30. the locket

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"I hate this" Elina frowned crossing her arms to her chest. The trio came up with a plan that they would go to the Ministry, get the locket back from Umbridge and get out. But of course Elina wasn't part of the plan due to her not being of age, and she definitely didn't like being excluded. Hermoine was packing some stuff to her bag, Harry cleaning his glasses and Ron stuffing the wand in his pocket. "Angle, we talked about this, we will get the locket and come back" Harry explained.

"Yeah, I will miss all the fun, and above all that I will stay all alone here" Elina face fell at the thought of being alone.

"Don't worry everything will be alright" Hermoine patted her shoulders. "We have to go, come on. Elina do not use your wand unless it's very very necessary" Hermoine instructed.

Elina huffed and nodded, letting her hand fall to her side. Harry approached her and rapped her arms gently. "It will be alright. We won't be away for long" Harry said kiss her head.

And with a crack, the trio appreated, leaving the brunette all alone. Elina threw herself to the couch and layed down staring at the ceiling. She didn't like this feeling of being alone, She was used to it before she met the trio, but she never missed it.

She sat there for Merlin's know what, until she heard a crack before she could even process what happened she was dragged off the couch and with another loud crack she felt everything black around her until she hit the floor. Elina rapped her head in pain and looked up to see Ron on the ground blood dripping from his shoulders, Hermoine beside him and Harry standing between her and Hermoine. "What happened—" Before she could continue she threw up. After she calmed down she turned back to them, Harry was standing in beside her opening his arm to her and she took it. Hermoine was helping Ron enter a tent and protection charms were put around them.

"We got the locket, but saw us. When we were about to get away Yaxley saw that we were going to Grimmauld, so we fetched you and appreated here. But Ron got splinched" Harry explained.

"Is he alright now?" Elina asked concerned for her best friend. Harry nodded and led her inside the tent.


"Incendio." Harry shot the spell at the locket, it was on huge rock. A flame burned at the locket, but it soon died leaving the locket unharmed.

"Dissendium!" Hermione shouted, but the locket only spane in it's place.

"Confringo!" Harry groaned, but the locket remained whole. Ron was leaning against a tree his arm wrapped him in a sling, Elina beside him supporting him. Hermione gave up  and lowered her wand, but Harry kept on, firing spells, but unable to succeed. When he finally stopped and groaned in frustration, he knelt down and fetched the locket and placed it around his neck. "What are you doing?" Elina asked curiously.

"We have to keep it safe, until we find out how to destroy it." Harry replied blankly.

"Seems strange, mate. Dumbledore sent you out to find those Horcruxes but doesn't tell you how to destroy them. Doesn't it bother you?" Ron asked, gaining a glare from his two girls bestfriends. Ron gluped and pushed him self off the tree and went to the tent to avoid there glares, Hermoine went after him.

Elina approached Harry and stood slightly behind him. "Do you want to talk?" She asked, but he shook his head and went inside the tent, leaving Elina standing there alone.


The quartet have been travelling places, moving there camping place every now and then. Harry has been distant lately, even when he's not wearing the locket. He was sitting outside the tent  staring at the piece of broken mirror that Sirius once gave him. He looked up and gazed at Elina sitting not very far away from him, holding a book supporting up on her knees. He thought that she looked cute when she's focused. The radio sound coming from the tent annoyed him, but he didn't say anything. He closed his eyes and groaned seeing Voldemort's mind again. Elina noticed and closed her book shut, stood up and sat next to him.

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