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"Chommie, did you hear what I said?"

Hazel pierced through Kgomotso's thoughts, chased her out of her own head and forced her back to reality. She tried to calm down after that phone call because she didn't want Hazel to know what Anesu did, but being at such close proximity to him proved to be too much, and just watching him breathe intensified her anger. She wasn't angry that he had oral sex with his P.A, she was angry that he blatantly lied about it when she asked.

The possibility of Felicity lying just to cause tension between them crossed her mind but Anesu's lack of denial made her believe Felicity was telling the truth.

What was it with men and their inability to tell the truth? Was it some kind of modification God installed in them to further punish women after Eve led Adam astray?

She was stupid to think Anesu was different and this made it abundantly clear that men were natural born liars, it was as easy as breathing to them. They lied with the same finesse and no sign of remorse and you couldn't convince her otherwise.

Kgomotso tried to remember what Hazel was ranting about because she hadn't kept quiet since she joined them in the car. It was something to do with Sanele but the particular details escaped her.

"Eish, I'm sorry, Haze, I have a terrible headache."

Anesu gave her the side eye, as if he wanted to dispute her claim. One wrong word from his lying mouth and she would shed blood, turning his car into a crime scene. The man was an indisputable fool sometimes.

"You're lucky your headache wasn't caused by a man," said Hazel.

If only she knew.

Awkward silence followed and Anesu's discomfort was obvious as he scratched the top of his head. He was in the hot seat and very much aware that anything he said or did would determine whether he made it to their destination in one piece. He loathed not being able to talk and fix this mess because he didn't want to pretend everything was fine in a room full of people.

A soft sigh made it past Kgomotso's lips. "You'd be surprised." She mumbled.

The liar next to her cleared his throat and didn't even try to be subtle as he interrupted them.

"I'm sorry, baby."

Why was he speaking?

She shot him an icy glare and he focussed his attention back on the road.

"Take two of these and you'll feel brand new in no time." Hazel passed her a bottle of pills.

"Thank you."

"As I was saying, chommie, Sanele doesn't respect me like he really doesn't and the more I think about it, the more I realise he was playing me and I can't believe I never saw it coming."

"What happened exactly?"

She wasn't asking cause she had a keen interest in Hazel's love life but it was better to listen to her friend's relationship woes than talk about Felicity. Just the thought of her name raised Kgomotso's blood pressure.


When they arrived at Kamo and Lwazi's home Kgomotso was all caught up on Hazel's drama, which sounded like an episode from Uyajola 9/9. Sanele's girlfriend showed up at Hazel's house after she found their messages on his phone and wrecked Hazel's BMW with her father's golf clubs while Sanele watched from his car. They were long gone when the police arrived but Hazel found the girlfriend on Instagram after hunting for her on Sanele's profile. Her father turned out to be a judge so he used his influence to pull some strings and get the charges dismissed, they only offered to pay for the damages when Hazel threatened to go public.

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