5. Dumbledore's Army

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"I will give you 3 galleons to ask out someone you fancy" Hermoine challenged.

"I will give you 5, if you ask out someone you fancy" Ron challenged back.

Harry, Elina, Ron and Hermoine were at the great hall having dinner. For some reason, Hermoine felt the argue to prove that Ron would never be brave enough to ask someone out. "I don't like anyone" Hermoine denied. Elina scoffed shaking her head. "Oh please, I know someone you're head over heels for" Hermoine furrowed her eyebrows. "You do?" Harry chuckled knowing exactly where this conversation was going. "Yeah, let me give you a hint. He has red hair, a bit lazy and at times, hot-headed, but also funny and intensely loyal. And he is a Weasley" Elina smirked. "Who?" Ron asked clueless.

Elina sighed shaking her head, while Hermoine turned as red as Ron's hair. "Wait you like Fred?"Ron raised his eyebrows.

"No!!" Hermoine snapped.

"Goerge?" Hermoine covered her face in embarrassment and Elina shook her head. Ron went silent for a while, still thinking.

"Wait, you can't like Percy he graduated" Elina facepalmed, Harry burst out laughing hard, and Hermoine became even reder if possible.

Elina looked at him with the 'are you serious?' Look.

Then it hit him. "Oh.OH. Me?"

"No I was talking about the table" Elina sarcastically said.

"I don't like, Ron!!!" Hermoine shouted making most of the gryffindor table look her way. "I-I mean I like you!! But not like, like you, like you. I just like you. As a friend."

"Oh. Oh, yeah. Of course" Ron mumbled.

There was an awkward silent between the four, until Hermoine spoke again. "I will go get ready to sleep, I need to wake up early to study in the library for the OWLS tomorrow. Want to come Elina?" Elina nodded patting Ron's back. "We will see you guys soon"


" 'Not like, like you, like you' really Hermoine?" Elina mocked. "Can you drop it already. How many times do I have to tell you, it came out wrong. Besides I don't fancy him" Hermoine argued. "Sure, Whatever helps you sleep at night, Miss Granger" Elina threw her head back to hit the pillow, facing the ceiling. Hermoine rolled her eyes and rested her back on the back of her bed covering her legs with the blanket and reached the book on her nightstand. "You know, Ron and I were talking the other day-" "of course you were" Elina smirked. Hermoine cleared her throat and continued. "We were thinking that since we are not learning anything useful in Umbridge class, we should find someone who should teach us how we really defend ourselves and how to really pass our OWLS"

Elina shoot up looking at her. "That actually is a good idea. If it involves doing that against Umbridge and without her knowing I'm absolutely in!!" She chimed. Hermoine laughed at her reaction. True she didn't know Elina that well yet but if she knew something about her it would be that she loved situations full adrenaline and that mostly includes breaking the rules. "We think, Harry, is the one who could teach us. He already agreed after a lot of convincing" Elina would usually roll her eyes in annoyance or groan, but she wasn't finding it a bad idea, since she doesn't exactly hate Harry anymore. She actually is starting to enjoy the trio's company for some reason. It wasn't a good idea, that she knew of. She can't get attached. She will have to lead them to there death in the end.

"Can I ask you a question?" Elina wondered.

"Of course"

"Why are you trusting me with telling me this?"

Hermoine raised an eyebrows, taken aback by the question. "Well first of all, no one hates Umbridge as much as you do, so you won't rat us out. And I know for a fact that not even you would go against her, you won't hesitate to use an unforgivable spell on her" she joked

Elina chuckled. "True"

"And second of all, we are friends. you are part of the group. We are the golden quartet" Hermoine smiled.

Elina was shocked. She felt a warm feeling in her stomach she never felt before. She never had friends before who cared enough to tell her that she is 'part of the group'. In fact, the only friend she had was Nagini -her father's snake. "We are?" Asked still in shock. "Of course we are" Hermoine replied. Elina smiled a warm and real smile. "I'm glad we are" after that there roommates came in and they all decided to go to sleep.


Elina, Harry, Ron and Hermoine were sitting in the back of some old bar facing Fred, George and Ginny Weasly, Neville longbottom, luna lovegood, Cho Chang, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, Colin and Dennis Creevey, Lavender Brown, Hanna Abbott, Katie Bell, Angelina Johnon, Romilda Vane and Lee Jordan. Hermoine stood nervously "umm...Hi. so, you all know why were here... we need a teacher. Proper teacher. One who had really experienced defending themselves against the dark arts" "Why?" Romilda asked. "You know why. Because you-know-who is back" Ron answered. "So he says" " so Dumbledore says" "so Dumbledore says because he says. Where's the proof?" "If you could tell us more about Deggory's death, Harry" Hanna spoke. Harry sighed, just when he was about to speak Elina stood up " He is not gonna talk about Deggory. If that's why you're here, might as well you clear out now" Harry give her a smile of appreciation. There was silent for a while until luna spoke up "Is it true you can produce a Petronas charm?"

"Yes. I've seen it" Hermoine answered.

"Wow, Harry. Didn't know you could do that" Lee smiled.

"A-And he killed a basilisk in second year" Neville marvelled. Elina shifted uncomfortably on her seat. Yes, she was the one who opened the chamber at the time.

"And he fought a hundred of dementors at once" Ron spoke proudly.

"And last year he really did fight you-know-who in the flesh" Hermoine added. And that was Elina's work too, of course. She was used to the idea but now that she felt slightly different towards, Harry, the idea bothered her.

"Look... it all sounds great when you say it like that, but most of it was just luck. I didn't know what I was doing half of the time and I nearly always had help-"

"He's just being modest" Hermoine intruppted

"No, Hermoine. I'm not."

"Harry's right. Facing this stuff in real life is not like school" Elina agreed. She, of course, knew all about that being the daughter of the dark Lord himself.

"Exactly, in school if you make a mistake you can just try again tomorrow, but out there when you are seconds away from being murdered or watching a friend die... you don't know what's that like" he continued. "Thank you" he whispered to Elina leaning to the side. She smiled.

"You are right, Harry. We don't. that's why we need your help because if we have any chance of beating..."

"Voldemort" Elina continued for Hermoine, encouraging her to say it.

"Voldemort..." Hermoine smiled at Elina.

"He's really back?" Colin asked.

"Have you been listening, boy?"Elina snapped.

"Elina..." Ron warned, knowing his friend's short temper. Elina rolled her eyes "Sorry, Colin"

Harry nodded answering Colin's question "yeah".

"OK, so if you're in, come and write your name down" Hermoine gestured to the paper on the table beside her. After they signed the paper they were thinking about a place to hold there meetings.

"Shrinking shake ?" Ginny suggested.

"No, it's too small" Hermoine mumbled.

"Forbidden Forst?" The twin asked in unison.

"Everyone nows you two go there. So no" Ron objected.

"It's not our fault we're in there in regular basis" Fred defended. "If they had called it the safe forest we would have never set a foot in it" Goerge shrugged.

Elina chuckled and shook her head. The more she spent time around those people the more she felt that weird feeling warming her stomach again. And she must admit, she most definitely like this feeling.

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