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Kgomotso put Khanya to sleep after feeding and bathing her and she didn’t put up much of a fuss because the day wore her out. She had to bite her tongue when Sthembile made small incisions on Khanya’s wrists and feet and rubbed them with a muddy substance, her loud cry was far worse than when she got her first immunization shot. With the ceremony done Kgomotso could finally put any doubts she had about Khanya’s paternity behind her, and hoped to never hear from Churchill again.
The ceremony went well mainly because Lwazi didn’t attend and Anesu was spared from facing him, apparently he was still in bad shape to travel but Kgomotso was certain he stayed away to avoid a confrontation. She didn’t believe Anesu would’ve been able to keep his cool because had she been in his shoes, she wouldn’t hesitate to bury Lwazi alive.
She was happy to be back home even though what happened in Durban followed them like a curse that could very well derail their plans because it wasn’t going to be fixed overnight, unfortunately. She was never worried about Jessica being a messy ex until now and that was a valid reason to dislike her more than she already did. 
She didn’t expect to find Anesu in bed, waiting for her because he snuck into his office upon their arrival and buried himself in paperwork and she figured it would be best to give him space.
“Did she give you any trouble?” he asked.
“No. It was a long day and it left her spent.” She put the baby monitor on the nightstand and nestled next to him, pushing her butt into his groin.
He held Kgomotso close and enveloped her in his masculine scent and there was nothing better than being in his arms. “And you, how are you feeling? Are you tired?”
There was no mistaking what his question was alluding to, judging by the iron rod poking in her back.
“It depends, what do you have in mind?” She feigned a yawn.
“Ithi ngifake kancane.” He tugged on her underwear and swept his finger along her wet folds. The fleeting contact was enough to send her over the edge and she wanted more; the feel of his throbbing erection pumping into her core.
“Wait.” She stalled his finger from exploring her slick warmth.
His rapid breathing fanned the back of her neck and desire tingled all the way  down to her toes.
“What’s wrong?”
“Can we talk first?”
“Now?” He sighed, impatiently because it felt like someone just threw a bucket of cold water on him.
“Yes, it’s important, Anesu.”
Really, Kgomotso?!
“Eish.” He trailed his feather light kisses along her shoulder, hoping to change her mind because he sought the comfort waiting at the apex of her thighs. He knew sex wouldn’t fix his problems but it was a potent remedy to distract him from opening up about emotions he struggled to make sense of.    
“It won’t take long.”
“Okay, fine, but I hope it’s not about Lwazi because I’m not in the mood to talk about him,” he said, putting a pillow between them to alleviate his erection and it took him a few minutes to stop fidgeting and get calm. He might as well have called her a cock blocker with the way he was acting.
The hot and heavy atmosphere quickly dissipated and invited an awkward silence to linger in the corner.      
“It’s about Andrews.” She was still unsettled by what he said and couldn’t move on from it because her peace of mind was at stake.
“I already talked to him and made sure he knew he was out of line for what he did.” He didn’t sound firm like before.
“I don’t trust him, what if he helped Petersen to orchestrate the accident? He had the means and opportunity to do it.”
She could feel his eyes at the back of her head and he was staring hard, trying to figure out the secret workings of her mind.
“Never. I’ve worked with Andrews for more than a decade and I know he’s not capable of doing something like that.”
They could say the same about Lwazi, Anesu was blinded by the trust he had in him and never once suspected his betrayal and Andrews was no different.    
“Then why would he say the things he said to me if he was innocent?” she asked.
“Sometimes it’s hard to believe that the people we care about are capable of doing bad things and that was the case with Andrews. He’s not working with Petersen nor was he involved in your sister’s death, I’ll kill him myself if I find out otherwise.”
“Are you sure we can trust him, Anesu?”
Kgomotso wanted closure but her probing reopened barely healed scars she couldn’t run away from.
He caressed her arm as if sensing her unrestrained turmoil. “Yes, baby. Andrews is not the bad guy.”
“What about Jessica?” she asked after a slight pause.
“Jessica?” he frowned, squeezing the pillow tighter.
He would have been better off at the gym because his punching bag wouldn’t ask 21 questions when he should be getting head to help him relax.
“I’m certain she’s still in love with you and would very much want me out of the picture.”
They were out of the frying pan and straight into the fire and Kgomotso was not letting up because her insecurities were out in full force and had her convinced that Anesu would go back to Jessica.
He sighed, exercising his will power to refrain from begging. There was no reason to talk about Jessica because their relationship was in the past and unfortunately he couldn’t go back and erase it from his existence. 
“Kodwa nawe, baby, you know how to ruin the mood.” He put the pillow over his face to muffle his groan.
“Oh? So, what is this?” She pointed at his erection.
“Please sit on it.”
He was like a little boy pleading for affection.
She shook her head, smiling. “Is it safe to do so because it looks angry?”
“Good thing you know how to tame it.” He lowered his pants and his penis sprung forward, glistening with pre cum.
“You give me way too much credit.”
He laid on his back with his hands behind his head, grinning like he was about to hit it for the first time. “Woza ung’fudumeze phela.”
She took off her lacy underwear and straddled him, placing her hands on his chest to stop from tilting forward and head butting Anesu.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” She leaned back, balancing with her hands to keep steady. This position was a true test of her core strength because she already felt the burn in her widespread thighs.
“I think we need a safe word because I don’t want you to overexert yourself.”
“That’s your safe word?” He raised his eyebrow.
“Yes. And I’d like for us to go there for our honeymoon,” she said, guiding his shaft in and he thrust his pelvis up nice & slow, and the rhythm he set had Kgomotso delirious with pleasure.

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