26. rescue

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As Elina finished putting her hair on a ponytail, Ron knocked at the open door. He approached her and rested his hand on her shoulder. "You ready, Elie?" He asked her giving her a smile. She nodded and smiled back trying to hide her anxiousness. They were on there way to get Harry out of the Dursleys house, without him being caught. Voldemort have been putting a death eater around everywhere. Everything has changed. As they arrived at the Dursleys house. The door flew open and Elina jumped on Harry. "Woah, I miss you too, angle" He chuckled. Ron and Hermoine joined the hug a second later.

Their reunion was cut short when Mad Eye Moody cleared his throat and pushed past them. "Let's say we get undercover, before someone blows you," Mad Eye grumbled. They entered the empty house, and stood in the empty living room. Harry had turned to Kingsley Shacklebolt "Kingsley, weren't you looking after the Prime Minister?"

"You are more important." Kingsley smiled.

A couple joined them instead. A man with red-haired and a beautiful blonde girl. "Hello, Harry. Bill Weasley," the red head introduced himself. He then turned to Elina and smiled. "You must be the famous, Elina. Our 'sister'" Bill smiled playfully. Elina raised her eyebrows in confusion, then looked to Ron. "What? You are as good as" Ron smiled shrugging. Elina smiled sweetly at him, then turned to the girl.

Elina eyed the familiar blonde girl. "You must Be Fleur. I know you from the tournament" Elina shook her Hand.

Harry scaned the scar that was on Bill's cheek. Bill noticed his stares and smiled at him. "Happened while fighting a werewolf called Greyback. I would like to return the favor one day."

"You're still beautiful to me, Billy," Fleur said patting his arm.

"Just remember Fleur, Bill takes his steak
on the raw side now" Remus commented earning a laugh from the group around him.

"My husband, the joker," Tonks smiled, placing a hand on Rumes chest.

"No time for cozy catch up. We have to get the hell out of here," Mad Eye intruppted. "Potter, Alodia, you are underage, which means you've still got the trace on you" Mad Eye explained.

"What is the trace?" Harry asked, looking confused.

"If you sneezed, the Ministry will know who wiped your nose," Mad Eye explained, using a quite interesting example.

"It's creepy, trust me" Elina added earning a glare from Moody.

"The point is that we have to use those modes, of transport which the trace can't detect. Brooms, Thestrals, we'll go in pairs" Mad Eye Moody explained. "That way if anything is out there waiting for us, and I reckon there will be. They won't know which Harry Potter is the real one."

"The real one?" Harry asked, not liking what he understood.

"I do believe you are fully aware of this particular brew," Mad Eye said, taking out a bottle of Polyjuice Potion.

"No, absolutely not," Harry refused.Elina rolled her eyes at him.

"No, if you think that I'll let everyone risk their lives for me-"

"Have done it before, haven't we?" Ron asked from behind him.

"No, no, this is different. Taking that, becoming me. No," Harry shook his head in disapproval.

"Harry, shut up, for a second. First of all, you don't have a say in the matter. Second of all, you don't have a say in the matter!! We are doing it. End of discussion." She hissed in annoyance.


"Potter." She narrowed his eyes at him and he gulped.

"Well, none of us really fancy it, mate," George said.

"Yeah, imagine if something went wrong, and we be stuck as scrawny, specky git forever," Fred joked grinning.

"Everyone here is of age, Potter. Except for, Alodia, who will just wear this. " Mad Eye said, throwing a cloak at her. "They all agreed to take the risk," he went on. "Alright Granger, as we discussed."

Hermione walked up behind Harry, pulling a strain of hair from his head, giving it to Mad Eye Moody. "Blimey, Hermione," Harry hissed in pain, rubbing the back of his head.

"For those of you who haven't taken Polyjuice Potion before, fair warning, it taste like goblin piss," Mad Eye warned, handing the bottle to Fred.

"Have enough experience with that do you, Mad Eye?" Fred asked smirking . Mad Eye Moody glared daggers at him. "Just trying to defuse the tension," he causally said.

As everyone took the potion, they slowly turned into Harry, which Elina didn't really find looking at seven Harry's a nice thing.
"we're identical!" grinned Fred and George. Elina rolled her eyes. "Like you weren't before" she mumbled.

"Not yet you aren't." Moody gave each an identical cloths.

"Don't have something a bit more sporty, do you?" asked George.

"Yes, don't fancy this colour." added Fred.

"You'll need to change too, Potter." Mad Eye demanded.

"Harry, your eyesight really is awful," Hermione pointed out, putting on the glasses.

"Everyone will have a protector. Mundungus, stick tight to me. I want to keep an eye on you. As for Harry," Mad Eye looked around trying to find him. "The real Harry. Where the devil are you, anyway?".

"Here," Harry said from the back of the room.

"You ride with Hagrid."

"I brought ya' her' 16 yea's ago, when ya' we'e no bigge' than a bowt'uckle. Seems only right tha' I should be the one tha' takes ya' away." Hagrid smiled.

"Yes, this is all very touching. Let's go," Mad Eye rolled his eyes abd went outside, Everyone following.

Harry hugged Elina and kissed her on the lips. He then coverd her properly with cloak. "Be careful" Elina nodded and went to ride the broom with Rumes.


As Rumes and Elina landed in front of the Burrow the rushed in. They were attacked. Which didn't surprise Elina at all. "Harry!!" She called as she threw her arms around him. "Are you alright?" She asked pulling away, He nodded at her with a smile. She then looked to the couch, where George was laying, blood coming out of his left ear. Suddenly, Remus grabbed Harry pushing him against a wall, pointing his wand at him. "Remus?!" Elina shouted.

"What creature sat in the corner the first time when Harry Potter visited my office in Hogwarts?" Rumes asked Harry.

"Are you mad?" Harry shouted.

"What creature?!" Remus shouted louder.

"A Grindylow," Harry answered. Remus nodded, and let go of Harry.

"We have been betrayed. Voldemort knew you were being moved tonight. I had to make sure you weren't an imposter," Remus explained.

They went outside to wait for the rest. Hermione and hugged Elina, then Harry. Ron and Tonks appeared not long after, and Hermoine rushed to embrace Ron. Mr Weasley and Fred had came after , and Fred ran to check on his twin, all following behind.

"How are you feeling, Georgie?" Fred asked as he sat on the ground in front of him.

"Saint like," George mumbled.

"Come again?"

"Saint like. I'm holey, Fred. Get it?" George grinned pointing to the hole in his head.

"A whole wide world of ear related humor, and you go for holey. Pathetic." Fred chuckled smiling slightly.

"Reckon, I'm still better looking than you." George smiled.

"Oh I can confirm that" Elina joined in smiling.

A silence fell upon the room, and was Broken by Bill. "Mad Eye is dead" Everyone grieved in silence, not knowing what to say.

"You guys better go change and rest." Molly said as she shooed everyone upstairs.

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