28. the wedding.

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The music were playing softly and everyone was dancing. The tent was colourful from all the bright lights and the beautiful dresses. They were all enjoying the wedding of Bill and Fleur, all except fo Elina who sat watching the couples sway around the dance floor, wishing she could dance as well. But Harry was to busy  sorting things inside his head. She didn't want to complain, understanding that he is not in the mood. Ron saw the bored looking Elina from across the room and rolled his eyes. He walked to the couple his lips pressed in a thin line. "Aren't you going to dance, mate?" Ron asked crossing his arms in front of his chest.

Harry looked up, sighed and turned to Elina. "Sorry, 'lina, not in the mood" he gave her an apologetic look.

"No, no it's alright" she smiled. Ron sighed and extended his hand to Elina. "Then I will steal your girl for this dance" Elina smiled at him and accepted his hand.

Ron pulled her to the dance floor and swayed her around. "Don't mind him, he will come around" he assured.

"I don't. Just worried about him" she said glancing at Harry who was now talking to an old man.

"You look beautiful by the way little sis" He teased.

She giggled "I like it when you call me that, but I like, Elie, more"

"Yeah, Sirius gave you that nickname, I just carried on with his footsteps" He smiled. After they danced for a while more they sat with Hermoine and Ginny.

"Hi there Hermoine" the brunette greeted.

"Thank Merlin, you are here, Ronald. Your Aunt kept telling me how hideous I look" Hermoine grumbled.

"What? Nonsense, you are the most beautiful person here" He said casually, but when he realised what he said, he blushed furiously.

Elina and Ginny grinned at their red faces. "Hey, Hermoine" Ginny smiled innocently.

"Hmm?" The witch looked up at her.

"Would you do me the honor and be my sister in law?" She smirked. Hermoine glared at her, blushing harder.

"Did you just propose to her for me?" Ron asked in disbelieve. Ginny shrugged and Elina was trying not to laugh. "What is it with everyone doing the romantic stuff for me" He mumbled.

"Because, dear brother, you are hopeless" Ginny smirked.

Hermoine cleared her throat and excused her self saying that she will go stop the twins from doing anything stupid. Elina went to grab a drink. They were all clueless to the chaos that is about to happen.

A blue shining ball flew to the room. As it stopped the ball glowed brighter, making silence hunt the place. Everyone watching it carefully. Then a voice came out from it.
"The Ministry has fallen. The Minister of Magic is dead. They are coming..." the ball Vanished and screaming was heard. Then, Chaos.

Elina looked around trying to find her friends between the running crowd. "Harry!" She called as she tried to push through the crowd. "Elina!" She heard him call. She tried to push harder to get to him, but he was nowhere in sight. A person bumped into her, Hermoine. Hermoine grabbed her hand and they pushed together through the crowd until the bumped into Harry and Ron.


A horne was heard, and they moved aside from the middle of a street. They apperated. There were Muggles walking around the streets, cars and Buses drove through. "Where are we?" Elina asked.

"Shaftesbury Avenue." replied Hermione. "I used to come here to the theater with my mum and dad. I don't know why, it just popped into my head." They entered an ally and opened her small bag pulling out some clothes for each.

"We need to change." Hermoine stated, asshe handed each a pair of trousers and t-shirts.

"How the blooy—" Ron said surprised.

"Undetectable Extension Charm." Answered Hermione.

"You're amazing, you are." smiled Ron.

"Always the tone of surprise." She rolled her eyes playfully.

After they changed they found a coffee shop and decided to drink something, while they plan the next step.

"Do you reckon everyone's alright at the wedding? Maybe we should —" Harry asked.

"They were after you two, mate." Ron looked between Harry and Elina "We'd just put everyone in danger going back." Ron explained and the girls nodded in agreement.

The waitress came and stood in front of them.
"Coffee?" She asked

"Cappuccino, please." said Hermione. Elina looked at her as if she never saw her before. Hermoine sighed and shook her head.

"Make it four, please" Harry said cutting the conversation with the waitress short.

Two men entered the Caffè, and stood in front of the counter.

"My rucksack." sighed Harry. "With all my things. I left it back at the Burrow —"

Hermoine shook her bag at Harry. "You're joking." He gaped.

"I had it packed for days. Just in case." Hermoine shrugged.

Harry's eyes travelled to the two men. He noticed them holding there wand, slowly taking it out. "GET DOWN" he shouted pulling Elina down. And they all ducked there heads under the table and pulled out there wands. Harry stopped Elina from raising her wand, while Ron and Hermoine started fighting. "You are not of age yet, they will track you" Harry said and stood up to fight as well. Spells were shot everywhere. The table behind Elina exploded. "Petrificus Totalus!"She heard Hermoine shout, before everything went silent. Elina sighed and stood up to see the two death eaters at the floor.

The waitress came out and was frozen in her place. "Go." said Hermione. "Leave now." The waitress didn't argue, and left.

Elina stood beside the trio eyeing the stunned Death eaters. "This one's name is Rowle." stated Harry. "He was on the Astronomy Tower the night Snape killed Dumbledore."

"This is Dolohov." Ron added, looking at the other one. "I recognize him from the wanted posters." Ron rolls him over with his foot. "So what do we do with you, huh? Kill us if it was turned round, wouldn't you?"

Ron noticed Hermoine's stares and said"Suppose it's him that did Mad-Eye. How would you feel then?"

"It's better we wipe their memories." said Harry. "We kill them, they'll know we were here."

Ron turned to Hermoine and wiped some dust from Hermione's cheek. "You are the best at spells, go ahead"


"How is it they knew we were there?" Harry frowned, as they walked out of the café down the street.

"Mabye, because they still got the trace on me?" Elina asked.

"Yeah, but you didn't use any spells" Hermoine said.

"Doesn't appreating count?"

"Don't know" Hermione stoped in her track. The trio turned to her "What?" Ron asks.

"We didn't celebrate your birthday, Harry." She said. Elina facepalmed and glared at the brunette. "Hermoine—"

"Hermione. I appreciate the thought, honestly. But given that we were almost killed by a couple of Death Eaters a few minutes ago..."  Harry said.

Hermione nodded. "Right. Perspective."

"We've got to get off the streets, get somewhere safe." said Ron, Elina nodded in agreement. It was Harry's turn to stop in his track.

"I have an idea." He said.

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