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The key card trembled in Kgomotso's hand as she tried to insert it in to open the door to her room. She was nervous and questioning her hasty decision to come up here with Anesu, and at that moment she regretted the life of abstinence she led after her break up, moping over Xola. Hazel tried to set up a few blind dates but Kgomotso shot down the idea every time her friend mentioned it.

Xola often said no man would love her like he did and she believed him wholeheartedly, his words became etched in the deepest part of her brain to never be forgotten. She still held on to them after he left, hoping he'd one day return and shower her with his deluded love. It terrified her that Anesu challenged everything she once believed to be true, because she couldn't figure out if he was genuine or just pursuing her for a shag.

"Stop it, Anesu." She gasped as his feather-light kisses stoked the inferno burning in her. "I can't concentrate."

He smiled, pressing his body against hers. "What's taking so long?" he whispered, his warm breath caressed her already enflamed skin.

"You're standing too close." She protested but it fell on deaf ears.

"This is sexy," he said, touching her tattoo.

Desire coursed through her body and she wanted nothing more than to have him right there outside her door when she felt his erection poking around her back. She tried to turn around but failed to move under the weight of his body.

"Damn it," she mumbled.

"I'll get it." He effortlessly picked up the key card from the carpet flooring.

It was unfair how he could be as cool as a cucumber when she was just about ready to combust, she thought. He opened the door and she walked into the room on shaky legs. She grabbed bottled water from the mini fridge and placed it on her flushed face.

He tossed the key card on the table along with his cufflinks and they tapped the vase dominating the surface area, making a clink, clink sound. He removed his jacket and neatly laid it on the arm chair and gradually rolled up his sleeves, revealing robust forearms. His shoes followed and disappeared behind the same arm chair. She was surprised to see no socks on his feet but glad nonetheless that his feet were clean and moisturised.

"Nervous?" he asked, lifting a perfectly trimmed eye brow.

The ability to communicate momentarily deserted her. She gulped down the bottled water and used the back of her hand to wipe her mouth. "No," she lied.

His telling smile confirmed he knew that not to be true. "Come closer."

With a few strides Kgomotso shortened the distance separating them and Anesu motioned with his finger for her to turn around. She did as he requested, anxiously anticipating his touch. He pulled on the zip and dragged it down, avoiding contact with her skin. An involuntary gasp escaped her lips when the cool air hit her exposed skin. When Anesu paused she knew he'd found the stitch work from that morning.

"What happened here?" His fingertip brushed against her rear over the stitch work.

She hissed her impatience at the brief contact. "Nothing. I don't want to talk about it."

"But I'd like to know, Kgomotso," he said, gently as if he was convincing a child.

"What happened is that I'm fat, curvy, which ever word you prefer and you are probably regretting coming up here with me because you are repulsed." She spat out, moving away from him and slapped his hand away when he tried to stop her.

Kgomotso was more angry than hurt for believing that there could be something between them, she turned her face away from his gaze so he wouldn't see the threatening tears. What was supposed to be a night to remember was fast turning into a disaster and she wanted to cut a hole in the floor and disappear into oblivion.

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