16. You are not to blame

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Everyone was at the train ready to leave Hogwarts for summer. Elina figured that the trio wouldn't want to set with her so she sat alone on an empty compartment. She gazed through the window as the train moved. Her heart felt heavy and her head light. The thoughts inside her head never stopped. She had too many questions and too many answers. She wished she told Harry everything. She wished they would forgive her. She wished she never knew them.

The door of the compartment was opened and Neville was standing at the door. "Neville?" Elina was confused. "Hey, can I set?" He smiled. Elina looked at him for a moment and nodded. "Yeah of course" Neville sat besides smiling at her. Elina didn't talk to Neville, luna or Ginny since the day at the ministry, she thought they were made at her as well. "Harry is worried about you. He's looking for you in the other side of the train, so is Hermoine and Ron" He smiled at her

"They are?" Neville nodded. "I just feel like being alone for now. I will find them later" Elina faked a smile. Neville nodded but didn't move. "You know, I was mad at you at first. I was really made you didn't tell us before, but then I thought about how you always helped us with a lot of things. I know you are a kind person, 'lina. I will leave you alone now, dear friend. Hope you have a nice summer. Stay hidden and be safe" Neville said as he stood up and left the compartment. Elina smiled at his words. It was a relief to know that he still thought of her as a friend, and that meant a lot to her.

After a long ride they finally reached platform 9¾. Everyone was out of the train leaving Elina all alone. She stood up and grabbed her trunks leaving the train. She looked around and saw that the platform was almost empty since she was the last to leave. She sighed not knowing what to do next. She never talked to Dumbledore. She planed to stay in a muggle hotel since she had nowhere else to stay. As she was about to go through the wall she heard someone call. "Elina! Where do you think you're going ?" She turned around to be met with Molly Weasley beside her was Arthur Weasley and Ron and Ginny were standing behind. "Hi, Mrs and Mr Weasley. I was leaving actually. Why are you still here?"

"We were waiting for you of course. Where do you think you're going? Dumbledore owled as saying that you have nowhere to stay since you went against you‐know-who" Molly explained.

"That's really nice of you, Molly, but I don't think staying with you while they are looking for me is a good idea" Elina declined.

"Oh, nonsense. The boy who lived himself stay with us a lot and nothing happened. Now come on dear, Let's go." Mr Weasley said taking the trunk from her. "But-" Elina was intruppted by Ron wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "I want you to come, Elina. We will have fun. We can also sort out all our problems. We are still best friends after all" he smiled down at her. She sighed and nodded, smiling back.


The first month of the summer at the Burrow was something Elina didn't imagine. They all treated her like nothing happened. Ron and her became close again. Hermoine wrote to them from time to time, while Harry wrote for Elina only once, telling her about his summer and how he would like to talk and sort things out when he comes to stay. Elina was glad everything is starting to get to normal. Tonight Harry and Hermoine will come to the Burrow to stay for the rest of the summer. Elina was so excited to see them, especially Harry.

Elina, George and Ginny were sitting around Ron and Fred who were playing wizard chess. "Check mate!!"Ron shouted excitedly. Fred groaned in defeat. "Fine, here" Fred said giving Ron 3 gallons. "Can't believe you lost again, Freddie" Goerge sighed. "I know he cheated!!" Fred said

"I did not!" Ron replied.

"Did to"

"Did not"

"Did to"

Elina smiled as she watched the brothers argue. She got used to them shouting at each other or throwing anything they found in their way at the other. She was glad that she stayed here. Suddenly, Elina felt a cold shiver and heard a hissing voice. She looked around trying to find the source. It was coming from the outside. "Come on children. Come to the living room. Harry and Hermoine will be here soon!" Molly called. They all stood and headed to find Molly. "Elina, you coming?" Ron asked from the door frame. Elina stood up still focused on the hissing voice she is hearing. "I will go check something outside, first" Elina said heading to the front door. "Alright"

Elina stood outside the house looking around. She heard the voice getting louder so she headed farther into the pushes. She stopped when she was a bit far from the Burrow. She felt something was wrong as she heard footsteps coming her way she turned around to head back but was met by a masked figure. She looked around her and saw that she was surrounded by at least 5 death eaters. Elina heard a familiar evil laugh and she knew what was happening.

"Look, who do we have here" Bellatrixe snickered.

"What do you want?" Elina asked trying to hide the fear in her voice.

"Oh you know why, dear. The Dark Lord, wishes to see you" Bellatrixe faked a pout.

Elina didn't know what to do, so she did the first thing that came in her mind. Shouted. "RON!!! FRED!!! GEORGE!!! HELP!" Bellatrixe laughed evily at the shouting girl. "Elina?!!" She heard a voice shout back. It was Harry's. "HAR-" Before she could even continue she was knocked out by one of the death eaters. And everything went black.

10 minutes earlier:

Harry arrived at the Burrow and was greeted by Molly hugging him tightly. Ron huged him as well, then the twins and Ginny followed. Harry scanned the room. "Where is Elina?" He asked putting his trunks down. "You will find her out side. She just went there" Ron answered. Harry smiled and nodded heading to the door. He wanted to talk to her as soon as possible and ask her to be his girl. He stood outside looking for any sight of Elina until he heard someone shout from the distance. "RON!!! FRED!!! GEORGE!!! HELP!" The voice were far too familiar. "Elina?!" He called running through the bushes. "HAR-" He heard as he saw a black smoke flying through the air away from the Burrow. Death eaters. Harry thought. Ron,Fred, George and Ginny came running to Harry. "Are those Death eaters?" Ginny asked following every one's gaze to the black smoke flying away. "They took her" Harry panicked.

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