31. Godric's Hallows

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It's been two weeks, since Ron left. The trio were devastated without being the Quartet. What Elina once said was right, they couldn't last two days without Ron, the heart of the group. They all have been distant from one another, especially Hermoine, who barely eats or talk now. Hermione was sitting outside the tent flipping through Tales of Beedle the Bard and some other book. Elina was standing few feets behind her looking at the sky letting the wind play with her hair.

"Hermione! Elina!" Harry called, walking to the two girls. "You were right, Hermoine. It's like you said. Snitches have flesh memories. But I didn't catch my first Snitch with my hand. I almost swallowed it." Harry handed Hermoine the snitch and she observed the words carefully.

" 'I open at the close'? " Elina read standing right behind Hermoine.

"What do you think it means?" Harry asked.

"I don't know." replies Hermione. "But look, I found something as well..."

She opened the front page of The Tales of Beedle the Bard, and pointed to a small drawing of a weird looking eye."At first I thought it was a drawing of an eye, but now I don't think it is. And it's no rune, and I can't find it in the Spellman's Syllabury. Someone drew it here, it isn't apart of the book, someone inked it in" Hermoine explained.

"Luna's dad was wearing that at the wedding," Elina stated, causing the two to turn to her.

"Why would someone draw it in a children's book?" Hermoine questioned, frowning. There was a moment of silent , before Harry spoke again. "Elina, Hermione, I've been thinking...I want to go to Godric's Hallows. It's where I was born, where my parents died—"

"And That's exactly where He will expect you to go." Hermione intruppted shaking her head. "Because it means something to you"

"But, it means something to him too, Hermione," Elina stated, sitting down next to the curly-haired witch. "Elina is right. You-know-Who nearly died there. Wouldn't that be just the kind of place he'd hide a Horcrux?" Harry said.

Hermoine looked between the two, eyeing them "It's dangerous, Harry. But I have to admit, recently even I have been thinking we might have to go. I think it's possible something else is hidden there."

Elina raised her eyebrows. "You mean the sword? Do you think it's there?"

"Yeah! If Dumbledore didn't want it falling into the Ministry's hands, but wanted you to find it, what better place to hide it than the birthplace of the founder of Godric Gryffindor himself?"


"I still think we should've used Polyjuice Potion." Hermoine sighed, looking around the place of Godric's Hallows. Elina and Hermoine were clutching to both Harry's sides.

"No. This is where I was born. I'm not returning as someone else." Harry said shaking his head as a no. Hermoine left his side and walked in front of the couple. As the walked the snowy Street, Harry looked at Elina. "Listen, Elina, I didn't mean what I said that day. It was the locket. I do trust you more than anything. I trust you with my life" He explained. She nodded and gave him a small smile. "I know" she mumbled. They stood in front of graveyard, Harry stopped to stare at it.

"Do you think they'd be in there? My mum and dad?" Harry asked looking down at Elina.

"Yeah. I think they would." Elina nodded.

Harry had walkedto the graveyard, looking at the carved names on the graves. They stopped, as they saw his parents names engraved onto a gravestone. Elina looked over at Harry, who was looking at the grave with hurt and pain. She turned around heading to Hermoine, wanting to give Harry a moment alone, but stopped in her track as she saw a familiar name craved in a gravestone, she slowly approached the grave and her heart attached. 'Maddalena Orcali'. She didn't know why this name was familiar nor why her face started to feel wet as a few tears slipped from her eyes, letting out a shaky breathe, causing Harry and Hermoine's heads to turn to her. Harry saw her stare at a grave and a tear falling from her eyes, he turned around and raced to her side placing his hand on her lower back. "Hey, what happened?" He asked concerned, Hermoine rushing to there side as well.

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