27. Dumbledore's last will

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Harry slowly went down stairs, not wanting to wake anyone. His backpack was hanging on his shoulder ready to leave. He exited the house and looked at it for the last time. He will miss this place. This place was a second home to him after Hogwarts. He spent most of Christmas and summer breaks here. But he will miss the people inside it the most. Especially one brunette witch. He turned around and started walking away.

"Going somewhere?" A voice asked stopping him in his track. He turned around and sighed.

"I can't let people die for me. Not anymore, Elina"

Elina shook her head. "You think Mad Eye died for you? You think George lost an ear for you? They are after me too you know." She pused. "It's not about you, love. It never was. Do you think he will stop after he kills you? Do you think he will stop after he gets what he wants from me?" She asked.

"Then come with me" Harry said. Elina shook his head at him "and leave without Ron and Hermoine? We need Hermoine. And we won't last a day without Ron" she shrugged. "He is the heart of the group" Harry eyed her for a second.

"I will kill you if you told him I said that" she threatened, but then heard a chuckle from behind. "Heard it, Elie" she sighed "Don't flatter yourself, Weasley" she turned around to Ron, who smiled at her then looked to Harry. "She's right as always, mate. Plus, we still have a wedding"

"I don't care about a wedding" Harry snapped.

"Come on, Harry. If you go now you will be giving him what he want" Ron said and Elina nodded in agreement. Harry sighed and dropped his bag, and Ron took it inside. Elina held Harry's hand and dragged him gently inside.


Today was Bill and Fleur's wedding. Everyone was busy with something. Elina groaned in frustration as she failed to zip up the back of her Dress. She was alone in Ginny's room, because Ginny and Hermoine are helping Molly decorating the tent. She went down stairs in hope to find someone to help her. As she entered the kitchen Harry turned around to face her. He was stunned when he saw that her blue dress' was slightly slipping down, Elina clutching it to her chest so it wouldn't. She smiled sheepishly at him. "Would help me here, babe?" He eyed her for a second then nodded.

She turned around to allow him to help her. He slowly approached her, and she can feel his breathe on her neck as he moved her hair away. He slowly pulled the zipper up closing it. He closed his eyes taking in the scent of chocolate and cinnamon, and placed a kiss on her neck. She turned around and smashed her lips with his, wrapped her arms around his neck, as he pulled her closer by wrapping his around her waist. The kiss was sweet, but passionate.

"Morning" a voice said making them break the kiss, breathless. Elina glared at George who was leaning on the kitchen sink winking at them. Hermoine and Ron came in. "There you are" Hermoine greeted.

Elina smiled at the witch "that dress look beautiful on you, 'Moine"

"Aww thank you, 'lina" Hermoine smiled.

Elina smirked playfully "you know it will look more beautiful on Ron's bedroom floor"

Hermoine's and Ron's face turned red, taken aback by the comment, while Harry and George brust out laughing. "Did you just flirt with Hermoine for me?" Ron asked in embarrassment.

Elina shrugged "you weren't going to do it any time soon. Someone had to do it for you"

"That's one of the reasons I love you" Harry said grinning.

"Kids, come here" they heard Mr Weasley call from the living room. Rufus Scrimgeour stood in the middle of the room, as Mr Weasley left. "To what do we owe the pleasure, Minister?"

"I think we both know the answer to that question, Mr Potter," Scrimgeour said, taking a seat in front of couch gestured from then to sit.

The four quarter exchanged confused glances, sitting on the couch, waiting for the Minister to talk.

"Herein is said forth, the last will and testament of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore," The Minister said.

"First, to Ronald Billius Weasley, I leave my delumintor. A device, of my own making, in hope when things seem most dark, it will show you the light." The Minister held a strange looking object out to him. "Dumbledore left this for me?" Ron was surprised.


"What is it?" Ron asked, pressing a button that made the lights in the room, transfer to the small device. He then pressed the button again, making the lights went back to their original places. "Wicked."

"To Hermione Jean Granger, leave my copy of 'Tales of Beedle and the Bard'. In hope that she finds it entertaining and instructive," the Minister continued, handing her a small book.

"Mom used to tell me those, The Wizard and the Hopping Pot, Babbity Rabbity and the Cackling Stump. Come on. No?" Ron smiled. They all shook their heads. Hermoine and Harry were raised in the muggle born, so they didn't grow up with these kind of stories. Elina... didn't have a childhood were she was read stories to.

After a moment of awkward silent the Minister went on. "To Harry James Potter, I leave the snitch he caught in his first match at Hogwarts. As a reminder of rewards of perseverance and skill," Harry took the snitch from him, as he eyed it carefully.

"To Elina Aria Alodia, I leave this bracelet, asking her to keep it at all times, hoping that it will help her when the end is near." Elina's eyebrows knitted in confusion, eyeing the golden bracelet with a charm in a shape of bottle full of white liquid, before putting it on.

"And I also, leave this memory in hope that it will show the truth and pull you out of the darkness" as he handed her a vail.

"Is that it then?" Harry asked. "Not quite," the Minister replied. "Dumbledore left you a third bequest, Miss Alodia. Unfortunately the sword of Godric Gryffindor was not Dumbledore's to give away. As an important historical artifact it belongs-"

"To Harry," Hermione cut off the Minister. "It belongs to Harry. It came to him when he most needed it in the Chamber of Secrets."

"The sword may present itself to any worthy Gryffindor, Miss Granger, but that does not make it that wizard's property. Unfortunately the current whereabout of the sword are unknown."

"Excuse me?" Elina asked.

"The sword is missing.I don't know what you are up to, Miss Alodia and Mr Potter, but you can't fight this war on your own. He is too strong."

Harry turned to Elina after the Minister has left. Her face scrunched up in confusion. She turned to the trio. "Why would Dumbledore leave me the sword of Gryffindor?"

"Then again why did he left us those weird things" Ron shrugged.

"True, enough" she sighed hugging Harry by the side.

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