1.Elina Alodia

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You would think that every child have had a chance to play around, smile and laugh. To grow up with the people they love and share memories with them. To be able to express their feelings to their mother when they are feeling sad and feel the warmth of her hug when comforting them. Be able to throw jokes around with their father. That's what normally kids do, But that was not the case with Elina Alodia, for she wasn't allowed to play around. She wasn't allowed to express her emotions- she was raised to be emotionless. A doll he control.

Being raised amongst the Death eaters wasn't something anyone would want. Watching them throw spells at her for her to learn to fight back would sometimes end up with her having scars or even lose conciseness. But she was used to it.

Elina was a very smart and skilled girl, seeing that she spent her whole life under training. She was the kinda of girl who never shows mercy when treated wrong. She never knew her mother, every time she asks her father about her he would become angry and change the subject. All she know is that she died when she was only a baby.

Today was her fifteenth birthday. But instead of celebrating her birthday like a normal teenage girl, she was standing in an empty room with black walls and a grey wooden floor. The only source of light in the room was the green flames coming from the fireplace. She was face to face with a death eater. Instead of her laughing when she hears her birthday song from someone who cared enough to celebrate it, her screams was the only sound that echoed through the Manor. Instead of smiling when opening her presents, tears were streaming in her eyes. The Death eater used the Cruciatus Curse on her when she was unsuccessful in the training session.

The screams stopped when he lifted the curse. She was down on her knees panting heavily. She looked up glaring at him, anger taking over her and even though every part of her body hurts, she stood up pointing her wand at him while greeting her teeth. "You idiot, how dare you use that spell on me!Crucio!" Elina shouted the spell making him scream and groan loudly. A mischievous smile made it's way to her lips. Lifting the spell and lowering her wand, she warned "If you ever dare to do this again I won't hesitate to use the killing curse". Laying on the floor in pain, the Death eater nodded.

Elina left the room, walking through the dark corridors of the Manor headed to her room. She never left this Manor except for when she goes to hogwarts. She was trapped in here every summer practicing spells that will soon be used when the Dark Lord is ready for the war to began.

She entered the room and slammed the door shut. Setting on her bed she brought the dark green silky cover and wrapped it around her looking through the big window on the left side of her bed watching as the wind moved the boughs in sync. The moonlight was the only thing lightning the room. The room was big, dark and cold. Tomorrow she will be returning to hogwarts. She usually would feel better knowing that she is going to stay away from this place for months, but this year is different. Now that her father has returned everything will be different. Nothing will be the same.

A knock was heard at the door. She quickly got up and with a flick of her wand the bed was tidy again. Wiping a tear that had escaped and straighting her dark green dress that reached her knees. "Come in" the door opened to reveal a clocked snake-face-like man. Voldemort entered the room. " I see that you have given your dear trainer a hard time today" Voldemort spoke with no emotion shown on his face. "He deserved it" said Elina with her head held high and eyebrows raised. "That's my girl" smiled Voldemort evily putting his two hands in her shoulder. "I have a mission for you, dear Elina" he said while sitting on the chair of her desk -that was under the window- making the chair face her. "I'm at your service my lord".

"I need you to befriend Potter and his stupid friends"

Raising her eyebrows in surprise she asked "You want me to be Potter, the blood traitor and mudblood's friend? May I ask why father?"

"I need them to trust you. To let you take every step with them. I need you to make them think that you are in there side. That you are one of those who will want to destroy me."

"But my lord, they can't destroy you. They have no power compared to yours"

"And I know that. I need to know every move the boy takes.Now that he learned how to block me out of his mind I need you to be close to him. You will lead them to a weaponI want them to get for me. "

"As you wish my lord" Elina bowed her head. He stood from the chair and walked to the door opening it. "If you fail your mission,Elina, there will be consequences, dear" he said walking out of the door. She sighed sitting on the chair her father sat on a minute ago. she was right. Now everything will be different.

Elina changed to her bed cloth and layed under her blanket, her head resting on the pillow. She was facing the window. How am I going to be friends with the three gryffindors I hated and the most? She thought letting out a frustrated sigh. Elina was a gryffindor as well.She can still remember the day she was sorted.

Elina was standing in the middle of the great hall surrounded by punch of first-year like her waited to be sorted. After Harry Potter was sorted into gryffindor she heard her name being called by Professor Mcgonagall "Alodia, Elina". Elina sat on the stool and let the professor place the sorting hat on her head. "hmm. I see. You are definitely harder than Potter. I see a lot of thirst to prove yourself. You are most definitely cunning. But I also see bravery. You are daring too. Full of determination. Better be....hmm.... GRYFFINDOR!!!" Elina's heart sank. How come? That can't be possible. She is Voldemort's daughter. She was raised to be a Slytherin. What would her father say?

She definitely knew back then that her father won't be happy about it.

"Curcio!! I raised you to be like me!! A Slytherin!!" He shouted angrily shooting the spell at her, enjoying the screams of pain she made. He wasn't physically there at the time. He would possess a death eater and touter her, before he was able to share the same body as professor Quirlle.

He soon thought that it could be useful nowing that, Harry Potter, was a gryffindor and that no one would suspect her. She was the one who put Harry's name in the goblet of fire last year. She was the one who helped crouch junior with what he was doing. Of course no one knew that. She did all those things from afar. No gryffindor or any one else really knew her or talked to her. They just knew her as their classmate. She didn't even share a drom with any one, cause she had her own.No one in the school knew that she is Voldemorts daughter.

After a long hour of thinking, Elina, decided that it's better to sleep because tomorrow is going to be a long way to hogwarts.

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