to beg and nag him to come to the hospital, remind me again why I married such a stubborn man.” She spoke with fondness even though it was obvious her patience was tested to the limit by her husband’s antics.
“Okay, I’ll call later to check in.”
“Okay, Manana.”
Kgomotso hung up and put her phone on the bed side table, she was relieved her father’s injuries didn’t seem serious but she’d feel better once she knew he was fine and would make a full recovery.
She ran a bath and found an unused toothbrush in one of the drawers and started brushing her teeth. Shacking up with Anesu for another day would be wonderful but she needed to leave early and prepare for work tomorrow, she had a feeling things were going to get worse before they got better especially if Mr Petersen continued down this shady path.
“Good morning, beautiful.”
Kgomotso blushed and didn’t care that she looked like she just crawled out of a hole with her unruly hair and ruined make-up, she would never tire of hearing him call her by that name.
Anesu stood by the door still dripping with sweat from his work out and Kgomotso was glad she had the sense to cover up, because his hungry gaze was irrefutable. He could get used to this, having her here full time, but he knew convincing her wouldn’t be easy because it meant he’d have to do something he promised himself he’d never repeat.
He came closer and turned off the tap, stopping the water from spilling over.
“Did you sleep well?”
Cocky bastard. Why would he ask her that after keeping her up for most of the night with his never-ending stamina?
“I slept better than most days this week.”
He smiled, folding his arms across his chest. “Me, too. I even knocked down my trainer and that rarely happens.”
She chuckled caught up in the mirth gleaming in his eyes. “You don’t have to be so smug about it.”
His determined strides closed the distance between them and he pulled her into his arms. “He’s a former heavyweight champ, I think I deserve to brag once in a while when I knock him down on his ass.”
“Oh, I would hate to see you on the days he knocks you down on your ass.” She teased.
“Please don’t rain on my parade, woman.” He smirked.
“Oh, don’t be such a baby.” She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him at an unhurried pace, but he was too hungry for her. His tongue slipped past her lips and he held her closer, brushing his erection against her thigh.
She stepped away from him, holding the sheet firmly against her body. “Hai, Anesu, I need to freshen up and I don’t have anything clean to wear.”
“You don’t have to worry about that, I called Vincent.”
“Vincent?” Kgomotso frowned.
“My tailor,” he said, getting undressed and stepped into the bathtub. “Come.” He held out his hand.
And how was his tailor going to get her clothes at such short notice? And could this tailor even make clothes for a woman her size? Why couldn’t Anesu just let her choose the clothes herself, she knew what she liked and which patterns she was most comfortable wearing. This made her uneasy but she didn’t want to mention it and end up offending him.
She dropped the sheet and joined him in the spacious tub, it didn’t feel crammed like she thought it would.
“You’re bruised,” he said, caressing the back of her neck. “Does it hurt?”
“No.” She shook her head.
“Did I do anything that made you feel uncomfortable last night?”
“No, you didn’t Anesu. And if that were the case I would’ve told you. I liked everything that you did last night, it really turned me on,” she said, shyly.
“You are turning me on right now.” He whispered in her ear.
He was already hard and poking between her butt cheeks, sending a direct hotline to her clitoris. His penis seriously needed to come with an off switch.
“I can tell but please behave.”
He chuckled and the sound reverberated through his chest, surrounding them. “I’ll try my best.” He assured her, kissing her cheek and his lips trailed down her neck, stopping on her shoulder.
Can I borrow your charger? My father is in the hospital and I need to check on him later.”
“Dr Diphoko?” Anesu asked, frowning.
“No, my biological father.”
“Oh…okay,” he said, softly.
He’s reaction was nothing new, people always thought Sello was her biological father simply because he was married to Caroline.
“Yes, Kamo and I have different fathers.”
“What happened to him?”
“He fell and broke his wrist and had to get an operation.”
“Do you need to be with him right now?”
“No, I just need a charger.”

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