17. pain

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Darkness. It was all what Elina saw when she opened her eyes. She couldn't see anything. A chill was sent down her spine as there was coldness too. She tried to stand up but failed due not seeing anything. She then remembered what happened before she pass out, panic rose within her, but before she could do anything, she heard a moving metal sound and a bright light was seen as the metal door opened. "Ah, you are finally awake" a raspy dark voice said. She shivered, recognising the owner of the voice. "What do you want?" Elina's voice cracked from the fear.

"Bring her down for me" He said leaving the dark room. A dark woman came into the room and Elina only recognised her when the woman pushed her out of the room into the light. Bellatrixe dragged her all the way down the dark stairs by the hair, into a large room with only a green flames in the fireplace and a large chair in the right side of the room that Voldemort sat on. Bellatrixe throw Elina in the middle of the room in front of The Dark Lord. Elina gritted her teeth and glared at Voldemort in anger. "You didn't think you would betray me without punishment, did you, dear?" Voldemort hissed standing from his chair, raising his wand at the brunnete.


And just with this simple word, Elina's scream echoed through the room, making Voldemort smile and Bellatrixe laugh. Elina felt daggers cut right through her none stop. Her her head was burning and tears streamed down her face in pain. She wished he would stop for a second so she could catch her breathe, but he didn't. Her screams were getting louder by the minute, but he still didn't stop. After what felt like years, he finally stopped, causing Elina to drop lifeless at the floor, not able to move a single muscle, tears falling down her eyes like a waterfall.

"Take her back to the dungeon. I think that's enough for now" Voldemort said with an evil grin.

Elina she felt herself float in the air and after a while she was thrown harshly inside the dungeon, letting out a crie of pain. Every thing went dark again when the door was closed. Elina sobbed hard trying to get herself to sit up, but she couldn't. A sound of banging on the metal door like a ticking clock was heard. She never needed Harry more than now.


"I just owled Dumbledore. He will know how to find her" Mr Weasley assured. Harry was pacing around the room pulling his hair tightly in his hand. The sun was out declaring it was morning and they still don't know what to do. Hermoine was biting her nails and rocking her self back and forth in her seat, as soon as she entered the Burrow she was met with this horrifying news. Ron was nervously tapping his leg to the floor. "They can't kill her. He need her for something. He can't hurt her" Rumes explained, Fred and George were sitting on the counter beside were he stood. Fear and panic hunted the Burrow. They all cared for her.

They just wish they could see her again soon to tell her how much. They wish.


Two weeks have based and The order still haven't found any trace of Elina. Harry didn't stay at the Burrow for one minute. He always went with the order for searching and would go to the 12 Grimmauld place after that. He was terrified of losing her. He regrets being distant to her even though she broke his trust. He missed her.

Meanwhile, Elina layed lifeless on the floor, after Voldemort used the Cruciatus Curse on her for Merlin's know how many times. In her left arms burned the mark of darkness. They give her the mark when she was unconscious. She was surprised she didn't lose her sanity, but yet again she wouldn't know if she is sane or not. Her body felt numb, She couldn't move, all she can do is cry. The banging noise was now making her flinch with every bang. She was hungry, thirsty, cold and scared. She had even begged to be killed from the pain she felt. She can't take it anymore. Harry please...Where are you?. She thought.

Rumes ran to the room with Tonks were Harry, Hermoine and the Weasleys where. "Dumbledore has found her" He panted. "You-know-who has a Manor, we are going to get her now"

Harry stood up a mix of relief and excitement in his expressions. "I'm coming with you"

"We. We are coming with you" Hermoine corrected.

"No you are not" Tonks said.

"You know that we will follow you if you don't let us come, so you might as well let us" Harry protested. Rumes sighed and nodded.


Elina was dragged down to the same large room again, kneeling weakly in front of Voldemort. "Haven't you learned your lesson, daughter dearest? Are you still being stubborn?" Voldemort hissed venom dripping from his voice. Elina looked up at him, scrunching her face in disgust. "I will never be in your side again" she whispered. She screamed in pain as Voldemort fired the Cruciatus Curse at her again. "Kill me!!!— KILL ME!!" She screamed in pain. "Oh but dear I already told you, I still need you" Voldemort said removing the curse. He signaled to Bellatrixe to take her back to the dungeon.

As the door of the dungeon closed, Elina's eyes was forced into the darkness again. She layed at her back her hands was besides her head, sobbing loudly and flinching again when the banging started. She cried and cried desperately. She was tired of this. As the banging noise stopped, panic took over her, Voldemort couldn't want her again could he?

The door opened slowly, letting the light from the outside in. She couldn't look up to see who opened the door, but she was sure it was Bellatrixe again. "Elina..." a familiar voice whispered quietly. It cannot be, can it?
Harry's heart sank at the sight of Elina laying on the cold floor not moving. Her face was pale and her eyes were red, tears running down her cheeks. He knelt beside her taking her head into his lap brushing the hair out of her face.

"Harry? I-Is t-t-that y-you?" His eyes became teary at the sound of her weak voice. "Shh, everything gonna be alright. Dobby will be here in a minute to appreate us out" he whispered reassuringly. Ron, Hermoine and Tonks entered the dungeon. Hermoine gasped In horror at the sight, while Ron knelt down beside her holding her hand. "Bloody hell..." He mumbled. "Moody and Rumes is garding the door, as soon as Dobby appears you all apperate to the Burrow and let Molly take care of Elina. Dobby will come for us a minute later" Tonks explained, and as if he heard her mention him Dobby appeared in front of them. "Dobby take them to the Burrow and come back to us—" Tonks was intruppted by a a sound from the outside "Stupify!" They heard Rumes shout. "Now!!" Tonks shouted. Harry clutched Elina into his arms and Held Ron's hands who held Hermoine's, who held Dobby's and then they apperated.

As they hit the Burrow's kitchen floor, Harry stood up carrying Elina in his hand and rushed to Ginny's room, Everyone following behind. He layed the now unconscious Elina on the bed slowly and gently. Molly came to observe her injuries, gasping at her state. "Oh, dear" Molly gasped feeling her eyes started watering. "Everyone get out, I need to see if there is any other injuries" Molly said turning to the whole house now standing in the room. Everyone left quietly, Harry took a last look at his weak girl before leaving the room as well, tears in his eyes.

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