19. Sixth year

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"What is he on about?" Ron asked as the quartet now were on the train on there way to hogwarts. Elina's head was on Harry's shoulder playing with zipper of his jacket, listening to their conversation. "We saw Malfoy at Borgin and Burkes looking at a cabinet with his mother and some others" Hermoine explained. Elina raised an eyebrows "and?"

"Harry is under the impression that Draco Malfoy is a death eater" Hermoine said.

"What?"Elina sat up straight at the mention of death eaters. She hasn't shown anyone her mark yet, and she don't think she is planning to, she didn't want to lose there trust again.
"It's a creepy shop, he's a creepy bloke" she heard Ron say ending the conversation that she zoned out on. Harry squeezed Elina's legs lightly before standing up "I need some air" he said leaving the compartment.

After they arrived at hogwarts Ron helped with Elina's trunks as Hermoine supported her, she was now able to walk properly but still needed support. "Where is Harry?" Elina asked her two friends who shrugged. "Probably already at the platform, come on" answered Hermoine.


"Will you. Stop. Eating!!" Hermoine hissed at Ron as she hit him with the book in her hand "Your best friend is missing!!" Ron swallowed and glared at her "Turn around you, lunatic!"

Elina and Hermoine turned to look to the entrance of the hall and found Harry and luna entering. Harry was covered in blood holding a handkerchief to his nose. "Why is it he always covered in blood?" Elina sighed.

"Looks like it's his own" Ron pointed as Harry took a seat to Elina's left.

"What happened to your face? And where were you?" Elina asked in concern. He gave her a small smile and said "later, angle. What did I miss?"

"The sorting hat said we ought to have patience, easy for it to say, it's a hat" Ron grumbled.

"Very best of evenings to you all" Professor Dumbledore greeted, making the hall fall silent. "Let me introduce the newest member of our staff, Horace Slughorn" He introduce a fat, old man, with silver hair. "Professor Slughorn, has agreed to resume his old post, as potion master" the quartet exchanged confused glances. What about Snape?

"Meanwhile, Professor Snape will take the post of Defense against the dark arts" Ron groaned and mumbled 'great' sarcastically under his breath. "As you know, each and everyone of you were searched upon arrival tonight, and you have the right to know why. Once, there was a young man. Like you, sat in this very hall. Walked this castle's corridors. Slept under this very same roof. You see, to all the world, he was a students like any other. His name: Tom Riddle"

Elina flinched at the mention of her fathers name ."Hey you alright, angle?" Harry Asked concerned. She closed her eyes, took a deep breathe, opened them and nodded, smiling. "Yeah I'm perfectly fine, why wouldn't I be?"

"......Which is why as I stand looking out upon you tonight, I'm reminding you of a sobering fact. Everyday, Every hour, perhaps this very minute, dark forces attempt to penetrate these castle's walls" Dumbledore gaze now went to the Slytherin table, and Elina could swear he was looking at Malfoy. "But in the end, the greatest weapon, is you." Now he looked straight into Elina's eyes and smiled and then looked around. "Just something to think about. Now, off to bed"

"That was cheerful" Ron mumbled sarcastically again. Elina rolled her eyes at Ron's sarcasm and stood to leave like the others.


The first day was quite enjoyable for Elina. For the first time She was glad she's back. The trio finally let her walk around without help. She didn't like being alone anymore, but it was nice to walk without having someone to support her. She was now at the second class for the day, Potions. She was seated next to Hermoine listening to Professor Slughorn explain about one of the potions presented in front of them. Harry and Ron came in and stood awkwardly at the door.

"Harry, my boy" Slughorn greeted the teenage boy. "I was beginning to worry. You brought a friend, I see"

"Ron Weasley, sir" Ron introduced. Elina noticed Lavender sigh dreamily at Ron. She looked to her right and to her relief Hermoine didn't notic. "But I'm dead awful at potions. A menace, actually, so I'm probably just gon—" Ron was turning to leave but Harry blocked his way smirking at him. "Nonsense, we'll sort you out" Slughorn said. "Any friend of Harry is a friend of mine, get your books out"

"I'm sorry, sir, but I actually don't have my book, and neither has Ron" Harry said awkwardly.

"Not to worry, get what you want from the cupboard" Slughorn pointed to the cupboard and turned back to the class. Hermoine and Elina watched as their two friends were fighting at the cupboard then picking a book and taking a seat at the back.

"Dose any one knows what that is?" The professor asked looking at the class. Hermoine and Elina raised their hands. "Yes, Miss...?"

"Alodia, sir" Elina introduced. "That is Amortentia, the most powerful love potion in the whole world. It's known to smell differently to each person according to what attracts them" she explained.

"Can you tell us what you smell, Miss Alodia?" Slughorn asked the brunette. Elina nodded and came closer to the potion. She closed her eyes as she was lost in the smell. "I smell woody scent of broomstick handle, cinnamon, and vanilla ..." she mumbled pulling herself away from the potion. Hermoine was smirking at her and nudged her slightly. She felt someone's breathe near her ear. "Is that what you smelled? Me?" He whispered teasingly. She was trying not to melt at his breathes "shut up, Potter" she whispered.

"Now Amortentia doesn't create actual love, of course. That's impossible. But it does cause a powerful infatuation or obsession and that's why it's possibly the most dangerous potion in this classroom" Slughorn explained. "Now, what I offer each of you today, One tiny vial of liquid luck to the students who in the hour that remains, manages to brew an acceptable Draught of living dead" he explained as every one started working.

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