36.Gringotts bank

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"I hate this. I hate this so much" Elina complained frowning, her arms crossed to her chest. They were outside the cottage, standing far from the water. Hermoine was trying to make her take the Polyjuice Potion, but she kept on saying how much of a bad idea it is. Ron huffed and rolled his. "You hate every plan we make, Elie. Stop complaining and take the Potion already"

"Well, Ronald, maybe because every time we plan it always go wrong!" Elina argued

"How do you know that this time will be no different?" Ron Crossed his arms to his chest.

"Because I'm always right. I bet you 10 galleons that this is going to be hell" Elina challenged.

"Alright..." Ron hesitantly accepted the bet.

"Can you, for Merlin's sake, stop bickering for once you two!" Hermoine snapped, forcing the bottle of Polyjuice into Elina's hand.

Elina looked at her suspiciously. "You're sure it's hers?" Ron and Harry grinned giving each other knowing looks.

"Positive" Hermione replied.

"You sure it's not a cat's hair" Harry asked teasingly. Hermoine glared daggers at the two boys.

"Cat's hair?" Elina asked confused and startled.

Harry smirked and turned to Ron. "Ron remember when Hermoine turned to a cat?"

Ron grinned and nodded. "Yeah' second year. She had a tail, whiskers and dark soft fur- what?"

Ron stopped when Hermoine looked at him in disbelieve. "Hey, don't blame you looked so cute" he shrugged, she blushed and cleared her throat.

Elina's eyes widened and handed the potion back to Hermoine, shaking her head. "Nope, I'm not taking that. Don't trust you anymore"

"See what you did, you two?" Hermoine glared at Harry and Ron.

"Come Elina, it was on second year. Don't you always trust me with spell and potions?" Hermoine pleaded.

Elina sighed in defeat and took the potion and went far from their sight. Hermoine changed some of hers and Ron's features, making them unrecognisable. When Elina came back as Bellatrixe, they all looked at her amazed.

"Well, how do I look?" Elina asked uncomfortably.

"Hediouse..." Ron replied.

"Why thank you" she sarcastically said crossing her arms. "Do you know how much uncomfortable I am, looking like the one who torture me?"

"Sorry, love" Harry gave her an apologetic look.

"Let's go shall we?" Hermoine asked and they all nodded.

"Let's get this over with" Elina mumbled.


"Identification." said the Goblin, without looking up. Elina stood in front of him, Ron and Hermoine few feets behind, and Harry and Griphook under the Invisibility Cloak.

"I hardly think that will be necessary." Elina spoke confidentiality.

The aged Goblin looks up, and his eyes lands on Hermione, then at Amelia.

"Madam Lestrange." greeted the Goblin, as he looked up at her.

"I want to enter my vault." Elina spat.

"I see." He eyed her carefully. " Excuse me for a second " The goblin went to talk to another

"Hurry up, will you?" Elina glared. "I don't like to be kept waiting."

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