11. big trouble

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"Hey, Neville" Elina greeted as she sat besides, Neville longbottom, at the great hall. They were back to hogwarts again and everyone have been talking about the escape of Bellatrixe lestrange. "Hey" Neville mumbled playing with the food on his plate. Elina was sitting with the trio, when she saw Neville's pale face from two people away so she decided to check on her new friend. "Do you need to talk about?" She asked. Neville didn't reply he just shrugged. "I hate that woman. I heared My...Uncle... talk about her a couple of times. I know what she did to you, Neville. I want to say that I admire Mr and Mrs longbottom so much" Elina spoke.

Neville looked up at her "You do?" He asked.

"Of course, who doesn't? You should be proud to be there son"

"I am. I am proud. Couldn't be prouder" she smiled at him and patted his shoulder. "Good. You should know how lucky you are to have a brave and good parents, because it's something not everyone have" she stood up "I will always be here if you needed to talk. See you at potions" she was about to go back to her friends when he called her name "Elina!!"

She turned around to face him again "Yes?"

He gave her a weak smile "Thank you" He said. She smiled back "anytime, longbottom" with that she turned around and went back to her friends. She sat besides Ron and in the other side were Harry and Hermoine. "Are you two going to study for your OWLS?" She heard Hermoine ask. Ron rolled his eyes and ignored her. "I started this morning" Harry answered putting some French toast in Elina's plate. "Good for you. Me and Elina finished, we are just going to start to review everything. We can help you with anything you need" Harry nodded "That would be brilliant. Want syrup?" He asked Elina nodded and was smiling wildly at his cuteness on caring about what she eats.
"That really would be brilliant, because I need all the help I can get" Ron groaned. "Can't disagree. You are a hopeless case, Ronald" Elina smiled innocently. Ron rolled her eyes at her comment and glared at Harry and Hermoine who were nodding. "Whatever. Let's just eat well, because Snape is in our next class" He said. "At least he is not Umbridge" Hermoine replied.


They all stood listening to Harry explain the Patronus and trying to the charm themselves. "Make it a powerful Memory. The happiest you can remember. Allow it to fill you up" He explained. It was another DA meeting and Elina was finding the charm this time really hard. She couldn't think of a happy memory.  "A full-bodied Patronus is the most difficult to produce so don't worry if you didn't get it from the first few tries" He said as he noticed the disappointment in Elina's face. She faked a smile at him and nodded. She tried to think back to when she introduced herself to the trio.

" Hi, umm.. I was wondering if I could set here. All the other compartments are full" Hermoine smiled at her nodding"Of course. Come in". The brunnete put on her best smile and entered setting next to the raven haired boy. "I'm Hermoine, Hermoine Granger. This is Ron Weasley and Harry Potter" Hermoine introduced. "Oh yeah I know who you guys are, I'm not living under a rock" Elina said. "Sorry, I'm Elina Alodia" she extended her hand to Hermoine, which she gladly shook it giving her a sweet smile. " nice to meet you, Elina" Harry smiled at her. She nodded.

Nothing happened. She tried to think of another memory.

"What's on your mind?" Harry asked "Nothing important, really" she said. After a silent moment Elina asked still staring at the lake
"How are you like that?" "Like what?"He furrowed his eyebrows looking at her in confusion. She looked at him. " Happy. How are you so happy and careless? Like the Dark Lord isn't out there waiting to kill you. You are not... scared?" Harry smiled softly " I will be mad if I said I was not scared. But I enjoy the moment while it last" "How? How can you enjoy the moment?" "I don't know. I guess being around people who you care about and they care about you makes it easy" he shrugged. "What if no one cared?" She looked back at the lake. "We do" Harry put his hand in top of hers making her look at him in shock. That wasn't her question but the answer she got made her feel something, and feeling something wasn't a thing she experienced before.

Still nothing at all. She needs something happier. A happier memory...

Her lips an inch away from his. He looked back at her eyes, and then again at her lips. He then suddenly decided to close the distance between them, when his lips touched hers. Her lips was soft and tasted like chocolate. It didn't take much until Elina kissed back, liking the feeling of his soft lips on hers. Their lips moved in sync for a while, Enjoying the soft feeling and butterflies in their stomach. Harry slowly pulled away looking at her eyes again. "You have beautiful eyes, Elina" he whispered. Elina smiled blushing. She didn't know what she was feeling. This feeling. She doesn't understand it. But she definitely liked it.

A small blue light appeared but nothing happened. If the happiest memory in her life wasn't strong enough then maybe she will never do it. Suddenly the room started shaking and a banging noise came from one of the walls. Everyone stopped what they were doing and gathered in front of the wall. A hole was made in the wall "Let me make this quick" a very annoying and familiar voice said. The next second dust filled the room and the wall crushed down revealing Umbridge and a few Slytherin students one of them was Draco Malfoy holding a shameful looking Cho Chang by her Robs. "Grabe them" Umbridge giggled.

Umbridge made them set at the great hall, where the four houses table was replaced for a desk for each one of them, and she made them write lines with her 'special quill'. Elina's hand was now purple because of how many lines she wrote. She didn't feel any pain, she was raised not to. She heard sobbing, so she looked around and saw Dennis Creevey crying. Harry who was two rows ahead of her and three rows to her left, noticed her looking at Dennis and shook his head warning her not to do anything. She sighed and tried to ignore it and continue her writing but soon after she slammed her quill hard to the desk and made everyone turn to her.

"Something wrong, dear?" Umbridge smiled. "Oh. Oh yes there is something wrong" she said standing up. "Elina, please don't do anything stupid. Please, set down..." Ron who was in front of her whispered looking at her desperately, but Elina being Elina couldn't just set down and do nothing when she loses her temper. "This all wrong!! This is touter!! Does the ministry even know you do that?! We are not your age!! We are kids you pink toad!!" She shouted. Everyone's eyes widened at the insult. Hermoine face-palmed. Ron didn't know if he should grin at his friend's awesomeness or stand up and hit her in the head. In the other hand Harry was definitely going to have a serious talk about controlling her anger. Right now, although what she said was awesome, they all knew she was in big trouble.

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