40. The girl from the darkness

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The Quartet stepped into the mooring. They hide behind the door, careful not to be seen, by The Dark lord, who was standing face to face with the Headmaster, Severus Snape. The four stayed low, listening to the conversation. Elina heard them talk about a wand and she immediately knew which wand was the main topic: the elder wand.

"Why doesn't it work for me?" She heard her father ask.

"You have performed extraordinary magic with this wand, my Lord," said Snape. "In the last few hours alone-"

"No! I am the extraordinary one! But the wand resists me!" Voldemort hissed.

"There is no wand more powerful. Ollivander said it himself." Snape said "Tonight, when the boy and the girl come to you, it will not fail you, I am sure. It answers to you and you only."

"Does it?" Voldemort asked toying with the wand slowly circling Snape.

"My Lord?" Snape furrowed his eyebrows.

"The wand. Does it truly answer to me?".

For a moment Snape stood still, without an answer. Voldemort was looking at him expectedly. The tension was clear in the air.

"You're a clever man, Severus," Voldemort spoke at last "Surely you must know."

Snape, still without an answer, watched Nagini behind Voldemort. "Where, Severus? Where does its loyalty lie?" Voldemort asked clutching his jaw.

"With you, of course, my Lord." Snape answered calmly.

"The Elder Wand cannot serve me properly, Severus, because I am not its true master."

"The Elder Wand belongs to the wizard who killed its last owner. Ollivander was quite explicit about that. You killed Dumbledore, Severus. While you live, the Elder Wand cannot be truly mine." Voldemort explained.

"My Lord-"

"You have been a good and faithful servant, Severus."Voldemort said pointing the wand at Snap.

"But only I can live forever..." Voldemort hissed. Voldemort shot a spell at Snape, sending him back to hit the wall. Voldemort's eyes shifted to Nagini and He pointed at Snape "Kill." And with a loud thud blood were everywhere. Elina flinched and looked away not bearing to watch the barbaric scene.

When Voldemort disappeared with Nagini, the quartet rushed inside. Harry knelt down beside Snape, who was covered in blood, dripping down from his neck. Harry put his hand on the wound, trying to prevent more blood to drip. Snape looked deep into Harry's eyes, and a tear escaped his eyes.

"Take them..." Snape breathed, pointing his hand weakly at the tear. "Take them...!" He repeated.

Harry rushes forward, into the strange, wavering light, then stops in horror, watching Snape's blood run like syrup over the weathered boards toward him. Ron bumps past, heading in the direction Voldemort took.

"Give me something! Quickly!" Harry demand looking at Hermoine reaching out to take what she will give him "Anything!"

Hermoine went through her bag and taking out a small glass bottle. Harry took it and whipped Snape cheeks, and the tear was inside the bottle. He handed the bottle to Elina to hold it.

"Look at me. Look at me" Snape breathed. Harry turned to him and looked into his eyes. Snape smiled sadly at him. "You have your mother's eyes..." Snape went still, his lifeless eyes still staring into Harry's.

"You-know-who is gone. The snake too." Ron spoke up. As if he was called, Voldemort's voice, again, echoed through there heads.
"You have fought valiantly... but in vain. I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste." Elina leaned to the wall in pain.

"I therefore command my forces to retreat. In their absence, dispose of your dead with dignity. Treat your injured. Harry Potter, I now speaks directly to you. On this night you have allowed your friends to die for you rather than face me yourself. There is no greater dishonor." Voldemort continued.

"Join me in the Forbidden Forest and confront your fate. You have one hour. If, at the end of that time, you have not given yourself up, then I shall punish every last man, woman and child who tries to conceal you from me."

Elina looked at Harry, waiting for him to react. Harry stood up and lead the way back to the castle, without speaking a word. Ron, Elina and Hermoine, would exchange worried and curious glances every now and then. As they entered the empty yard of the castle, everything was too quiet.

"Where is everyone?" Hermione asked.

Ron passed the three, and entered the great hall, his eyes scanning, searching the hall for his family. The House tables have been replaced with dead and injured people. Elina watched as Ron walked to a group of red-heads: the Weasleys. They were crying over someone laying at the floor, Ron stopped in his track and Hugged George crying as well. Elina and Hermoine exchanged glances, before rushing to the Weasleys. Elina gasped and tears threatened to fall as she saw Percy Weasley's lifeless body. She didn't know him that well, but it was still hurtful to see. She hugged Ron, trying to comfort him.

Harry was standing at the doorway, taking deep breathe, he walked slowly into the room scanning the dead bodies. His eyes landed on, Rumes lupin and Nymphadora Tonks, laying on the floor there hands only an inch apart.
Harry turned his gaze away not liking the sight. He looked at the bottle in his hand, then at Elina and his friends in the distance, before turning around and leaving the room.


Elina, sat at the step of the stairs, shaking her legs nervously. Ron and Hermoine were holding hand besides her, thier heads resting on the other's. Elina heard footsteps behind her, she turned and saw Harry walked down the stairs. The trio stood up to face Harry, sighing in relief.

"Where've you been?" Elina asked worriedly.

"We thought you had gone to the forest-" Harry cut Ron off.

"I'm going there now." Harry said, Elina looked at him shaking her head.

"Are you mad!" Ron shouted at his bestfriend.

"No! You can't give yourself up!!" Elina now was the one who shouted. Harry looked at her sad and hurtful eyes, mirroring his.

"What is it. Harry? What is you know?" Hermoine asked.

"There is a reason I can hear them; the Horcruxes. I think I've known for awhile. And I think you have too," Harry told them. Elina looked at him hurt and confused.

"Know what?" She asked, her voice cracking, trying not to cry.

"That I am one" He said referring to the Horcruxes.

Elina shook her head a tear slide down her cheek. "I'll go with you" she said.

"No, kill the snake. Kill the snake, and it's just him," Harry refused.

Hermione hugged him, and Ron followed. Elina stood at the side watching her lover saying goodbye to their bestfriends.

After the two pulled away, Harry stared at Elina with a sad smile and opened her arms for her. She rushed to him and pulled him by the collar, crashing her lips into his. He tasted her chocolate flavoured lips for the last time. She pulled him closer hardening the kiss and he wrapped his arms around her waist tightly. They pulled away breathless, looking into each others eyes.

"I love you, my angle." Harry whispered.

"I love you too, my love."

"Promise me, you live on" he whipped her tears with his thumb, and she looked hesitantly into his eyes before she nodded.

Harry's arms left her waist, and he started to walk out of the castle. Elina watched as he disappeared out of sight. She stood there her face emotionless as it always had been before the trio came into her life. Ron and Hermoine started at thier bestfriend with sad and worried eyes, expecting her to react, which she didn't, not immediately anyways.

Because after she was frozen, emotionless, in her place for a few moments, she fell to her knees and cried. The boy that showed her, what love was, and pulled her to the good side. She was born in the dark side. She was The girl from the darkness and he was her only light.

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