34. Malfoy Manor

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Trigger warning ⚠

They were dragged to the gate of the Malfoy Manor. It was a huge black and dark Manor, but Elina was sure it wasn't darker than her father's. Bellatrixe lestrange walked there way and looked at them through the gate, her eyes widened when it landed on Elina. "Well, well, look who do we have here" she smiled evily.
A Snatcher should her Harry and said that he suspects that it's him. "Get them inside" she ordered.

As Harry was pushed to the ground, held by Bellatrixe, Draco studied his face. The Snatcher grabbed, Elina's hair tighter making her groan. "Well...?" Bellatrix asked Draco.

"I-I can't-can't be sure." The Slytherin boy stuttered.

"Look close, Draco. If we're the ones who hand Potter over to the Dark Lord, everything will be forgiven-"

"Now, we won't forget who actually caught them, I hope, Mr. Malfoy?" questioned Scabior.

"How dare you speak to me like that in my own house!"

"Don't be shy, sweetie. Get close." Bellatrixe said pulling Draco closer to

"What's wrong with his face?" He asked.

"Mmm, Yes. What is wrong with his face?" Bellatrix turns to Scabior.

"We found him this way." The snatcher replies.

Bellatrixe was about to say something when her eyes landed on something a Snatcher was holding. "What is that?" She asked her eyes wide open and a murderous look on her face. "Where did you get that?!" Her voice getting louder

"It was in the girls bag when we searched them. Reckon it's mine now." He shrugged.

In seconds, Bellatrixe went made firing spells at the Snatchers, knocking most of them to the ground making the sword drop as well. She roared at them "Go. GO!"

The Snatchers rushed out of the room and Bellatrixe turned ."Wormtail, Put the boys in the cellar. Leave, Alodia here" she then turned to Hermoine "I want to have a little conversation with these ones. Girl to girl."

Elina heard Ron and Harry shout as they were pushed down stairs to the cellar. Bellatrixe pushed Hermoine to the ground and sat in top of her. Bellatrixe then started to question Hermoine, and when she didn't get the answers she wanted, she grabbed the dagger and started carving at Hermoine's arm, Hermoine letting out painful screams "No! Leave her!" Elina pleaded, watching the scene. Bellatrixe looked up at the brunette, and her anger expression turned to an evil smile. "Well, if she doesn't want to talk, I'm sure you well" Bellatrixe stood up and raised her wand up in the air with a smirk, a flick of her wand made a metal banging sound, making Elina flinch.

Bellatrixe repeated the flick at every step she took closer to the girl, and when she reached her she grabbed her to the floor. Elina winced as her head hit the cold floor. She watched Bellatrixe standing above her. "I believe you are familiar with this spell, aren't you, darling? Curcio"

A loud and painful, heart breaking scream, left Elina's mouth, as she rolled around in the floor trying to push the pain away. "What else did you take from the volut?!" Bellatrixe hissed.

"N-NOTHING! I SWEAR!" Elina screamed. Bellatrixe lifted the curses and turned to one to Wormtail, she ordered him to get the goblin in the cellar. Elina layed at the floor, numb, her eyes feeling too heavy as she looked at her bestfriend laying beside her in the same state.
Elina wasn't conscience to what was happening around her anymore. Her eyes open, but her mind focusing on the pain she felt. She was used to the curse, yes, but she knew if she got it one more time it will effect her.

Her consciousness came back when she felt her self being pulled up and a cold metal was placed to her throat, her head held back by her hair. "Stop or she dies!" She heard the person holding her say. She saw Harry, Hermoine and Ron froze far away across the room.

"Drop your wands!" She heard from near her ears. Elina locked eyes with Harry's dark green ones, they were full of fear and concern. The trio slowly dropped their wands their eyes not Leaving Elina. "Pick them up, Draco!"

A creaking noise was heard from above them, and the next thing Elina knew she was pushed to the ground, but was supported up by Harry. "Elina-"

"I'm fine" Elina cut him off standing up to her feet. She saw Dobby standing behind her. Harry took the wands from Draco and they stood with Dobby.

"You stupid elf! You could have killed me!" Bellatrixe shriked.

"Dobby never meant to kill. Dobby only meant to maim or seriously injure." Dobby said. Narcissa raised her wand at Dobby, but he disarmed him with a flick of his finger.

"How dare you take a witch's wand! How dare you defy your masters." Bellatrixe yelled.

Dobby held his head high "Dobby has no master! Dobby is a free elf, and Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends!"

Harry grabbed Dobby's hand, while holding Elina in his arms. Hermoine took Harry's shoulder, while she was in Ron's arms. And they started appreate, when Bellatrix threw her dagger there way. Crack.

They apperated landing on the sand at a beach. Harry sat up to face a pale-face Hermoine in Ron's arms. "'Moine you OK?" Harry asked concerned. Hermoine didn't answer looking behind Harry. Harry looked up to Ron and saw him look the same way. "Elie..." Ron mumbled. Harry turned around to the sight of Elina standing clutching her side as a dagger was stabbed in her stomach, blood dripping around it.

Harry rushed to her and supported her by her arm. "Elina..." He scanned the injury where the dagger was, then looked up to her pale face. "I'm...alright" Elina said looking up at him Harry shook his head "Come on let's get you inside" as he was about to walk her inside, she dropped to her knees, then slowly layed her self on her back. Harry dropped down beside her whipping her face with his hand. "Angle..."

"Just... catching... my.. breathe" Elina breathed. Harry saw Ron rush inside the cottage to call for help, the turned back to Elina.

"Alright, alright. Take your breathe" he soothed. Elina felt the burning feeling in her stomach and the pain grow, causing her eyelids to feel heavy. "No, Elina, listen to me. Don't close your eyes. Stay with me, babe" Harry instructed.

Elina nodded. "Just... just..catching... my breathe" Elina managed to say before she gave up and closed her eyes. And it was dark.

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