23. suspicious

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"I can't believe they burned the Burrow. They can get to you two easily. You should realise who you are, Harry, Elina."

"We know who we are Hermoine, alright?" Elina snapped as the three of them walked the corridor. They spotted Ron and lavender snogging, again, and they looked at them with disgust. "If you will excuse me, I have to go vomit" Hermoine mumbled. Elina nodded at her understandingly, then turned to Harry when Hermoine was far from sight. "I can't with these two!! Ron is so oblivious!! And Hermoine... she's... she's denying!" Elina groaned.

"Well I lost hope with these two long ago" Harry said. "Anyways, what do you have next?"

"Transfiguration, you?"

"Charms. I guess I will see later." Harry kissed her goodbye and walked away.

Elina walked to Transfiguration class and took a seat next to Neville. She organised her books and pulled her hair into a bun, then looked to her side. "Hey, Neville"

"H–Hi, you look frustrated" Neville stated smiling softly at her.

"Ron and Hermoine" she shrugged. Neville chuckled and shook his head playfully."You don't have to say anything, they are so oblivious"

"Which is driving me crazy!!"

Neville laughed at his friend's state, Ron and Hermoine can truly make you go crazy.


The sky was clear, the beautiful colours of pink, purple and orange was mixed together as the sun set. It was truly an admirable view to the brunette witch. She was sitting, her legs on the water of the black lake and She was leaning back a little, supported by her hands.
She smiled when she felt a shadow of someone beside her, and without looking up she knew it was him. "Hello, love" she greeted.

"Hello, beautiful lady, I saw you from over there and thought 'What would a beautiful witch be doing all alone here?' " Harry smiled.

"Just thinking" she shrugged

"Will, I should point out that you are most definitely the most gorgeous girl I have ever laid eyes on, does this Beautiful lady have a boyfriend?" He joked, extending his arms to her, and she gladly took it standing up, facing him with a grin.

"Why, kind sir, this beautiful witch definitely has a boyfriend so you  should probably stop flirting, because he doesn't tolerate with boys how wants to steal me" she played along playfully.

Harry came closer and wrapped his arm around her waist grinning. "Well, I was thinking that you could detch him for me, you see, I'm sure I look more handsome" he said as there forehead touched.

Elina pretended to think humming to herself. "Maybe, if you give me a kiss I will consider it" she smiled innocently.

"Uh, I see. Well, can't say no to a kiss from the most gorgeous lady" he closed the gape between them and kissed her passionately. Tasting his favourite taste on her lips.

They slowly pulled away smiling wildly. "Will, I would definitely detch him for a kiss like that"

"I don't know if I should be hurt or happy" he chuckled. Elina looked at the lake and her face let up. "Take off your shoes" she demanded softly.

"Oi, slow down!"

"Wha— you dirty minded git!! I want you to put your feet in the water" She hissed playfully. "Oh" is all Harry managed to say as he blushed furiously and took his shoes off.

Elina pulled him a little farther into the lake so the water reached under there knees. She took his hand and wrapped around her waist and then wrapped hers around his neck.

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