20. Hogsmeade

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Trying to close her jacket, She was stopped, when she bumped into someone. "Watch where you going, you blind dimpo" the person sneered. Elina looked up and was met by the sight of none other than, Draco Malfoy. "Could tell you the same, Malfoy" she noticed him holding a black bag, he hide it behind his back when he noticed her staring. "Going to hogsmeade?" She asked. He pushed past her and walked away mumbling 'none of your business'

"For weeks you carry around this book, practically sleep with it..." Hermione frowned. "and you are not curious to find out who The Half-Blood Prince is?" She asked as the walked through the snow to hogsmeade.

"I didn't say I wasn't curious." scoffed Harry. "I don't sleep with it."

"Yes you do" said Ron. Harry glares at his bestfriend. "Well, it's true. I like a nice chat before I go to bed." Elina, shook her head walking beside him and holding his hand, Harry was surprised at first but relaxed. "Now you're always reading that bloody book. It's like being with Hermione." Elina shrugged. Hermione glares at her and she chuckles. "Well, i was curious. So I went to-" Hermione was cut off by the three of them.

"The Library." The other three chanted in unison. Hermione lookedat them surprised.
Elina raised an eyebrow. "And?"

"And... nothing. There's no reference to the Half-Blood Prince anywhere." She shrugged.

"Good. That settles it then." nodded Harry, while Elina rolled her eyes. Just then Harry saw Professor Slughorn, heading towards the Village, passing Professor Flitwick, who was coming the other way.

"Filius! I was hoping to find you at the Three Broomsticks." greeted Slughorn.

"Emergency choir practice, I'm afraid, Horace." smiled Flitwick. Harry watches the Professor continue on toward the Village.

"Who fanciesa Butterbeer?"Asked Harry, but didn't give them a chance and ran off to the three broomstick. As the trio entered behind, confused, Harry scanned the place.

"No. Over here." Harry said to the trio who was about to set at a table, pointing to another table that gives him a view of the Professor. The three exchange a confused glance, but didn't give it much thought. They ordered their Butterbeer, and waited. Elina and Harry noticed, Draco exit the toilet then the place.

"Harry, I think he's up to-" Elina said suspicious, but was cut off by Ron. "Bloody hell..." muttered Ron. Elina and Harry turns to him, he was glaring at Ginny, who sat with Dean Thomas at a table on the corner.

"Oh, honestly, Ronald. They're just holding hands..." said Hermione angrily.

"And snogging." Elina added as she saw them close the gape between them.

"I'd like to leave." Ron stood up, but Elina kicked his leg and made him sat back down, hissing in pain. "What was that for?!" He hissed. "Don't be ridiculous, Roland Weasley. She sees you snogging, Brown, all the time. We see you snogging her all the time, and we doesn't say anything" she spat.

"Harry, m'boy!" greeted Slughorn, as he approached the quartet. "Hello, sir. Wonderful to see you." smiled Harry.

"So what brings you here, sir?" asked Harry.

"Oh, the Three Broomsticks and I go way back." answered Slughorn. "Longer than I'd care to admit. In fact, I remember when it was simply One Broomstick!"

As Slughorn and Harry made small conversations, laughing. Slughorn spelled his drink at Hermoine.

"Oops! All hands on deck, Granger!" chuckled Slughorn.

Hermione forced a smile, and Elina handed her a handkerchief.

"Listen, m'boy. In the old days, I used to throw together the occasional supper and invite a select student or two." grinned Slughorn. "Would you be game?"

"I'd consider it an honor, sir." Harry nods.

"You'd be welcome too, Granger, Alodia." Slughorn smiled. "Be delighted, sir." Hermoine smiledback.

"Brilliant. Look for my owl." Slughorn turned to Ron. "Good to see you, Wallenby."

Ron frowned and turned to Harry, after Slughorn was gone. "What're you playing at?"

"Dumbledore asked me to... get to know him."
answered Harry.

Elina leaned closer to the table "Get to know him?"she repeated.

"It's about the memory he showed me of him and..." Harry trailed off, hesitating to say his name 8n front of, Elina. "...you know.." They all nodded.

As they walked out of the three broomstick, chatting, Katie Bell and Leanne, walked past them arguing.

Suddenly, the saw Katie Bell fly to the air, then fall to the snow harshly, laying there numb.

"I warned her! I warned her not to touch it!" Leanne cried.

Hermione noticed a package on the ground torn open.

"Get back! All o' yeh!" said Hagrid said as rushed to carry Katie.


"You're sure Katie did not have this in her possession when she entered the Three Broomsticks, Leanne?" asked Professor McGonagall, as she examined the Necklace on the package.

"It's like I said."answered Leanne. "She went to the loo and when she came back she had the package. She said it was important she deliver it." She explained sadly.

"Did she say to whom?" The Professor asked again.

"To Professor Dumbledore." replied Leanne. Elina's worried eyes met Harry's, knowing exactly what this means.

"All right, Leanne. You may go." said the Professor. Leanne nods and left the room. McGonagall turned to the quartet and sighed. "Why is it when something happens, it's always You four?"

"Believe me, Professor, I've been asking myself the same question for six years." Ron shook his head. Snape came and looked at the quartet blankly, then examined the necklace.

"What do you think, Severus?"

"I think Miss Bell is lucky to be alive." answered Snape, narrowing his eyes at the package.

"She was cursed, wasn't she? I know Katie, she wouldn't hurt a fly" Harry inquired . "If she was bringing that to someone, she wasn't doing it knowingly."

"Yes. She was cursed." Professor McGonagall nodded

"It was Malfoy." Elina said, remembering the same package Malfoy was holding a few hours ago. All heads turned to her and Harry nodded in agreement.

"That's a very serious accusation, Alodia." McGonagall said in a low tone.

"Indeed. Your evidence?" Snape asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I saw him holding it, whenI was on my wayto hogsmeade." Elina explained. Snape glares at her darkly, while Professor Mcgonagall, just nodded.

"I suggest you return to your dormitory. All of you." McGonagall commanded.

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