21. thier wand on a knot

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"That was amazing Ron!!" Hermoine cheered hugging him tightly and swaying him left and right. "It was Brilliant!!"Elina joined the cheering. Ron's first Quidditch game had ended with the winning to Gryffindors. They were at the common room celebrating their win. Everyone was enchanting Ron's name. Elina giggled, as she watched as they carried Ron up in the air. Harry and Hermoine were standing beside her having a conversation. When the crowd of Gryffindors put Ron down, Lavender came in front of him and jumped at him as they started snogging. Elina looked at the direction of Hermoine, sadness and hurt was written all over her face as she watched the scene. Hermoine turned around and ran past the crowd. Elina tried to run after her but ended up panting and coughing. She saw Hermoine crying on the stairs, she slowly approached her setting down next to her, opening her arms to her best friend. Hermoine gladly hugged her crying silently. Harry stood in front of them and sat down beside them. A giggling was heard, as Ron and lavender came to view. "Ooops, this room is taken" lavender giggled pulling a confused Ron with her. Elina glared at them. "As much as I love that Weasley, he can be a git sometimes" she grumbled. Harry threw his arms around the two girls pulling them tightly to his embrace.


Harry was told by Professor Dumbledore that there was a memorie he needed to get from Professor Slughorn. Harry had told his friend that Slughorn had told Tom Riddle about some dark magic stuff, and that the memory he needed to get will reveal what is the dark stuff was.

Elina, Harry and Hermoine was now a part of the Professor's club and he invited them to his Christmas party. But for now The trio were discussing Hermoine's and Ron's problem. "He's at perfect liberty to kiss whomever he likes" said Hermione, while the librarian, Madam Pince, prowled the shelves behind them. "I really couldn't care less." She ferociously put the book to rhe shelf nearly droping all of it. "Was I under the impression that we will go to Slughorn's Christmas party together? Yes. But now under the circumstances, I made another arrangement" the witch fumed. Elina raised her eyebrows at her best friend confession. "Did you, now? Who are you going with?" The brunette asked. Hermoine opened her mouth to answer but closed it again. "It's a surprise. So, I bet you two going together, aren't you" Hermoine changed the subject making her friends blush and nod.

Elina's eyes fell on a dark-skinned girl with curly hair, who was looking at Harry dreamily. Elina sent her a glare, Hermoine and Harry followed her gaze. "Romilda, she's been trying to sneake love potion to Harry" Hermoine said. Harry looked at her terrified

"what?" Elina sent a deathly glare towards, Romilda, now.

"She's only interested in him because she thinks he's the chosen one"

"But He's/I am the chosen one" they said at the same time but in different tone. Harry's tone was teasingly, while Elina's tone was angry. Elina turned angrily at Harry and he gulped. She hit him with a book she took from the shelf beside. "Ow, I'm kidding" He said backing away. Elina turned to Romilda again and if looks could kill, Romilda Vane would be long dead.

"Hermoine, you are a smart witch, you sure know a lot of spells" Elina said straighting her self but her glares never left the curly-haired girl. "I need a spell that would cut the victim into pieces"

Hermoine would have usually laughed at that but since it was coming from Elina it wasn't funny at all. She knew her friend would literally do it. Hermoine glared at Harry to say something. "Hey no need to that, angle. I'm yours, and yours only"

Elina looked at him suspiciously but then she failed to hide her smile.


A week have passed. Hermoine and Ron haven't been talking and, Harry and Elina were torn between the two. Everywhere they go now they see Ron and lavender snogging which wasn't a brilliant sight to the other three. "What gotten her wand in a knot?" Ron asked referring to Hermoine as she walked past them. They just finished there Defense against the dark arts class.

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