61|Party Planning

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General POV
The date was the 10th of February. The Maximoff twins' birthday. Pietro was up early running around and waking everyone to tell them it was his birthday while Wanda was sleeping next to Riley in her girlfriend's room. Many of the teenagers were tired after their movie night, they had all stayed up late and fallen asleep in the early hours of the morning. Sam decided to prank them and run inside the room banging pans to wake them. Many of the other Avengers had watched, some amused and some very worried. They got the reaction they wanted from Peter, Pietro, Kate and Wanda but Riley swiftly stood up ready to fight and shot her webs at the ceiling allowing her to swing into the air, she had sprang forwards onto the wall next to the door and had her arms out ready to shoot her webs.

Sam's face drained of colour as he realised his mistake. Natasha, Tony, Steve and Bucky had warmed him of this but he still went ahead and did it. They were the only ones he had told exactly his plan to many other he had said he was 'pulling a prank' Bucky had hit Sam over the head and walked over to Riley slowly.

Bucky had slowly walked up to Riley and said gently "Riley, its okay, Sam was just being an idiot" Riley snapped out of her trance, realising she was in the compound and ran to her room. That was where Wanda had found her. Laying on the bed staring at the ceiling, in a world far away, deep in her thoughts. Wanda had laid next to her. They had talked and watched movies. Riley hadn't left her room at all since, feeling guilty for almost killing Sam, she was prepared to do that as she hadn't realised what was going on.

But that was yesterday, and Riley was easy to leave her room after talking with Wanda. "I know you feel guilty for almost attacking him but he probably feels more guilty for being so stupid. He had been warned. He was so stupid" Wanda muttered hugging her girlfriend. They were just about to get their breakfast.

"Thank you Wanda, for everything. For getting me food yesterday and just being with me and Happy Birthday, I know I said it earlier but I wanted to say it again" Riley said, smiling at her girlfriend. "You're an angel" Riley muttered, smiling.

Wanda smiled in response and kissed her gently "I love you"

"I love you too, darling" Riley responded, Wanda blushed at the nickname, not having heard it for a while.

"Are you ready for the party later?" Wanda asked her girlfriend. Riley nodded.

"Of course. I have found something nice to wear, I think" Riley reposted "Peter helped me pick it, so if you don't like it blame it on Peter's bad fashion sense" she added.

Wanda laughed lightly "I'm sure its be amazing, you picked it too" Riley smiled at her girlfriends response and the couple kissed once more before leaving the room.

Wanda was met with many happy birthdays upon exerting the room, as every Avenger was there. Thor and Loki were back from Asgard after another trip and everyone had made suer to be there for the twins.

Sam smiled sheepishly upon seeing Riley. "I'm sorry for the prank Riley, I was warned but didn't listen so its all on me, I'm really sorry" sam offered. Riley smiled and brought him in for a hug.

"I accept your apology, I am sorry I almost killed you" Riley offered.

"Wait almost killed me?" Sam asked, many heads turned in their direction hearing the conversation.

"Shit yeah, erm, I was ready to snap your neck, I mean that's Hydra's fault, I though I was there and you were coming to kill me or something, sorry" Riley muttered, wanting to leave the room and hide in her bed, regretting bringing it up.

"I mean he would have deserved it" Bucky muttered. Riley smiled gratefully, the joke had drawn the attention of her and removed all of the tension.

"Thank you Bucky" Riley whispered to him, after she had brought him in for a hug.

"I just need to talk about the final details of the party" Tony announced. "So Pepper is coming, obviously we will all be there, Rhodey is coming too, and between 100 and 200 others" Tony said

"Wait What!" Riley exclaimed surprised, she was expecting people just not that many "sorry" she said, many chuckled at her comment.

"Okay, the dress code is pretty fancy, Avengers standard and I know I said midnight for the after party but that changed to 11 so we can still give gifts on the same day as the birthday, it also allows time for the other people to leave" Tony said.

"We also need to keep up a good public image, and Riley you will act as if you a re just any other person, not an avenger, same as you Peter. Your Spider identities need to stay hidden, with both of you at school. And please don't have fights or anything, do whatever shit you want after everyone has left but for the public behave until 11:15 as most guests should be gone by then" Steve announced.

"Sir, yes, sir" Riley said, doing a solute with Peter doing the same thing.

"Okay, remember, party starts at 4, so arrive at around that time, and don't be super late. and children, no alcohol, please. You still have the public image to maintain, and if you are all running around drunk that doesn't look good, that brings me to my next point, don't get too drunk" Steve said.

"Capsicle, we get this lecture every time we have a party! We know the rules, we are adults, just because your a grandpa, relax" Tony said

"Steve babe, please calm down. It will be fine. You don't need to stress, its a party. We can all be good for a few hours. Scratch that, we are always good" Bucky reassures his boyfriend, who nods and dismisses everyone.

"Why does Steve have to turn every single fun thing into something with so many rules and no fun" Yelena mutters.

"I would argue with you but you are partly right, it will still be fun Yelena" Natasha says.

"With my experience once mortals are drunk they forgot lets of things and rules are one of them" Loki mumbles grumpily.

"You are right brother, many humans have little tolerance for alcohol compared to Asgardians so the rule breaking happens quite quickly" Thor says cheerfully.

"You're not wrong Thor" Bruce mutters

"Well alcohol interferes with the human brain's communication pathways and can affect the way the brain looks and works. These disruptions can change mood and behaviour while also making it harder to think clearly and move with coordination" Vision states

"Okay, we get that you are smart vision, but we 'humans' like to enjoy our alcohol without knowing the science" Clint responds

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