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He managed to sleep now that he wasn’t being tormented by his father’s ghost in his dreams, the prodigal son has returned and his father went back to resting in peace. It would be better if he haunted Tinashe next time he gave in to drugs maybe seeing their father’s ghost would sober him up.
His mother was happy and made sure she booked the first flight to O.R Tambo and come all this way to see for herself that Tinashe was in one piece, because Anesu’s word wasn’t enough to ease her fears. To have Kgomotso here by his side made the emotional rollercoaster bearable, because last night he hit rock bottom and she pulled him through and kept him afloat. He was hopeful about their relationship, knowing that his family drama didn’t send her packing.
“Don’t leave.” He quickly pulled Kgomotso back into his arms, holding her close and ignored the throbbing pain from his ribs.
His feelings for Kgomotso took him back to a time when he was a pimpled teenage boy who had kissed a girl for the first time, he didn’t remember her name but the memory of her soft lips and the taste of her strawberry lip gloss was still fresh in his mind. Tinashe gave him a pat on the back and called him a man, but he was still 15 with pimples and scared to talk to girls.
He may have thought he was in love the first time he kissed a girl but what he felt for Kgomotso far surpassed that infatuation phase. It was futile to keep fighting his feelings for her because his heart overrode his head and diminished the fear he had against opening his heart. He wanted to give love a chance again and he wanted to take that chance with her.    
“I have to get ready for work.” He found her croaky voice sexy and her eyelids were still heavy with sleep.
“Can’t you call in sick?” he asked.
A yawn escaped past her lips. “I did that yesterday already and Jack has been impossible lately, I don’t want to give him any reason to come after me.”
“Impossible how?” His tone was serious all of a sudden.
She turned around and faced him “Don’t worry he hasn’t tried anything yet.”
“Then why is he giving you a hard time?”
“You don’t have to worry about him, Anesu, focus on getting better and being there for your brother.”
She had a lot to say about Tinashe but her position in Anesu’s life didn’t allow her to speak ill about his brother, her last name wasn’t Luthuli so her opinion didn’t matter. But her mind was already made up, she didn’t like him and those feelings weren’t going to change anytime soon. He was selfish and almost got Anesu killed because getting high in Hillbrow was far more important than fixing his life. And it didn’t look like Anesu would stop coming to his rescue and Kgomotso wasn’t sure she’d remain on the side-line and watch if that continued. It was time for Anesu to see that his brother’s addiction was killing him and would soon affect them as well.
“I will get better, this is nothing I’ve been in worse fights and I’ll be there for my brother when he needs me to be, right now it’s all about you and I need to know what’s going on with Petersen.”
“Okay.” She sighed. “He’s still upset that you rejected his request for a meeting and wants me to change your mind because we’re sleeping together.”
He frowned, seemingly in deep thought. He wasn’t thrilled about granting Petersen’s request but he would do anything to keep him from harassing Kgomotso in any way and he’d have to find a way to deal with him because it was clear that he’d be a problem going forward.  
“I’ll take a meeting with him so that he can back off but I can’t promise to do business with him.”
“Well, there is something I’d actually like you to help me with.”
“What is it?”
“I have incriminating evidence against Sibakhulu Logistics that I must report but Jack wants to cover it up and put me off the case to make sure it never gets out.”
Maybe she should’ve talked to Hazel first now that she was on board with bringing Anesu into their plan.  
“Do you want me to use it against him?” he asked, happy because the opportunity fell right onto his lap.
“I want you to destroy him.”
Anesu didn’t want to look too excited for getting the greenlight to do what he always thought about since the day he met Petersen.
“Are you sure because doing that will cost you your job?”
She sighed, suddenly filled with doubt. Was this even a good idea, she had bills to pay?
“No, I’m not sure but it’s the right thing to do.”
“Okay, then I’ll do it.”
“Do you think I should resign?”
She had some savings to last her for a few months and hopefully she’d be fortunate enough to find a job before blowing every single penny.
“No, don’t resign I have a plan.”
A man with a plan she loved that, she loved him.
“So, you’re not going to tell me what the plan is?”
“No. It’s better if you don’t know.”
Better for who? Her future was at stake here.
“But what if something goes wrong?”
“Something like what?” he asked.
He didn’t seem as worried as she was when she found out about the hitmen.
“I don’t know, Anesu, it could get dangerous.”
He frowned, looking at her like she suddenly spoke in a language he didn’t understand. “I will handle it swiftly and legally, you don’t have to worry about anything.”
“Okay, but whatever plan you have, please make sure Hazel will be safe too.”
“I’ll do that.”
She was relieved to have her burden lightened because it was one less thing to worry about and her chances of having a stroke would significantly decrease.
“Thank you.” She pecked his lips and made a move to get out of bed. 
“Hawu, baby just a peck? I’m in dire need of some TLC.”
“Oh, really? Mr ‘I’ve been in worse fights than this’ you’ll be strong.”
“Woza la.” He pulled her closer, brushing his erection against her thigh.
“Yho, Anesu, wa hlupha wa tseba.” She giggled, dodging his lips. “You’re going to make me late.”
He silenced her protests, claiming her lips in a sensual kiss, his tongue was eager yet gentle and he made her moan with his feather light caress against her breast. She wanted to feel him inside of her warmth with his body pressed against hers while he whispered sweet nothings into her ear, but he had the sense to pull away before they both got carried away by the moisture pooling between her thighs.
“Thank you for coming, baby, having you here means a lot to me.”
It still bothered her that their fight about Xola still remained unresolved, she didn’t want Anesu thinking she was considering taking him back because that would never happen.
“And I want you to know that Xola will never bother me again, I made it clear to him that I’ve moved on.”
“Don’t worry about it, baby, that’s something I don’t want us to dwell on.”
She was happy that he was ready to move on from that but was also suspicious of his true intentions.
“When was the last time you spoke to Lwazi?” she asked, getting out of bed.
He frowned, wondering why she was asking about his friend. “A few days ago, why do you ask?”
“Did he tell you that they’re cutting their honeymoon short because Nomusa’s due date is close?”
With the way Kgomotso was asking, he could tell Kamo already called her and was dramatic about it, but he failed to understand why he was being interrogated about something that didn’t concern them.
“He may have mentioned it,” he said with a nonchalant shrug. He was the one who advised Lwazi to cut his honeymoon short and be here for the birth of his baby because he was more worried about disappointing Kamo. He understood that Kamo wasn’t happy about the situation but she could try to be a supportive wife.
And he didn’t tell her? She could’ve been better prepared when she received Kamo’s frantic call yesterday.
“Do you have any baby mamas or crazy ex-girlfriends I should be worried about, Anesu?” She went into their shared closet and chose a black wrap around dress with short sleeves, it would look flattering on her curves.
“No, baby, you have nothing to worry about.”
Jessica didn’t qualify as a crazy ex and he would tell Kgomotso about her once he was ready.
“Good.” She smiled, leaving the bedroom to get ready.
Anesu took his phone and dialled Mike’s number, he was always quick to answer and that impressed Anseu because he didn’t like to be kept waiting.
“I have a new job for you I need completed ASAP.”
“I’m listening,” said Mike.
“I need you to find me everything you can on Xola Walaza.

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