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General POV
Riley and Wanda walked back to Pepper's room only to find everyone leaving and ready to head to the party or ready to meet up with their dates. Riley fiddles with the rings on her hands nervously, she had always despised crowds but Hydra had amplified that feeling as she was always on edge, constantly checking for dangers or feeling like she is in danger. A crowd will amplify that as the more people there are, the higher chance someone cold be there to, or be able to kill you.

Wanda gently placed a hand over Riley's and offered her girlfriend a small smile. The couple interlocked their pinkie fingers as they came closer to the group.

"Finally, we were waiting for you!" Yelena exclaims, "what took you so long? Actually i don't want to know" Yelena added, guessing the couple did more than give gifts.

"Yelena, no. I gave Wanda her gift and we slowly walked back, it takes longer than I thought it would to get to my room and back here" Riley explained.

Natasha being the spy she is had noticed the necklaces that were on Riley and Wanda's neck. She examined them and smiled, she saw the angel wing and the demon wing and knew that Riley probably rambled about the reasons but also knew that Wanda loved the rambling and the gift. Natasha walked over to Riley while Wanda was distracted and whispered "you treat her well. And you guys are very cute, matching necklaces" Natasha lets out a small chuckle.

"Thanks Nat, that means a lot" Riley whispered back smiling.

"Right lets get to this party!" Kate exclaimed smiling, everyone nodded and began to make their way to the main room where they were meeting up with the other Avengers. Everyone was ready and they had all, surprisingly, made it on time.

"Wow, looking good everyone!" Sam said enthusiastically, smiling widely. This earned a few chuckles from everyone.

Pietro pretends to flip his hair as if it went down to his shoulders, causing a few chuckles to echo around the room. Wanda sighs and shakes her head at her brothers antics laughing lightly. (A/N like the lucifer scene where Lucifer is asking Chloe to 'become Lucinda' with the hair flick its season 3 episode 9 if anyone wanted to see it)

"Lets get this party started!" Kate cheers enthusiastically. Clint sighs at his adopted daughter, "what with the grumpy face Clint. You are not too old to party, are you?" Kate added grinning. Clint chuckles lightly.

"Come on then. Party starts in 15 minutes and we have to be there to greet everyone" Steve informs the group.

"Whyyyyyyyyy" Peter groans.

"Actually, Peter, you and Riley don't have to due to the secret identities you have. So you're off the hook" Tony adds, evaluating Steve's point.

"Okay, that's cool" Riley says nervously.

"Stop stalling everyone, come on lets get to this party!" Pietro said smiling excitedly.

The group eventually filter out of the room and walk across the compound campus and into the party area, they are greeted with the loud music that Tony requested for F.R.I.D.A.Y to play. Peter and Riley walk away from the group to try and hide while the party is quieter and to blend into the crown when more people arrive.

The Avengers eventually greet most of the people into the party and decide to join, not wanting to wait on anyone who was really late. The group would have happily had a celebration amongst just themselves but they had to have the party for the public as it allowed them a better reputation and to show the citizens what they are like. Along with showing that they are human. Fury did persuade them to do this but the deal was that the party would end earlier so the Avengers could have their own party after.

Riley sat at the bar drinking her glass of Coke quietly. She was having a light conversation with Natasha who was sat near her, but there was a seat between them as the two hadn't noticed each other at first and none of them wanted to move. There were not many people sat around the bar as many were talking with the Avengers or trying to.

Riley would occasionally glance around the room trying to locate her girlfriend amongst the mass of people but always find herself being unsuccessful. There were just to many people for Riley to be able to locate the one she wanted to find.

"I can see you looking for Wanda" Nat said smiling, Riley blushed at her comment.

"I would go and find her but I think I would end up getting lost in the crowd, I also don't want to bother her if she is doing something else" Riley replied, still blushing slightly from being caught. Nat's smile widened.

"You are so sweet, Wanda is lucky. Pietro must see that too as he hasn't murdered you yet and instead set you guys up" Natasha states, Riley smiled.

Someone Sat down right next to Riley and interlocked her arm with Riley's smiling. "Hello" she said. Riley looked to Natasha and looked back to the woman, she seemed to beg Natasha with her eyes to help but Nat just shrugged. Riley mouthed "help me! What do I do, she just latched onto me"

"Erm hi?" Riley states, her statement seeming more like a question.

"Hello darling, you look ravishing tonight, come on let get some fresh air and I could take you back with me later" The woman stated, flirting.

"Erm, I have a beautiful, and amazing girlfriend and am very happy with her, so please leave" Riley said awkwardly, unsure of what to do, but the woman only came closer to her and attempted to kiss her.

"I don't see her" she whispers and goes closer to Riley's lips. As the woman closed her eyes Riley placed a hand over the woman's face to prevent their faces from touching and tilts her hand while moves the woman's face so its going in different direction. Riley gets up and gently pushes the woman away and the woman sighs while walking away to find someone else. Riley turns to Nat frustrated as the woman just sat there. Nat bursts out laughing at Riley's expression.

"You could have helped me!" Riley whisper shouts.

"Well you seemed to have handled it just fine. Beside what would I have done" Natasha replies.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe, gone all super spy black widow on her! My identity is still secret so I couldn't have handled her, so I called in the help of a fellow spider but you ignored me!" Riley said, Nat was still sighing as Wanda walked over chuckled to herself.

"That was amusing" Wanda said.

"You saw the whole thing! You could have assisted me!" Riley exclaimed. She wasn't really mad.

"As Nat said, you handled it well. Seems like we have both been hit on tonight, some guy hit on me too but I made his drink spill onto his face so he walked away" Wanda said.

"Well I am not surprised you look beautiful. Where is he though?" Riley asked innocently. Wanda shook her head and laughed.

"No" Wanda stated simply, sitting down next to Riley. Nodding Riley sipped her drink as Wanda leaned on Nat's shoulder. She had sat in the seat between the two. Nat gently pushed Wanda up so she ended up leaving on her girlfriends shoulder.

"I tried looking for you but I couldn't spot you. I didn't want to get lost in the crowd and also didn't want to bother you" Riley said shyly. Wanda grinned and kissed Riley gently on the lips before Riley had time to register Wanda had parted their lips. Riley realised and cupped Wanda's cheeks bringing her back for another kiss, one deeper than the last. Once thirty seconds had past Nat got up and put a finger on each girls foreheads slowly separating them.

"Do that later" Nat told the due shaking her head slightly "you are making me feel like a third wheel just sitting there" Nat muttered to herself but Both girls heard, and chuckled.

Hello readers,
I may not be able to update for a little while as I have a swimming competition and lots of science tests coming up so the next chapter may be a while but here is this chapter, and I am sorry it is a little late :)

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