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The two hour flight from Cape Town felt shorter than usual, she blinked once and Captain Hamilton made an announcement about fastening their seatbelts because she was preparing to land at Lanseria Airport. Too bad flying private would be a one-time experience because her tight budget didn’t allow her to splurge on such luxuries.
They didn’t have to wait at baggage claim, a perk she would’ve enjoyed if her heart and brain weren’t wrestling each other for dominance, but it was hard to ignore the ache in her heart and follow common sense.

She could however do without the perk of a tall and blonde flight attendant eye fucking her man, it seemed like seducing rich men was part of her job description because girl didn’t let up and her desperation worsened Kgomotso’s mood.
Yes, you read right. Her man.
Time seemed to be conspiring against her, instead of slowing down like she wanted it did the opposite and fast-tracked straight into heartbreak town, and now she seriously dreaded having to say goodbye to Anesu. She tried once they got off the jet and made their way to his Mercedes-Benz GLE Coupé, but he insisted on taking her home after she mentioned something about requesting an Uber.

She was bursting with happiness, knowing that he wasn’t in a hurry to get rid of her yet and it got her mind racing with so many thoughts.
Maybe, just maybe there was hope for them.
She snapped out of her thoughts when he turned onto her street, drove into the complex and parked in her neighbour’s spot. He switched off the navigator and the ignition followed, and silence befell them. It wasn’t suffocating like before and she wanted to bask in it for as long as she could just to keep Anesu there with her.
He held her hand and started caressing the back of it in soft patterns. “What are you thinking about? You were moody since we got to the airport in Cape Town.”
Oh, so he noticed?
“I wasn’t moody as you put it, I was just…” She sighed, staring at him as his lips touched her knuckles. “I was jealous, okay.”
“Jealous of Morgan?” He frowned and she cast her eyes down, embarrassed to even admit that because she had no right to harbour those kind of feelings.
Did he have to mention that skank’s name though? He might as well rip her heart out and grate it.
“Yes.” Kgomotso hissed, as she remembered how that skinny Barbie flirted with him like she wasn’t even there.
“She could’ve flirted with me until she was blue in the face but I would still want you Kgomotso. You light my soul on fire.”
Oh, my, his passion glazed eyes called her simmering desire to attention and it was not to be ignored.
“Do you want to come in for some coffee, wine and maybe food, I’m sure you must be hungry.”
She blushed, thinking about how they spent the morning in bed instead of having breakfast in Hemelhuijs like they had planned.
“I’d love to but I really have to catch up on work.”
A simulation conducted by their Chinese counterparts revealed a snag with the reservoir, which needed him on the next flight to Hong Kong because Mr Zhao was giving Anesu’s second in command a hard time, demanding to deal with him directly instead of Andrews. He’d thought the conference call would’ve quelled his reservations but Mr Zhao was a hard man to please and this project was too big to mess up.   
“I understand.”
What was she thinking anyway? She was supposed to put an end to their fling and not initiate a repeat of mind-blowing sex.
“Well, I had a fun weekend, you sure know how to show a girl a good time.”
“It doesn’t have to end. I still have more to show you.”
She slowly shook her head. “We don’t want the same things, Anesu, there’s no point to continue seeing each other if it’s only going to end in heartbreak for one of us. I wouldn’t be able to survive that.”
“At least take some time to think about it.”
“And then what?” she asked.
He smirked, tilting his head to the side. God, he was so sexy when he did that. “We’ll discuss that once you’ve thought about it.”
“How much time do I have to think about it?”
“A week should suffice, I’ll be back from China by then.”
“China?” she frowned.
Why was she feeling sad all of a sudden?
“Yeah.” He nodded.
“When are you leaving?”
“Tonight would be ideal, I need to be in Hong Kong as soon as possible.”
“You don’t get enough sleep.” She chastised him.
He sighed, signs of fatigue evident on his handsome face. “I’ll rest once I’ve completed this project.”
“Good.” She smiled. “I’ll see you when you get back.”
“Please, think about it.”
“I will. I promise.”
He kissed her, slowly, passionately and with a tenderness that made her heart soar, toes curl, increased the wetness seeping onto her underwear and altered her rapid breathing. He knew how to turn her body on and it responded to his touch without reservation.
She shouldn’t have allowed him to kiss her because that was a panty dropper kiss and his panty dropper kisses always led to sex. They were both in a state with no way of finding relief, because fucking in the car wasn’t an option not when they already had an audience.
Her neighbour, Yolisa was already watching them through her kitchen window, holding a bottle of Savanna and the curtain pulled back. There was no doubt she was intrigued because she didn’t recognise the car and she definitely didn’t recognise the driver.

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