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“I’d like to propose a toast.” Anesu raised his glass. “To a new beginning.”

“A new beginning.” Lwazi echoed his words.

Anesu took a small sip and placed his glass back on the table. He needed to keep a clear head and not fuel his thoughts with alcohol, because he already had a hard time thinking straight after that kiss. He liked Kgomotso but her unresolved feelings for her ex unsettled him, he didn’t want to get tangled into a messy situation.

Lwazi gulped down his whiskey and quickly refilled his glass and slowly twirled it in his hand, lost in his troubled thoughts.  

“It seems like there is something on your mind, what’s the matter?” asked Anesu.

Lwazi sighed frustration evident on his face. “Why is it bad luck to see the bride before the wedding?” he grumbled.

“I’m not the superstitious type, so I wouldn’t know.”

He had seen Jessica the morning of their wedding, is that why they ended up divorced a year later. No, he refused to believe that.     

“I’m nervous that she’ll leave me waiting at the altar.” Lwazi took a slow sip this time and shoved his other hand in his pocket. 

“I was nervous too on my wedding day, remember?” A sad smile crossed Anesu’s lips as the memory loomed in his mind.

“No.” Lwazi smiled, faintly. “You were hungover and we almost didn’t make it to the courthouse.”

“Ja, I was foolish, thinking it would last but you don’t have to worry about that because Kamo loves you.”

He didn’t understand why people got married and made promises of happiness and to love each other until the end of time when they didn’t mean it. He’d trusted Jessica when she recited her vows with heartfelt clarity and not once wavered, only for her to leave when he needed her the most.   

“I love her, too, and I regret not telling her about Nomusa sooner. I messed up.”

Anesu frowned. “I thought you sorted that out.”

Lwazi let out a loud sigh, taking another sip. “We did, but I know she’s still hurt and this has put a strain on our marriage before it’s even started.”

“What are you going to do?”

“I haven’t figured it out yet but I have to start by addressing this nonsense of taking Nomusa as my second wife.”

“That would be a good place to start,” said Anesu, fixing Lwazi’s bowtie. “If you ever need to talk, I’m just a phone call away.”  

“Thank you.”

“Uhm.” Anesu didn’t know how to ask this question, he trusted Lwazi implicitly but he didn’t want to bother him about this. It was important to him to know the truth and quell the gnawing feeling that refused to leave him alone.

He scratched his chin and gently touched his stubble “What do you know about Kgomotso’s ex and does she still have any feelings for him?”

Lwazi’s lips split into a wide grin. “I knew it!” he said, excitedly. “I knew that you like her.”

“Don’t make me regret asking you, man.”

“Okay, fine.” He put down his glass and still had that smug smile on his face. “There isn’t much to tell.” He shrugged like he was discussing a boring topic. “He’s a tenderpreneur and is married to my cousin, Nolitha.”

“Why did he and Kgomotso break up?”

He shrugged, giving Anesu’s question some thought. “Kamo never mentioned it but she did say they dated for a long time, don’t know exactly how long though.”

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