59|Rooftop Conversations

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General POV
The date was the 5th of February. 5 days until Wanda and Pietro's birthday. Riley already knew exactly what she was planning on buying Wanda but was struggling to find something for Pietro. She had no idea what to buy him, so decided upon seeking Peter's help. Her and Peter were on Patrol, The Avengers had decided that Riley was safe as it seemed Rileys fake parents were the ones who wanted her, and Hydra would ave just left her alone if they hadn't requested for her, so she was permitted to do what she wanted, and go where she pleased, without fear. She still held onto the fear, knowing it would never leave her. It was drilled into her by Hydra, she used it though. Allowing it to fuel her, and keep her safe.

Riley old also be having a conversation about starting school when she returned to the compound. She did want to go back but still felt a bit unsure. So would also seek Peter's advice on that too.

Riley swing in next to Peter who was sitting on a rooftop eating a sandwich. He smiled when he felt Riley sit next to him. Peter silently handed her a sandwich, he knew exactly which one to get and Riley also knew what Peter would want so sometimes the roles reversed, depending on who was early and who was later.

"Thanks Pete, I need some of your advice?" Riley said lifting up the bottom part of her mask to take a bite of her sandwich.

"What do-" Peter paused and held up a finger realising he still had food in his mouth and his speech was muffled, Peter swallowed and began to speak again "what do you need my advice on, cause if its about love, I can't help you. I am an awkward, stuttering, hopeless mess when it comes to my love life so, cant help you" Peter said sadly.

"I didn't come here to listen to your moping. And I didn't want your advice on that topic, I know your love life is, well non existent. I would have gone to someone else if I needed love advice, but I don't because my relationship is Perfect" Riley said, a dreamy smile on her face. Peter went to hit her lightly on the arm to 'snap her out of the trace' but Riley quickly caught his hand before he could touch her.

Riley dropped her tight grip on her friends writs quickly. "I'm so sorry Pete, I. I just reacted. Im Sorry" Riley had been on edge for a while, her reflexes coming in before her mind could fully process the situation. She knew she should probably see someone about it, and the other things she was struggling with, like the nightmares and flashbacks she was having, her insomnia, the trouble to believe a compliment or anything good about her, the constant state of anxiety she was in, and the overwhelming crushing fear that Hydra would come for her again and this time instead of her life they would take the lives of those she loved, she feared hurting those she loved, as in her eyes she was just the monster Hydra created. she didn't want to see a therapist though, even though, she, along with many other in the compound knew she had PTSD. Riley knew she would have to explain a lot to someone and disclose her identity and she didn't want to do that. So on occasions she would talk to Wanda but she found that very difficult as she though it wasted peoples time. Everyone in the compound would have been more than willing to help, Riley or anyone else in the compound.

Riley's leg jigged anxiously, she feared Peter's response. Even though there was nothing for her to fear. Peter understood her, yet she still feared it.

"Riley its okay, I understand, Its my fault. Anyway what did you need advice on?" Peter asked kindly, dropping the topic, knowing Riley would not want it to be talked about for any longer than necessary.

"So you know how in a few days it's Wanda and Pietro's birthday and I don't know what to buy for Pietro, and i though since you guys are good friends you could offer some advice?" Riley requests, Peter nods.

"I would get him like something stupid and something special to go with it, you are dating his sister so. Don't get in on his bad side, you'll do great, you are always good at gift buying. What are you planning on buying Wanda?" Peter said, offering the best advice he could, Riley smiled.

"You will find out later, you aren't the best at keeping secrets so, sorry but I cant tell you, I trust you, but with Wanda's brother in the compound, not risking it. I don't want Wanda to know what it is" Riley said, Peter nodded, he understood, he had revealed Riley's whole life to the avengers after moments of them hearing about her, and explained the plan him and Pietro had made to Riley very quickly.

"I understand. I suppose its a special present then" Peter said wiggling his eyes brows, or trying to anyway, suggestively.

"I suppose you could say that" Riley offered. Peter smiled. Riley sighed realising what he was signalling "Peter, its not a ring of any kind, so stop that"

"Okay" Peter said dramatically, he saw Riley's anxiousness over the gift "I'm sure whatever it is she will love it Riley" Peter added smiling, Riley smiled back, and was reminded of her next question for Peter"

"I was also thinking about going back to school after the twins' birthday, maybe a week after? Their birthday is on the Saturday so maybe I'll go back on the 20th" Riley suggested. Peter nodded quickly.

"That would be a great idea, I have really missed you at school and so have Mj and Peter and I think it would be fun" he rambled, Riley smiled and nodded.

"I'll mention it to Tony and Steve then" Riley replied.

"Yeah! Its going to be great to have you back at school, and the four of us back together" Peter smiled.

"I also forgot to mention that Tony was planning a party for Wanda and Pietro, I think its going to have quite a lot of people but its going to be held in the separate party area for the compound so no one can steal or damage anything that the Avengers need" Peter said, sighing Riley nodded, she didn't like big crowds of People she didn't know but knew that Tony had these for publicity, sometimes anyway. The Avengers found it good to show they were human and liked a party, Tony sometimes got a bit carried away with invites and brought some random people. Some were family and friends of The Avengers and some were strangers that most people had no idea how they got there. But Riley would be willing to go, it was her girlfriend party after all.

"We should probably head back, there isn't much going on and we have been out for a while" Peter announced, he knew the conversation was basically over and that even though the Avengers deemed it safe for Riley, they still worried for anyone who left the compound as threats were everywhere, especially in the life they had either chosen or been given.

"Yeah, thanks for the advice, I'll go out and get something for him tomorrow and I still need to buy Wanda's gift, I know where it is and everything. You know, I like these rooftop conversations of ours Pete" Riley says with a laugh, Peter chuckled as they swing back to the compound.

Hello readers, So the off campus party area would look like the area that they had the party in during age of Ultron but in a separate building from the main compound, like a ten minute walk away to make sure the compound is as safe as possible if there is a party

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