32. Reunited

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"Elina! Hermoine!" The two witches heard Harry call from outside. They both looked at each other in concern before heading out to check on Harry.

"Is everything alright?" Elina asked, her and Hermoine stood in front of Harry, as she wrapped her hand around her waist pulling her jumper tight to her body.

"Fine. Actually... it's more than fine," Harry nodded stepping aside, Ron weasley stood behind him with an awkward smiled "Hey" he awkwardly waved at them. Elina's face lit up at the sight of her dear bestfriend. "Ron!" Elina grinned. While Hermione's face on the other hand was annoyed and angry. She stomped towards him, hitting him repeatedly. "You- are a -complete- ass, Ronald Weasley! You show up here -after weeks, and you say Hi?" She bellowed.

Elina and Harry watched the scene, giving Ron looks of pity. Harry's hand on her lower back. Hermoine turned to them and Elina gluped. "Where's my wand, Harry?" Hermione asked angrily. reaching for her wand out of Harry's hand. Harry hide the wand behind his back "I don't know," Harry acted innocently. Elina held back her laughters. Hermoine turned to the brunette. "What are you laughing at?" Hermoine hissed. Elina pressed her lips together and raised her hands in surrounded.

Hermione went back to Harry. "Harry Potter!You give me that wand!" She shouted.

"How come he's got your wand?" Ron asked raising a brow.

"Nevermind, how he's got my wand," Hermione mumbled, she then noticed the locket dangling from Ron's grip and the sword from the other hand.

"Is that...?" She asked, and Ron nodded quickly raising the locketin the air to be visible. "You destroyed it..." Elina muttered amazed.

"And how is that you just happened to have the sword of Gryffindor?" Hermione asked, crossing her arms.

"It's a long story" Ron shrugged.

"Don't think this changes anything," Hermione hissed.

Elina facepalmed and rolled her eyes at the bright witch. "Of course not, I only just destroyed a bloody Horcrux, why would that Change anything" Ron snapped sarcastically. "I wanted to come back as soon as I left. I just didn't know how to find you" he added softly.

"How did you find us?" Elina asked joining the argument.

Ron pulled out his Deluminator. "With this. It doesn't just turn out lights. I don't know how it works, but Christmas morning I was sleeping hiding from some Snatchers. When I heard it." he said.

"It?" Elina raised an eyebrow.

"A voice. Your voice, Hermione, coming out of it" Ron answered. Elina looked at Ron in awe.

"And what exactly did I say, if I may ask?" Hermione asked, her expression softening a little.

"My name" Ron breathed. "Just my name. Like a whisper. So, I took it, I clicked it. This tiny ball of light appeared, and I knew. Sure enough, it flew towards me, the ball of light. Right through my chest; right through me; right here." He pointed to his chest where his heart is. "knew that it was gonna take me where I needed to go. So, I disapparated, came to this hillside. It was dark, I had no idea where I was. I just hoped one of you will show yourself. And you did," Ron explained.

After that, Hermoine stormed inside, leaving the three standing there. Elina smiled at the red-haired boy, warmly. He smiled back and opened his arms to her. She hugged her bestfriend tightly. "Happy birthday, Elie" He smiled. Elina chuckled pulling away. "We missed you, Ronald" she said ruffling his hair.

When the three made their way inside the tent, Hermione went out. Ron and Harry sat on a bed while Elina was leg crossed facing them "I've always liked these flames Hermione makes," Ron said, pointing to the flames in the lantern.

"She will come around" Elina assured.

"How long do you think she will stay mad at me?" Ron asked.

"I don't know," Harry answered shrugging. "Just keep talking about that little ball, and it might warm her heart, and she will come around as Elina said"

Elina giggled at Harry's comment making Ron smile at her

"It's true. Every word," Ron said. "This is gonna sound crazy, but I think that's why Dumbledore left it to me. The Deluminator. I think somehow he knew I'll need to find my way back." he confessed.

"Well, at least now we know how one of the things Dumbledore gave to us work" Elina shrugged.

"You haven't figured out anything, new yet?" Ron asked.

"We went to Godric's Hallows. Harry saw his Parents' grave and then we got attacked by Voldemort's snake, and we came here. Oh I forgot the part where Hermoine figured out a weird symbol in the book that Dumbledore left to her." Elina said.

"Hey, I just realized you need a wand don't you?" Ron asked Harry, who nodded. Ron pulled out a wand from his bag. "I got one here. Blackthorn 10 inches, nothing special. I just took it off a Snatcher a few weeks ago. Don't tell Hermione this, but definitely was a troll by the smell of it"

Harry took the wand and turned it around studying it. Hermoine came in and sighed "We need to talk" she said.

"Alright" Elina said standing up and faced the curly-haired witch.

"I want to go see Xenophilius Lovegood," she confessed.

"Excuse me?" Elina asked confused.

"See this? It's a letter Dumbledore wrote to Grindelwald." Hermione pointed out to a letter. "Look at the signature. It's the mark again.it keeps showing up. Here. In Beedle the Bard. In the graveyard in Godric's Hollow-"

"Godric's Hallows? Where?" Elina asked.

"Outside Gregorvitch's wandshop," Harry answered.

"What does it mean?" Ron joined.

"Look, you have no idea where the next Horcrux is, and neither do I. But, this means something, I'm sure of it," Hermione ignore the red-head and continued to speak to Elina and Harry.

"Hermione's right. We ought to see Lovegood. Let's vote. Those in favor," Ron said, raising his hand up, awkwardly.

Hermione rolled her eyes at him. Elina raised her hands as well, with a smile not wanting to embarrasse him.

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