3. feel something

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Elina walked out of the classroom, Harry and Ron trailing behind. "You didn't have to do that, you know. Defending me." Said Harry. "I know, but I wanted to." Trying not to kill the boy. "That was so bold of you to speak his name. I mean, the only one who dared to do that is Harry." Ron smiled. Hermoine passed the three. "You have got yourself a detention in the first day, how great." she said, walking away. "Is she always like that?" Elina wondered out loud. "If she hasn't said that, I would be terribly worried." Ron replied. "She is always like that," Harry sighed, then turned to face Elina. "I guess I will see you later," Elina nodded with a smile. " See you." Harry walked away with Ron on his side, waving goodbye for Elina. She can't believe she will have to put up with them the whole year.

Setting at the great hall for dinner was something Elina was happy to do. She was starving. As she filled her plate with the different kinds of food, Harry, Hermoine, and Ron sat with her. Hermoine is sitting next to her while Ron and Harry come across from her. She wanted to scream in frustration, but instead, she tried to smile. "Hi guys, lovely of you to join me," Hermoine smiled. "We thought that we could keep your company instead of you sitting alone," Ron explained. "How sweet of you, really?" Harry smiled at her words. After dinner, Elina stood up. "I think I have to go to Detention now." Harry stood up as well."I will go with you. See you guys later. "


Harry knocked on the door of the professor's office and entered Elina behind him. "Oh, come in, dear. Take a seat, " the professor gestured from them to set. Harry took a seat, and Elina followed his action. "Today, you will be writing some lines. Oh no, dear, no need for  the quill. You will be using a special one of mine, " Umbridge giggled, handing them two quills. "Where's the ink?" Elina asked, annoyed. "You won't need it. Now I need you to write 'I must not tell lies.' "How many times?" Harry asked. "Let's say until the message sink in" with that both teenagers started writing.

When Elina started to write her third line, she felt a sharp pain in her left hand. She hissed in pain and looked at her hand. The words ' I must not tell lies' were now carved in her hand. She glared at Umbridge, who was smiling, then looked at Harry, who was looking at her in pain. "Yes, dear?" Giggled Umbridge. Elina shook her head and continued writing. It hurts, of course, but Elina wasn't planning on showing any emotion. She was used to much sharper pain.

After Umbridge let them go, she stood up and rushed out of the office. Harry followed and grabbed her wrist, turning her around and stopping her. "Are you alright? Let me see your hand, " he asked, concerned. She started at him blankly while he grabbed her hand and examined it. "Hermoine must know a healing potion or something." his dark green eyes met Elina's Hazel ones. He was amused by her not showing any weakness. "I'm fine, really, Harry. There's no need to worry, though a healing potion would be great. I don't want this scar to stay forever. " she faked a smile. Harry nodded.


"She's mental!!" Ron exclaimed. "You have to tell Dumbledore, Harry!!" Hermoine agreed. It was one in the morning, and the four were sitting in the common room. Hermoine was applying a healing potion to Elina's hand after she finished Harry's, while Ron was telling them how mental Umbridge was every five minutes. "I can't believe she did that!! She's mental!! You guys are only fifteen!!" Ron continued to complain. Harry sighed. " We know, Ron. Stop already. " After Hermoine finished with applying the potion, she went to  get some sleep dragging Ron with her so he could stop complaining. Elina was staring at the fireplace deep in thought. The trio was making a big deal out of a scar made by a professor, while she found it nothing compared to what she was raised with. The scar in her hand was nothing compared with the ones on her back or even the ones on her stomach. There were also scars on her legs. Harry cleared his throat, snapping her out of her thoughts. "Are you sure you are alright?" She nodded, smiling. "Yeah, I am. It's no big deal, really. Doesn't really hurt. " Harry nodded slowly. "I'm impressed. I was so worried that it would hurt you, but I am really impressed how it didn't even bother you."

"Well then, I'm glad that I impressed you, Mr Potter." Elina smirked, standing up.

"If Voldemort is really back as you say....A war is coming, Harry. If I'm gonna be hurt by a quill, then dying would scare me. And if dying scared me, I will never survive, " and with that, Elina left the common room. Elina's words made Harry raise his eyebrows amused. He never met someone who thinks like that before. This girl is definitely something. He thought.


As the days passed, Elina found herself occupied by doing school work. She would sometimes try and spend her time with the trio, which she preferred the school work much better than that. The trio has found her company quite enjoyable. They would invite her to set with them in the great hall. Hermoine found talking to her before sleeping in their dormitorie, something fun to do. Elina was glad that her plan was slowly working. She saw how they slowly started to include her in their group. But as those days passed, Umbridge was taking over the school. Her stupid rules filled the wall outside of the great hall. And that was making Elina on the edge.


The wind was playing with the boughs of the tree Elina sat under. She watched as a leaf landed slowly at the surface of the lake. Her dark brown hair was dancing with the wind. She was thinking about the trio. How can they be so happy with everything going on? How can Harry be happy knowing that the Dark Lord was after him? She couldn't understand. They always joke around as they don't give a care of what was happening ou there. But then again, not everyone was raised to feel nothing. Not everyone was raised just to fight in a war. Drowned in her thoughts, she didn't notice someone sitting beside her. "You seem thoughtful," the person stated. She whipped her head his way, surprised by the sudden company. "Oh, Harry. I didn't see you coming. "
"I'm not surprised you didn't. You were zoned out, " Harry smiled.

"What's on your mind?" He asked

"Nothing important, really."

There was silence for a moment

"How are you like that?"Elina asked, still staring at the lake.

"Like what?"He furrowed his eyebrows, looking at her in confusion.

She looked at him. "Happy. How are you so happy and careless? Like the Dark Lord isn't out there waiting to kill you. You are not... scared?"

Harry smiled softly. "I will be mad if I said I was not scared. But I enjoy the moment while it lasts"

"How? How can you enjoy the moment?"

"I don't know. I guess being around people who you care about and they care about you makes it easy, " he shrugged.

"What if no one cared?" She looked back at the lake.

"We do," Harry put his hand in top of hers, making her look at him in shock. That wasn't her question, but the answer she got made her feel something, and feeling something wasn't a thing she experienced before. "I have to go check if Ron had convinced Hermoine to detch studying for a while to sat with us. You can join us. We enjoy your company." Harry said, standing up, dusting his trousers. Elina smiled, and for the first time, it was a real smile. His words had affected her somehow. "Thank you... You go, I will be there in a few minutes. " Harry nodded, walking away. The smile never left Elina's face when she looked back to the lake. Why was all of a sudden she hated Harry less than normal?

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