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General POV
All of the Avengers were getting ready for the party. Natasha, Yelena, Kate, Wanda, Pepper and Riley were all getting ready in Pepper's room as it was the biggest while the others had gone their separate ways. They would each go into the bathroom to get changed and come back out when they were done, where someone could do their hair or they could just talk.

Natasha and Yelena had already got changed and were ready, Pepper was using the bathroom to change while everyone else was chatting.

Pepper walked out of the bathroom in a very nice dress. Natasha smirked at her, "Tony is not-" Natasha started but was cut of by Kate, Yelena, Riley and Wanda all making some sort of noise to prevent Natasha from speaking.

"Stop before you hurt my asexual ears, I do not need to hear it" Yelena said

"Yeah, and we are children" Kate said

"Yelena, I know you are asexual, or aroace and you have never mentioned talking about that to be a bother, if you a serious, I wont talk about it. And I was going to say Tony is going to be happy to see Pepper" Natasha says, trying to cover it up but failing miserably. Yelena laughs.

"I was kidding, but thank you" Yelena says with a smile. 'I have the best sister' she thinks happily.

"See now thats bullshit" Riley whispered, talking about Natasha's cover up "for a spy that was a shitty lie, but we can play along if it makes you happy" Riley added with a smile, increasing her volume slightly so it could be heard

"Touché" Nat said tilting her head lightly.

"Wanda go get changed" Kate whispered to her while the others were talking. So Wanda grabbed the clothes she needed and walked away into the bathroom. After only a few minutes she walked out, her hair was still in a lose ponytail as she hadn't done it yet. Riley turned around to see her and smiled dreamily.

"Wow, my girlfriends so pretty" Riley whispered smiling, "wow thats my girlfriend" she added dizzily.

"Aww, Riley's in love" Kate said, Riley nodded quickly.

"I really am" she said with a smile, Riley walked over to Wanda and kissed her gently, Wanda wrapped her arms around Riley's waist and deepens the kiss.

"Okay, sorry but no than you. Not in here!" Yelena said, pulling the duo apart with the help of Kate.

"Okay, Riley, you're up. And Wanda you look amazing" Pepper said, sounding very motherly. Wanda smiled as Riley walked off to get changed.

Wanda's outfit:

(She doesn't have the bag but the rest is the same)

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(She doesn't have the bag but the rest is the same)

Riley's outfit:

Riley's outfit:

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